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Cadets At Breakfast

Posted on Fri May 29th, 2020 @ 3:38pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Benjamin Hall & Cadet Freshman Grade Molly Seol & Cadet Freshman Grade Hunter Belmont & Cadet Freshman Grade Phoebe Cavendish & Cadet Freshman Grade Sadie Hawkins & Cadet Freshman Grade Charlie StarPocket & Cadet Freshman Grade Jondar Sito & Cadet Freshman Grade Catherine Wells & Cadet Freshman Grade Teryn Sera

Mission: To Keep Moving Forward
Location: Academy Messhall
Timeline: 2388/09/01 0632 (Mon. Sept. 01 2388 6:32am)


This was early, 0630 to be exact to accommodate those students with early classes. Though at the moment the main Academy dining hall, open until 0800 for breakfast, was about half full.

Voices babbled around the large room with its many long tables, chairs made noise as they moved on the non carpeted floor. Pre-dawn darkness still streamed in from the many windows overlooking the campus, the lights of the path lights twinkling in the distance as it would be about another half hour before sunrise. Some still looked out over the landscaped campus lawn outside, more buildings in the distance.

Some cadets stood in lines to get to replicators as others waited for the real food buffet lines the campus also offered. Some looking more awake than others as they held trays, chatting with friends. Other cadets barely keeping their feet waiting for access to the coffee.

Catherine was a morning person, not bright and chipper but awake and ready to go. It came from long training on a farm and so was able to get herself and her poor roommate Molly there without incident, she grabbed a tray for herself and one for Molly, which she passed over to her roommate, "You gonna be ok Molls?" She asked making sure her friend was awake.

Molly gave a small smile as she glanced over to her. "Yeah. Its just..." she sighed, "sleeping in over the weekend was a bad idea." Her eyes then moved over towards the large windows, "I just wish the sun was up a little sooner. Or how about classes start a half hour later."

Catherine smiled in sympathy as they got in line, "The life of any freshman, later we can sleep in. Early classes are for newbies they tell me."

"Well, remind me of this morning next weekend as I need to get use to this," Molly replied.

Catherine nodded as she filled her plate with the calories she'd need to get through the morning and two cups of coffee because multiple trips were for pansies. She walked with her roommate to a nearby half full table.

Tery had not been one of those people who slept too many hours even before her stay in the Celestial Temple. Too long in the Resistance had taught her to sleep when she could but always be ready. The dreams had not come tonight, and part of her was sad about that. Part of her was glad, though, or she might not have wanted to get up. Okay, truthfully, she wouldn't have wanted to. But since she was up, she decided to get a bite to eat and then continue her search. She would find him; that was a fact. The question was how long it would take her. Entering the Mess Hall, she let her gaze slide over the room before getting in line for the coffee and real food.

Sadie got out to the mess hall well before her new, bitchy roommate, Phoebe. Sadie was normally not an early riser; however, the opportunity to stalk her prey, Phoebe's soon to be ex-boyfriend (as far as Sadie was concerned), was too great to pass up. She positioned herself to best find Jondar, while thinking, Jondar, come out, come out, wherever you are.

Looking more awake than he had any right too Jondar entered with a group of friends in varying degrees of awakeness as they headed to the line and the life giving food and coffee there.

Taking Jondar's hand as they entered the mess hall, Phoebe's heart sank as she saw her room mate was already there. Squeezing his hand, she said "I love you, you know that right?"

Jondar glanced over at Phoebe with a vaguely puzzled expression, "Of course." He nodded, "Love you too." Knowing the proper and true response to that. "You ok?" He asked handing her a tray, not having noticed Sadie yet.

Sadie wanted to vomit when she saw Jondar and Phoebe holding hands. Well, she definitely was going to have to figure out a way to put a wrench in that. Putting a huge smile on her face, she walked up to the couple and said in an overly enthusiastic voice, "Good morning! Gee, Phoebe, I did not get to see you leave this morning. Hard to believe seeing that we're roommates and all."

Gripping Jondar's hand ever tighter, Phoebe's eyes narrowed as she turned her attention to Sadie and said between gritted teeth "That's because I didn't sleep there last night." In fact, she'd avoided her quarters like the plague ever since her run in with Sadie and last night, she'd falled asleep in the library though Sadie didn't need to know that.

