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Falling for Jondar

Posted on Thu Jun 18th, 2020 @ 9:32pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Sadie Hawkins & Cadet Freshman Grade Jondar Sito

Mission: To Keep Moving Forward
Location: Campus Gym
Timeline: 2388/09/01 0730 (Mon. Sept. 01 2388 7:30am)

Jondar's fist grabbed the hold in the climbing wall and he checked his footing before pushing up, his muscles working smoothly under the workout clothes to move his steadily up the wall. His focus on its total. Elsewhere in the gym many cadets worked out in various ways with different equipment. The gym was full, this was a popular time to come as many cadets had this as an open period after breakfast.

Sadie strutted into the gym. Her gym suit clung tightly to her body. She looked around wondering if anyone that she cared about was in there. She looked to her left and right. No Hunter. However, a familiar shape was on the climbing wall. She decided to make chase.

Springing over to the climbing wall, she secured a spot next to Jondar and worked quickly to catch up to him, climbing somewhat recklessly. In fact, she was so reckless that when she was about halfway up the wall, she lost her grip and was dangling by one arm and leg. "Shit!" she called up. "A little help?" her voice called out with some desperation creeping in as her arm's muscles started to strain.

Jondar glanced over, it was that girl who kept messing with Phoebe which did not endear her to him but he also noticed she wasn't wearing a safety harness like he was and gave a mental sigh. He wanted to ignore it but he was at hear a Paladin. So he swung over, looking at her through the visor of the safety helmet he wore, his ponytail sticking out the back and held out his hand, "Better with a Harness." He said.

Sadie grabbed Jondar's hand and allowed herself to be pulled by Jondar. "Where's the fun in life when you always play it safe?" she asked she was pulled to a more solid footing.

After she was secure Jondar surprised himself with a bark of laughter, honesty forced him to admit, "True enough" Then he continued, "To a point, not busting your head is a fine thing as well." He tapped his helmet, "I keep all my best stuff in here..." He said, in a polite but friendly manner so naturally to his being. "Just watch it, you don't want to be why the Medicos have a busy day." And with that, he returned his attention to his own climb.

Sadie tugged on Jondar's leg and grinned up at him, "Perhaps you should help me climb so that I don't bust my head." She smiled up sweetly and hopefully at Jondar.

Jondar looked down and for a moment thought she was pretty when she wasn't being a bit pushy but he had a girlfriend that he was super into and that distracted his interest quite well. Normally being a shameless flirt himself he knew the signs and had to figure out a nice way to get out of it as his mind set off warning signals. An idea occurred and he pushed away from the wall and slide down to below and next to her. "If you fall I might catch you." He joked and braced himself, just hanging out on the wall. "Remember to test your hand or foothold before transferring your full weight." He added helpfully.

"You might catch me?" Sadie replied with mock horror. "Heaven's save me!" She gave a tiny giggle. Rather than pressing her luck and putting her hand or foot on Jondar, another approach was obviously required. Something more subtle was needed.

She smiled inwardly at herself. Yes, we need to become besties. That's how to get to Phoebe. She'll just love that! She gave Jondar a genuine smile and replied, "Well, perhaps you should show me how to properly test for a hand or foothold. Just remember, no flirting with me! You," she emphasized the word, you, heavily. "You have a girlfriend."

"Just so long as you remember too." He quipped back, well at least she knew he had one. He chose to deal with that later if ever and focused on the moment. He was good at focusing on the moment especially with complicated things that required more thought. "First you always test it before putting your weight on it and never go to full reach, you'll need some of that to heft yourself."

Sadie gave Jondar a shit eating grin and asked, "You don't want me to reach? Seems counterproductive for hefting!" Sadie snickered at Jondar. Yes, this is a much better route. More time consuming but much more destructive for Phoebe.

"The idea is not to overextend, if it's a bad hold you want to have the ability to go back. If you commit to a path before you're sure and it's bad you could be in trouble." He clarified, focusing on the instruction. Something he was learning he had a knack for.

"Oh, trust me, Jondar, once I commit to a path, I'll keep to it." She gave him a mischievous smile and then pulled it back. "Perhaps you should help me find my reaches?" she told him sweetly.

Jondar didn't doubt it. Not for the first time he wondered just what she and Phoebe had fought about. Until he talked to Phoebe he didn't feel right bringing it up. "I don't disbelieve it." He said honestly. From what little he'd seen she was pretty persistent. His chronometer on his wrist beeped and he glanced at it. "Right well I've got to go now. I can let someone know you're up here to act as belaying buddy. Just hold still" As he talked he was making his way carefully down the face of the climbing wall.

"Oh, for God's sake," she called down back after Jondar as she started to slowly maneuver down the wall. "Why are you as jumpy as a flea any time that we talk? It isn't as if I have the plague. Trust me, I would know if I did. I'm a medical student." She climbed down another step uncertainly. Her grip started to loosen a bit as she talked and failed to pay attention to her task.

"It's not that I've got places..." He had been going to say 'to be' but he'd glanced up at her as he paused in his descent, "Focus on your hands and feet." He said he didn't quite snap it not wanting to surprise the new climber but it had enough command in it to hopefully get her attention back where it needed to be.

"Stay here with me and be my guide," Sadie countered. "Please?" she asked, blinking her eyes at him like a helpless doe.

He sighed mentally and paused. He was torn he had somewhere to be but he was a protector at the core of his soul and it bothered him. He looked around hoping for inspiration on what to do when he saw his friend Julian making his way toward the wall, "Oi! Jules!" He called.

