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Never Gonna Happen

Posted on Sat Oct 29th, 2016 @ 8:36pm by Captain Madeline Sanchez & Commander Jacob Bannerman
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:53pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Assistant Dean's Office
Timeline: 2388/07/26 1500 (July 26 2388 1500)

"Captain Sanchez should be expecting you." Lizzie smiled at Jake. They had gotten him registered on campus and sorted him out with his command codes and were about to make this final stop before Jake could finally relax after his long journey.

Jake nodded and smiled at Lizzie. "You'll wait for me?"

"Of course." Lizzie beamed back. There was no way she was going to let Jake Bannerman out of her sights that was for sure.

"Won't be long." Jake winked at her before tapping on the doorchime.

"Come!" Maddie looked up from her desk. It turned out that Assistant Dean was another name for mountain of paperwork and she looked at the pile of PADD's that she hadn't even dealt with yet.

Jake stepped inside and stopped short. Behind the desk was a breathtakingly beautiful woman. Sure Lizzie was pretty but by god this woman was a true goddess. "Captain Sanchez?" he said, flashing that smile that had bedded so many women.

"Yes...the plaque on the door probably gave it away." Maddie replied coldly. One look at Jake and she already had him pegged.

"I believe that you're expecting me." Jake replied, wandering over to her desk and holding out a hand in greeting.

"Indeed." Maddie nodded as she held out her hand to take his, surprise showing on her face as Jake turned it over and kissed the back of it before letting her go.

"It's a pleasure." he smiled, walking around her desk until he perched against the edge facing her. "So you're the woman who caused quite the stir back on Earth recently huh? I have to say that I'm surprised that you'd settle for a desk job with your career record."

"I needed a change." Maddie's eyes narrowed at his familiarity. "Probably similar to why a Special Ops veteran with such a track record suddenly appears here at the Academy all set to train cadets and leave the exciting life behind." she eyed him defiantly.

The remark hit home and some of Jake's charming veneer dropped momentarily as he said "I need a place to hide and I doubt people will find me in this dull as dishwater place."

"Glad that you're so happy to be here." Maddie almost growled.

"Well it's not all as dull of dishwater of course." Jake replied, the charming defence back in place, "For starters I just found out that my boss is gorgeous...just let me know if you'd like to have dinner sometime."

"I can promise you that outside of social functions, I will never want to have dinner sometime." Maddie replied, ice dripping from her voice as she watched him.

The response only served to interest Jake more. He loved a chase and boy did he want to chase this woman. The thought of what it would feel like to have her in his bed was enough to drive him wild. "Well you know where I am if you change your mind." he managed a tight smile, "So are we done here?"

"I think so." Maddie replied, not wanting to spend any more time with her new Flight instructor right now. She rifled through a few PADD's and handed one to him. "This has everything on it you need to know about the cadets, your classes and the rota. Just let me know if anything needs changing or isn't to your liking."

"I will." Jake stood up, "Guess I'll see you around then gorgeous." he winked.

"That's Captain to you Commander." Maddie replied commandingly.

"Then until we meet again Captain." Jake bowed before her before turning for the door.

Once he'd left, Maddie collapsed back in her chair shaking with anger. How dare he act like that in front of her. As she sat there, it dawned on her that she was going to have a lot of trouble with one Commander Jacob Bannerman.


Outside Maddie's office, Jake looked at Lizzie. She most certainly wasn't Captain Madeline Sanchez but she was a woman and soft and warm. Full of pent up sexual frustration he needed an outlet right now and dear sweet Lizzie was it. "So how about we go find my quarters?" he smiled disarmingly at her.

"Of course." Lizzie grinned at him. There was no mistaking that look in his eyes.

"Then lead the way sweet Lizzie." Jake grinned before adding "You might want to replicate a spare toothbrush to use in the morning." he winked at her suggestively.

Lizzie blushed and managed a nervous giggle. Was she really gonna do this? She cast Jake a sideways look. Of course she was. How could she turn down a man who looked like that?

Jake led Lizzie to the door. He was going to show her a night she'd never forget but somehow he figured that in his mind's eye it wouldn't be Ensign Elizabeth Campbell that he was making love to tonight when he looked into her eyes...


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