"Is that a fact?" she asked, her tongue only lightly making an appearance to trace her lips. "Such a shame. I could have elucidated you on the finer parts of human anatomy. It is certainly an advantage that we medical student have...." She drew out the last set of words and looked into Jondar's eyes hungrily. "We certainly know how to make things function at their peak efficiency."

At Phoebe's tone and body language, Jondar moved in closer. His body language protective. He wasn't sure what was going on only that there were weird undercurrents between Phoebe and her roommate. He was trying to figure out how to help when Sadie replied and his attention flickered to her. "Oh crap" he thought. He knew that look and he understood the innuendo perfectly. Some poeple flirted like they breathed and he was normally one of them but he had rules. You curbed that in a relationship so he didn't rise to the bait.

His eyes flicked to the group of friends they had come in with as they had gone on ahead and were now at a table. A plan formed, he looked over at Phoebe, "Eric's holding a couple of seats for us, if we want to eat before class we should get in line. Unless you want to have a seat and I can bring you something?" He offered, wanting to talk about it but knowing now wasn't the time.

Looking all the world like a clueless man who didn't see more then he let on.

Eric? Eric...Eric...Eric? Who the hell is Eric? I feel like I should know this person. I most likely do. Well, time to play along.

Sadie waited until Phoebe and Jondar got into line and she sidled in immediately behind them. Refusing to be dissuaded, the girl continued, "How wonderful. So, we can eat together, then?"

"Full table" Jolan said careful to keep his body between Phobe and Sadie, something triggering his instincts. And it even had the benefit of being true. His friend Eric with a group of others were saving two seats at a rapidly filling table. Even if Sadie did get near she'd be at least 3 or 4 seats down if those didn't fill up too. The section of table Jon's friends were at was full.
Eric was a fellow security cadet and would look out for Phoebe. To phoebe, "So you can stay in line or I can bring something?" He offered again.

Torn between leaving Jondar with that woman or running away, Phoebe finally took the cowards way out and said "I'll go grab our seats...I'll have a croissant, jam, butter, orange juice and a coffee please." she smiled at him, trying to make out that everything was just fine as she kissed him on the cheek and headed off to sit by Eric and save Jondar's seat for him.

"I see that she's trying to train you up really good," Sadie commented to Jondar.

Jondar grunted something non-committal as he typed on his PADD. He put it in his pocket then and went toward the food taking what he wanted while remembering what Phoebe had asked for. He had a solid memory which helped him in his schoolwork, even though he acted like he didn't care.

A moment after he put the PADD away Eric, who was greeting Phoebe, glanced down at a PADD by his elbow. He glanced around and shifted his body a little quickly whispering to the others before Phoebe sat down. By the time she got there word had been passed. Phoebe was having a hard time and no one was to bother her. Eric being trained as a VIP Close Security Officer, took it seriously.

Smiling innocently and her tone taking becoming a hint of childish and cute, she asked sweetly, "Come on, now, Jondar, has the cat got your tongue?"

"Just busy." He said focused on getting the right items as they moved through the line.

"You don't look busy," Sadie responded sweetly. "You look like you're waiting in line for food. That's hardly busy."

"Internally busy." He corrected, wondering what the heck she'd said to Phoebe to upset her so much. The line seemed to move slowly even though it was at a reasonable pace.

"Well, of course you are, silly!" Sadie told him, lightly placing her hand on his shoulder for a flirtatious, lingering second before removing it. "I could go into grand detail about how each one of your organs are functioning at this very moment and how each cell is a part of that function and process but I doubt that you would be very interested in any of that. I find that most people can't handle my anatomy lessons, especially before breakfast." She grinned as she let the innuendo hang in the air.

Innuendo he completely ignored like his life depended on it. The fact she knew he had a girlfriend and was still acting like this made it easier than otherwise. He moved along in the line, picking up a yogurt and putting it on the tray. He made another non committal sound as he walked briskly for the checkout.

Sadie picked up some strawberry yogurt and some orange juice. "Cat got your tongue, Jondar?" she asked innocently.

