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An Emotional High

Posted on Wed Apr 8th, 2020 @ 6:44pm by Captain James Armstrong & Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Captain Karyn Dallas R.N.

Mission: To Keep Moving Forward
Location: The Subspace Cafe, Magellan Campus
Timeline: 2388/09/01 0631 (Mon. Sept. 01 2388 6:31am)

Still on an emotional high from the concert a couple of nights before, Karyn had elected to get breakfast from the Subspace Café. Something about the place just made her feel more relaxed and yet more energized. Normally, Dallas would eat in her quarters with Julia or if she were truly busy, at her desk, but after enjoying herself at the concert she didn't feel up to it. The simple change of scenery helped her clear her head and focus, even when it came to the mind numbing required reports to Starfleet Medical.

Walking up to stand behind her at the breakfast buffet line, James Armstrong narrowed his eyes as he looked over the menu. He said over to her, "Captain Dallas, how are you this morning?"

Hearing her name called, Karyn turned and smiled at James. "I'm great, Captain, thank you. How are you?"

"Indecisive," he smiled, his eyes remaining on the menu. "Not something I'm used to."

"Not that hungry?" Dallas asked, "Or so hungry everything sounds good?"

After a moment of thought, James half smiled. "A combination of the two. I'm not very hungry, but everything sounds so good, I wish I was." He looked over to her as he wondered, "Mind if we sit together?"

"Not at all," Karyn replied with a smile. She was in a great mood and would appreciate the company.

A short time later they went up to the second level, to the dining area that was outside on a ceiling-ed deck, giving a wonderful view of the beach and the ocean. James waited for Karyn to choose a table, and then placing his tray down, sat down across from her, immediately taken in by the atmosphere. "This is really nice here," he said, unrolling his utensils from his napkin.

Mesmerized by the view and even more energized by it, Karyn turned to Armstrong when he spoke. "It really is peaceful," Dallas agreed. "I need to visit here more often. I don't suppose you get out very often either." She smiled. "I found, the higher the rank, the stronger the chain is to my desk."

James nodded, then smiled wryly and picked up his cup of coffee, ""No...I don't, but that's about to change."

Karyn quirked an eyebrow. "Oh? Do tell," she added with a grin.

"I recently signed up for horse riding lessons." He smiled before taking a swallow of his coffee.

Dallas' eyes widened. "That's exciting, but a bit risky. I can't say I've spent much time around animals, including horses. My hover chair is temperamental enough," she added with a chuckle.

"Well, if you're ever up to something new, challenging, perhaps outside your comfort zone," he raised an eyebrow as if he was challenging her, "you could always join me?"

Dallas smiled. "Perhaps I will. I've actually heard horseback riding can be wonderful therapy for people with my particular physical challenges. Of course, the idea is downright terrifying, so if I do decide to join you, I'll expect you to keep quiet regarding any freak outs I might have," she added with a chuckle.

"Well," he lowered his head, "If you'll keep quiet about any I might have."

Karyn laughed. "Deal."

Still smiling, James took another drink of his coffee, his eyes remaining on her. "The first lesson is Thursday evening," he said, setting his cup down.

"What time?" Karyn asked, adding, "I can't be sure I won't have another engagement, but it doesn't hurt to keep it in mind."

"Nineteen hundred hours," he replied, pleased she was considering it, and then feeling quite interested, he wondered, "So what is it you normally like to do in those rare moments outside of work?"

Karyn smiled. "Honestly? I'm not that much of an adventure woman off duty. When I can, I like to curl up with a good book or with a good vid and a good meal. If I'm feeling a bit more spontaneous, I might try something on the holodeck, but I'm really a bit of a homebody by nature."

James smiled back to her. "That makes two of us." and then looked up as he noticed Brady heading towards them.

Dallas was about to say something in response when she noticed James looking up. "Something wrong?"

James gave a slight shake of his head, and smiled as he indicated to where he was looking. "Good Morning, Brady," he said to the larger man.

"Good Morning, James. Karyn," Brady had smiled politely back, and to the both of them.

Dallas's eyes widened in genuine surprise. "I'm really glad to see you. I thought for sure you had left by now." She was mindful of James' presence, but wanted Brady to know how she felt.

"Yeah," Brady's smile had become wry, "a few things delayed that. I...I'm leaving this morning and I was hoping we could talk before I do."

Then as if something suddenly clicked, James looked at his watch and started rising out of his seat. "Oh...I should be going." he said looking between them, "I now have an Academy run. "So," he smiled to Karyn, "How about I touch base with you later about Thursday?"

Surprised by Brady's words and now fairly certain James didn't have an Academy run at precisely this moment but instead was leaving for her benefit, Karyn felt her cheeks flush slightly in embarrassment. "Of course," she responded to James, not entirely sure why she was suddenly feeling so self-conscious.

He gave her another smile while noting her flushing, awkwardly turning his attention back to Brady. "Don't be a stranger," he smiled encouragingly as the two shook hands.

"Oh, I won't," Brady replied, sincerely and determined. He had way too many ties on Serene for it to be any other way. "You can count on that. In fact, there's discussion the Solace will become one of the Academy's training ships.

James nodded, looking pleased."Wow, that's great, good to know," and then gave him a pat on the shoulder before exchanging goodbyes. "See you at the command ceremony," he said, taking his leave.

As James walked away, Brady took a deep breath before turning back to Karyn. "Mind if I sit?"

Karyn silently gestured with her hand toward the nearby chair, still surprised to see him, glad to have another chance to talk, and hopeful she wouldn't screw things up.

Feeling much the same way, not wanting to mess up, Brady sat down in the seat previously occupied by James. His smile lessened as he stared at her, how he was feeling reflected in his eyes. "I owe you an apology, Karyn. I haven't been fair to you since the moment you arrived to Sapientia. I'm really sorry."

Dallas forced herself to take a breath before she answered, but even so, she felt tears prick behind her eyes. She didn't know why his words made her so emotional, she only knew she wanted to mend their relationship as much as he did. "I am sorry too," she replied quietly. "All I ever wanted was to help and support you and I just kept saying the wrong things."

Brady shook his head, and then lightly placed his hand over hers, "You said a lot of right things and I only lashed out and hurt you in return... Can you forgive me?"

As the counselor felt a warm tear fall from her eye, she looked up at Brady and smiled. "Only if you can do the same."

His own eyes filling up, Brady smiled, "I already have."



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