His friend hefted his carry gear, "I thought you'd said you'd be down by now. I've signed for wall time..." the tall human called up to Jondar partway up the wall.

"Yeah, yeah almost done, hey can you shepherd the newbie?" He gestured up at Sadie, "I've got just enough time for a shower before I gotta be elsewhere."

Julian looked up at the girl paused a bit higher up the wall and shrugged, "Yeah no problem." He said thinking she looked kind of hot. He started to get his gear around.

Jondar looked up, "Ok so just stay where you are and Jules will be up in a minute to help you out. I got to be somewhere soon, only budgeted so much time for this."

Sadie frowned at Jondar and then mentally sighed. She judged the distance. Broken bones were a fifty-fifty proposition and that was just not a good look. Then again, if got her Jondar, or got her in closer with Jondar to annoy her roommate.... But how could she make it look like an accident? A sprain wouldn't be bad.

Decision made, she started to climb down, crying down, "I think. I think, I can do this. I got myself up, right?" She made it down one step and then another. She judged the distance again as hands became a bit clammy. She wiped one on herself and started losing her balance. She was teetering and a fall seemed likely to occur.

Jon glanced up to reply as he paused, saw what was going on. "Focus on your grips." He said. He glanced down to see Julien starting to make his way up, then glanced back up at Sadie, "Just hold position." He was glad he built in extra time in his schedule for the gym, it seemed he was going to be a minute.

"Why don't you just come over and get me?" Sadie asked, a little concern making its way into her voice. "I have these delicate surgical hands and I would rather them safe than wait." Her eyes looked beseechingly at Jondar.

"Waiting is the safest." He explained patiently. He was a bit too much of a white knighter for his own good. While they'd been talking, his friend Julien had come abreast of Jondar. "Jules here will be right there to help you down." Julien gave Jondar a nod and kept going, making his way to Sadie.

Then he continued his own way back down the wall, figuring he had just enough time for a shower before his next thing.

This will not do. Not all all. I don't want Jules to lift me. I want Jondar. Not appreciating Jondar leaving, Sadie started climbing down unsteadily. Jondar could see that she was slipping but fighting to stay on the wall.

Jules came near enough to support her, "Careful now, I'm right here." He said and Jondar hit the ground and started packing up his gear.

Sadie frowned at Julies. I can't make this obvious. She took a step down and purposely missed the step, crying out, "Woops!" Sadie fell down and landed next to Jondar and immediately grabbed her ankle. She whined, "Ow! Jondar! Can you help me?"

Jondar, having finished packing his gear turned at the 'thud' sound. He instinctively moved forward when a commanding voice yelled, "Don't move." The gym supervisor had meant just Sadie but the broad command froze Jondar for just a moment. Before he could overcome the temporary paralysis the gym supervisor was part way across the room with a medical kit.

He looked relieved at the sight of the medical kit, "She'll be able to tell if you're hurt, she's right if you move it may hurt worse." He said reassuringly.

Sadie tried hard not to grin. She turned her face in a grimace, pleased that Jondar cared about her well being. Ah, a beautiful future, starting with this. She crooked her head up at the gym supervisor. "I'm a med student here. I'm pretty sure that I'm just fine. I can feel all of my extremities. Worst case scenario, a bruise or sprain. I'll live." She looked hopefully at Jondar.

He nodded, "That's good, not a lot of pain then." He replied.

"Sorry Jon." Jules called from his place on the wall, trying to figure out how she fell. It should have been easy at the lower levels. "It's alright Jules, catch you in class." Jondar called up, his friend nodded pausing in his climb.

"Jondar, you will stay with me, won't you?" Sadie asked hopefully.

Before he could reply the gym supervisor was there.

By now the gym supervisor was kneeling by Sadie, "Just stay put cadet while I scan." She said pulling out a medical tricorder and aiming it at her ankle.

Groaning, Sadie replied, "I'm pretty sure there's nothing to be concerned with. Not a high fall at all."

The gym supervisor nodded, "Yeah you'll be fine, maybe a little bruising." She pulled out a hypo, "This will help keep that down." She said administering the hypo.

Jondar smiled politely, "See all fine." not liking to see people in pain.

At his words the Gym Supervisor turned to him, "She'll have to fill out an incident report, did you see what happened?" He shook his head, "She was on the ground before I noticed." He replied. The Officer continued, "if you didn't see what happened you can go." She called up to Jules, "Cadet, if you saw what happened I'll need your report." With a sigh, Jules started to climb down.

Shoot! I did not plan that part out well, did I? Incident report. What nonsense. I guess I'll just have to write that I slipped. "It won't be long," Sadie responded. "I just slipped while on there. I am a novice climber and Jondar tried to help me but it was my mistake. I won't make it again and will have proper equipment next time." She beamed a bright smile at Jondar and made an "x" sign over her heart with her right index finger.

With a shrug and a small smile in his expression that managed to both say 'sorry about the paperwork' and 'better you than me' Jondar gave a wave to the group, now that Jules had hit the ground again, and jogged off. Figuring there was just enough time for a shower before he had to be somewhere else.

The gym instructor helped her up, "That may be so but now we get to sit in my office while I fill out an incident report and make a note about your lack of safety equipment, you keep that up and they might restrict your use of the gym." She said shooing the two cadets toward her station.

Trying not to roll her eyes, Sadie sighed. "Yes, sir," she replied resignedly.



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