One of the group Phoebe sat with looked over, Raya a female bolian, asked. "Early huh? You holding up ok with the schedule?" She asked brightly one of those weird morning people.

"With the schedule?" Phoebe nodded, "Yeah, that part of life here is something that I can handle." she cast a furtive glance over at Jondar and frowned as she saw Sadie talking to him, "Shame I can't say the same about...other things."

Raya nodded following her glance. "Trouble in roommateville? Do you have a new one yet? Mine dropped out before things started and they've not gotten me a replacement yet. I work out in the morning though some people might be annoyed at that." She said brightly not sure what was wrong but trying to be helpful.

"I don't suppose you'd consider me?" Phoebe was quick to suggest, desperate to get away from Sadie. When she had checked with the office last time, they had told here that there were no vacant beds in the entire campus.

Raya nodded eagerly, "I think they're just getting notice this morning, I only just found out." She didn't know if she'd get along with this person or if she could even transfer but Raya wanted people happy and though she didn't know Phoebe well was willing to help if she could. "We'd have to ask so I've no problem."

"That's great!" Phoebe beamed, a feeling of relief washing through her as she finally saw an end to her predicament, "Really great. Shall we go ask after we're done here?" she suggested, more animated than she had been since ever since she had moved into the quarters with Sadie.

Internally Raya was sad for Phoebe, she was obviously in a tough spot and the little Bolian felt for the human. She nodded, "I've got sometime before my first class." She had been going to study, but this seemed more important.

"Excellent." Phoebe beamed, "We're going to be great together I just know it." she added, shooting a look at Sadie and feeling a great deal of relief inside in the knowledge that she would soon be out of that evil bitch's hair for good.

Raya nodded at Phoebe supportingly, she had no idea if that was true but was totally willing to give it a try.

Tery got a tray of food -- she really didn't care what they were serving today -- and her coffee and moved aside to look for a table, for someone to sit with and potentially have a conversation with.

Ducking through the door, Charlie came to a standstill far enough away not to be in the way. Her bi-colored eyes scanning the students sitting at tables or standing in lines. She wasn't particularly hungry, nor starved of socializing as she had already at with her family just an hour before. But the Elliciean knew she needed to make more efforts to adjust to all the..alieness. She had never imagined she would struggle in this way.

She ducked into a small line and grabbed a small bowl of fruit before taking a seat at a empty table by a window. She saw Tery, her room mate and gave her a wave with her tail.

Tery caught movement out of the corner of her eye and glanced toward it, smiling as she recognized the distinctive features of her roommate. Moving to the table Charlie sat at, she set down her tray. "Hey there! Mind if I sit with you?"

Charlie gave a toothy grin and indicated for Tery to take a seat with her tail. "No indeed, with me please sit." She picked up a piece of fruit not really hungry but not wanting to just sit there while everyone else ate.

Tery's grin matched that of her roommate. "Thanks! Has anyone told you that you are way to chipper this early in the morning?" she teased as she took the indicated seat and set down her tray.

"One of the enviable qualities I have. " Charlie teased back with a faux haughty air. Her tail giving her away, as it lazily moved behind her.

Tery made a face at her. "I don't know about 'enviable', but it is definitely a quality," she teased back, sittng and taking a sip of her coffee before beginning on the breakfast. "Slept well, I take it then."

"Very. Too my surprise." She picked up a berry of some sort before putting it back down. " Tossed about you did much."

Shortly after, Hunter took a seat at the end of the table, looking over to them as he unrolled his utensils.

Tery again caught movement in her peripheral vision and looked toward its source. Someone she didn't recognize -- not that this was unusual given that she was new -- had joined them. She may not be fully awake, but she also was not rude. "Good morning," she offered. "I'm Teryn." She offered her hand in greeting.

"And Charlie StarPocket I am." Charlie added, "welcome to join us you are."

Tery chuckled. "Yeah, what she said."

Giving them a half wave, he smiled, "Hi, I'm Hunter...and sure." He grabbed his tray as he got out of his seat and moved on over, reaching over to shake Tery's offered hand as he placed his tray down across from them. On the way, he had spotted Sadie in line and ended up watching her for a couple heartbeats before sitting back down. He sighed, shaking his head.

