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Memories part 2

Posted on Sat Oct 29th, 2016 @ 10:27pm by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Captain Madeline Sanchez
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:51pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Campus Housing, Senior Staff Apartment Building
Timeline: 2388/07/25 1753 (July 25 2388 1753)


"So who was it that gave it to you?" he asked quietly, holding his hand out for her to hand the comb over to him.

"Somebody that I cared about a lot but let down." Maddie replied, her eyes momentarily reflecting the pain she felt at the reminder.

Connor immediately looked down as her words knifed right through him, reminding him, with all the memories he had lost, of ones he would rather forget.


Jerking herself out of her reverie, Maddie caught Connor's reaction before changing the subject and asking " goes the rescue operation?"

Connor looked back up at her, and not answering, took the comb from her hand. He was quiet as he worked on separating her arm from the tight knot in her hair, memories and old obsessions going through him. Yet he was gentle, working carefully along with the efforts of trying to push the memories and obsessions away.

Silence remained between them, and several long minutes went by before he pulled the last few strands of hair from her bracelet. Letting go of her arm, he handed her the small towel.

"Thanks." Maddie smiled at him, her gaze momentarily locking with his before skittering away as she finally realised how vulnerable she was wearing nothing but a towel. Busying herself with the towel, she added "I'm glad that you were around."

Swallowing, and then running a hand over his mouth and jaw, Connor slid off his stool. "You're welcome." he said quietly, feeling more tense at the whole situation. He then offered a hand as she looked up to him, to help her off hers.

Maddie smiled at him as she took his hand and slid off the stool gasping and grabbing at her towel as it threatened to fall off. Chuckling nervously she said "That was close, I'm sure that you wouldn't want to see me in my birthday suit." She grinned sheepishly at him.

They were very close and he forced a smile back and shrugged, looking at her the same way he did earlier in the day when she had first walked into his office. "Actually...I'm a little vulnerable right now," he admitted. While not a very talkative man, he had never been one to really hold anything back, "This whole scenario...has me feeling a little...actually feeling very... uncomfortable."

"I'm sorry." Maddie swallowed hard, "I-I should never have come here, I should go." she added uncomfortably.

He moved out of her way, "You can keep the apron."

"I...uh thanks." Maddie managed a weak smile and added "Enjoy your evening." And then she walked towards the door feeling like a first class idiot.

"You too...", Connor frowned, knowing he wasn't being very fair. "Madeline..."

"Yes?" Maddie asked as she turned around to face him, tilting her head enquiringly as she waited for him to answer.

"After you've washed off the oil...'n' dressed...will you join me for dinner?" It was in his eyes...he really wanted her to.

Surprised by the offer, Maddie looked towards the kitchen area and then back towards him as she said "I...well I wouldn't want to intrude." she gestured to the abandoned meal preparation and added "It looks like you were all set without having to share it with me."

"True." Connor said running his hand over his chin, looking over where she gestured and then back to her. "But there's..." he gave a small shrug, "more than enough 'n'... I would really like the company."

"Then who am I to turn down an offer from my boss?" Maddie gave a relaxed smile and looked down at herself before adding "Best go and get washed and dressed then hadn't I?"

Returning a small genuine smile, Connor placed his hands in his front pockets. "Yeah." he nodded, "allow yourself back in when you return."

"I'll be back in fifteen." Maddie nodded to him before turning and exiting his apartment.

Connor watched her go, then headed back into the kitchen to get back to preparing the meal.


"Sorry." Maddie gushed as she rushed back into Connor's apartment, "That oil was a bitch to get off." she added as she did up the final couple of buttons on the top of her yellow sundress and shook her still wet hair. "Didn't want to keep you waiting." she grinned sheepishly by way of explaining her appearance.

As he headed out of the kitchen, Connor slowed down as he saw Maddie, for a moment forgetting he was holding onto two plates of just dished out stir fry. "Your timing is perfect." he smiled.

"Always have been good at that." Maddie smiled as she approached the table and added "And that smells fantastic."

Connor's smile widen. He was pleased that she thought so. After setting the plates on the table he headed back into the kitchen, untying his apron. "How about some melon water?" he called back.

