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Arrival Of The Walking Hormone

Posted on Sat Oct 29th, 2016 @ 8:35pm by Commander Jacob Bannerman
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:53pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Shuttlebay/Campus
Timeline: 2388/07/26 1400 (July 26 2388 1400)

The shuttle landed gently, expertly guided in by its pilot. As the brand new Head of Flight powered it down and followed shutdown procedure, the shuttle door opened and a petite redheaded Ensign stuck her head inside.

"Commander Bannerman?" she enquired, knowing already by the pre landing hail that it was he.

"Just a sec." Jake replied as he completed the shutdown sequence then finally turned around. His eyes were quick to take in the redhead and a smile began to form on his lips as he said "Well hello Red."

"If you'll follow me Sir, I'll get you checked in and show you to your quarters." the Ensign replied, trying to remain professional. The man was drop dead gorgeous and what was more his eyes were clearly taking her in with interest. Swallowing hard she said "I'm Ensign Campbell, Academy personnel."

"Don't you have a first name Red?" Jake commented as he followed her out into the shuttle bay.

"Elizabeth." she filled him in, "But my friends call me Lizzie." she smiled, totally bowled over by the charm exuding from the man.

"Well Lizzie," Jake slung an arm around her shoulder, "I think that you and I are going to be great friends." With his duffle bag in one hand and Lizzie in the other, they began to walk for the exit.

"So where are we going?" Jake asked, surprised that Lizzie hadn't yet extricated herself from his casual hold. 'I might be in here' he said to himself a wide grin forming on his lips.

"I'll take you to personnel to get you checked in." Lizzie explained, "Then to meet with Captain Sanchez the Assistant Dean and finally to your quarters where you can get settled in." she smiled up at him feeling really quite flattered that such a gorgeous man could be interested in her.

"Sounds like a plan." Jake grinned, wondering if she'd like to help him 'christen' his quarters.


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