Charlie glanced at Sadie, although not knowing the details it wasn't all that surprising drama followed that girl. Even among her kind there was girls who muddled the senses of boys and had them spinning on their tails.

"What studies you are here for?" She asked, unsure what else to say.

Tery also followed Hunter's gaze but, not knowing what was going on, turned back nearly immediately. "It's nice to meet you, Hunter," she said as she looked back at him. "Yeah, what Charlie said. Wow, I seem to be slow this morning... or she's fast," she joked at her own expense.

"Both," Charlie supplied with a toothy grin and a flirty wink at Hunter.

Having noticed Charlie's canines, amused by her wink, Hunter replied with a smile of his own, "Premedical. What about you?" He asked, directing to the both of them.

"Command," replied Charlie, who finally popped a berry in to her mouth. She had no idea what the berry was called but was nice and tart. She was going to have to figure out its name.

"Any specific goals in command?" he asked, finding himself interested.

Charlie shook her head causing a few strands of her mane of hair to slip out of the elaborate plaits keeping it under control. "Chosen for me command was. My people must take test to see where they fit. I fit in command, I am undecided on goals." She didn't sound all that bothered she didn't have a say in being in command.

"Alright," Hunter nodded. "So what if your scores on the Academy entrance exam had shown you had a higher strength elsewhere. Would they have taken that under consideration?" he asked, just wanting to know.

Charlie paused, the berry on the way to her mouth held mid air. In thought she tilted her head. She had never considered that the entrance exam could give a different result than the test her own people gave. It was just one of many customs that governed her people, and she did not know anyone who was unhappy with the outcome of tests such as the one in question.

"Know I do not. Do not, I believe, such a thing has happened before." She put the berry back in the bowl. "This, I will ask of my uncle."

Hunter nodded as if satisfied, yet noting to himself that he wanted to learn more about her species.

Tery listened politely, waiting for a good opportunity in the conversation train to answer his question. When it came, she smiled. "I'm Engineering. Always loved fixing things." She shrugged.

Having just taken a bite of his lunch, Hunter smiled widely at that as he continued to chew. "That gives us something in a way."

Tery thought about that for a moment then laughed softly. "I suppose it does at that," she admitted. "Though I think broken machines are much easier to work with than broken people. They don't complain or lie about their medical history," she added with a grin.

Charlie gave a hissing laugh at Tery's remark. "A healer my mother is, lie to her you do not." She laughed but was completely serious. Like all healers, that she was familiar with, her mother was intimidating.

Hunter inwardly chuckled at that, getting her meaning.

Tery chuckled at Charlie. "Well, considering the height difference and that cats have claws, I don't doubt that people don't want to see them." She chuckled again.

"So what's your morning look like?" Catherine asked Molly as they ate breakfast.

Molly finished swallowing her food, a little confused as they had already compared their schedules, both being in engineering. She was about to respond, glancing away, and then her eyes lit up, "Oh, there's Sadie!" She started getting out of her seat. "I want to see how she's doing. I'll be right back."

Catherine nodded drinking some coffee realizing she'd asked a an obvious question and tried to get her brain off autopilot. She savored the life giving coffee.

Giving her another excited smile, Molly took off towards the on moving lines of cadets.

Jondar glanced back at Sadie after her comment about the cat having his tongue. And he could not help himself, he'd tried ignoring it and being polite but his natural sass would not be denied forever, "No, Phoebe does." Then he did a good job of briefly trying to get it to his nose and with a grin, he turned around and headed to the table.

Sadie threw back her head and laughed at that. She then returned her head and stared at him with a lascivious glance. "If she did, then why is she over there and I'm over here?"

Jondar didn't hear the last as he had already walked away. He arrived at the table, sitting next to Phoebe.

Molly then ran up and grabbed hold of Sadie, giving her a little hug from behind, "Sadie!" Her eyes enlarged when she noticed that she'd caused Sadie's orange juice to slosh out a little bit. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!!"