"Sure." Maddie replied as she watched his retreating back, "Can't remember if I've had it before but it's worth a try." she added as she sniffed at the food before her causing her stomach to rumble.

After hanging up his apron, Connor went over to a cupboard and pulled down two glasses, making sure to set them evenly with each other on the counter. Memories came rushing through him as he poured the melon water into each one, "Oralia...", he started, his voice cheerful, "...remember that time on Archadia when we...?" and then stopped himself. Swallowing hard, he paled, and slowly sat the pitcher down. His jaw tightened, he leaned with one hand on the counter as he stared at it.

"Who's Oralia?" Maddie asked, turning to look over towards the kitchen and wondering if he was otherwise involved.

"She's...just a memory." he said quietly. I'm sorry, I..." he swallowed again, not looking at anything in particular, "...went somewhere else."

"Sounds like she was a pretty powerful memory." Maddie commented as she watched him, the tension in his body obvious.

Connor glanced over at her, but didn't reply. He only nodded slightly, acknowledging her, as he pulled himself away from the counter, looking away again. The urge was there to excuse himself, a compulsion to retreat to another room, to "pull himself together". He ran a hand over his mouth, then awkwardly grabbed their drinks and headed back over to her.

Watching him closely, Maddie held out her hand for the drink and took a gulp immediately in response to the tense silence wishing that it was something a bit stronger. "Mmmm...apparently melon water is really nice. Good choice Sir." she smiled at him in an effort to get back on an even footing with him.

He forced a smile back, "Thank you." and then looked to his plate as he began to unfold his cloth napkin.

"I really do appreciate you having me over for dinner you know." Maddie said softly, seeing that he really did look like she was the last person he wanted here right now, "It's not easy settling down in a new place...especially when it's on a planet and you're used to being up there." she pointed up at the ceiling, "I guess in time I might grow on you though...after all I'm going to need a friend or two and preferably someone who isn't still wearing diapers and needs their nose wiping every five minutes."

Connor didn't reply, not at first. He was sitting there feeling a familiar pain, with the knowledge that he needed to shift his attention elsewhere. It wasn't easy for him to do. His eyes went over to her, his fork poised over his plate. "I already like you." he said quietly, not sounding very convincing. Maybe that's the problem he thought. It would be easier if she got on his nerves.

"Well that's a start then isn't it?" Maddie said quietly, "And a pretty good one at that considering that we're going to be working with each other every day and living opposite each other when we're off duty." That thought suddenly brought her up straight. She was going to have to work alongside this man every day and in one day he had her nerves jangling like you wouldn't believe.

Looking sideways at him, she remained silent as she took in his features. What was it about him that made her feel as if she belonged right here by his side. Strictly in a working sense of course she reminded herself. She was, she also reminded herself getting over her relationship with Drago and one simply did not fall out of love and straight into lust in one fell swoop.

Realising that she was still staring, she busied herself picking up her fork and tasting the food.

They continued to eat mostly in silence, a few polite words exchanged here and there as Connor continued to wrestle with himself. When they were finished, Maddie stood to excuse herself, and Connor walked her to the door. Feeling awkward, he placed one hand on the doorframe. "Madeline.." and when she looked at him, "Thank you for the company", he said sincerely, and his brows furrowed in a worried fashion.

Maddie smiled at him as she looked into his eyes. Silently she chastised herself for the way her body stirred. The man seemed to do sexy without even having to think about it. "Well thank you from saving me from having to cut a chunk of hair off." she chuckled, "And dinner was're a good cook." she added genuinely before suggesting "I should return the favour and cook something Puerto Rican for you one night."

"You should..." he agreed, doing his best to convince himself that he hadn't ruined the evening, and not quite getting there. "...'n' thank you...'n' you're welcome."

"Goodnight boss." Maddie smiled at him, her dark eyes lingering on him just a little longer than was appropriate before she turned and headed back over the hallway towards her apartment.

Connor watched her leave for another moment before going back inside. He had recognized the look in her eyes, and now leaning tensely back against the door as it closed, he suddenly felt very out of control.


Captain Madeline Sanchez
XO/Assistant Dean
Magellan Campus

Doctor Connor McKinney
Magellan Campus


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