Closing her eyes, Sadie could not help but be disappointed by the inopportune interruption. She knew that Jondar would take this opportunity to lose himself and that lost opportunity bothered her. She would have to find another time and place to catch up with him and annoy Phoebe.

She turned around and gave Molly a small smile. At least it was not Catherine, the Cow Girl. "IT is of little consequence," Sadie assured Molly. "I take it that you miss being roommates?"

"Umm, no.." Molly looked sad saying so. "I mean, we have more room now.." she shrugged 'You know?' "But," she smiled, "I really want us to be friends. So, would you like to join us at our table?" She turned and thumbed towards the table that Catherine, among some others, was sitting at.

Sadie found herself slightly frowning when Molly said no. She really was not sure why. Cathy, the Cow Girl was so slow and dull and Molly was "just happy to be here." A small grinch-like smile crept onto Sadie's face as she remembered thoughts of corrupting the innocent girl. Molly did have so much potential to knock out boys. The two of them could be a rather fearsome duo.

"I thought we were friends," Sadie countered. "But, perhaps you and Cathy were enjoying your time too much without me." Her face took on the expression of a slight pout. "I mean, you have not even checked on me or how I have been doing with my devilish roommate, Phoebe...."

Molly had looked stunned, a little confused. "But it''s only been one day since you moved out..." And seeing the expression on Sadie's face, she thought about what else she said and suddenly felt very very small.

As they continued down the line, Molly pleaded, "I'm so sorry, Sadie. I didn't mean..." oh crap.. "We are friends and I just don't want that to change. In fact, when I seen you across the room a moment ago, I was so excited to see you. Doesn't that tell you something?" Molly frowned, "Like, I have missed you...?"

How to milk this? Sadie debated mentally. "It tells me that you might feel guilty...." Sadie let the last word linger and hang in the air while she considered her next words. Psychologically, she knew that people had to fill the silence. Sometimes, it was somewhat enjoyable watching the squirming. "Maybe you knew exactly what Phoebe was like...."

Feeling more perplexed than guilty, Molly's had jaw dropped. "I did not," she defended, her own feelings getting hurt. "I don't even know her. I've only seen her around a few times and have never heard anything bad about her."

"Well, let me tell you how awful she is," Sadie told Molly, putting on her most dramatic tone possible. "The moment that I came into the room, she was completely mean! Apparently you can't even joke around with her. She jumped down my throat and then stormed out like somehow I was a bad person." She gave Molly some doe-like eyes. "I'm not a bad person, am I?"

Molly blinked, as the answer didn't immediately come. Not only was she still reeling from her own feelings getting hurt, but it hit her that she really didn't know Sadie very well enough to know... Yet, despite Sadie's strong personality, she liked her. She was unsure of what to think about Phoebe.

"Of course not," Molly replied reassuringly, gently placing her hand on her arm. "Will you join us?"

"A reunion of the Eees?" Sadie asked. Wistfully, she watched as Jondar sat next to Phoebe. Silently she wondered if she could potentially make him jealous with Hunter. "I suppose that I could join you both today."

Molly beamed, happy that she'd been able to talk her into it.

Suddenly Ben was placing a tray across from Catherine. "Mind if I sit here?" he asked, already sitting down.

Catherine glanced from Molly in the distance, just wondering if she should go save her friend, to Ben. A bemused smile flickered across her face, "Well ifin I did bit late now." She observed with dry humor but no real anger.

An amused smile lit Ben's eyes as they caught hers. He didn't always get non-Xenexian humor, but this time he did. "I think I should warn you I plan on sitting here everyday."

"Good to know." She gave a smile that indicated this was now a favorite spot. "In case I want to avoid it or not." Her tone said the 'or not' was more likely as she sipped her juice.

Ben smiles grew, he just really liked her.

Molly's eyes were lit up when her and Sadie arrived. She couldn't help but give Catherine an 'oh my gosh' expression about Ben as she sat next to him. The seat remaining was next to Catherine.

Sadie's eyes widened when she saw that the Cow Girl had somehow nabbed herself a boy. How in the world could she have gotten someone and I can't even manage to wrangle Jondar? I'm losing my touch. I suppose that if I really wanted, I could have Hunter. Sadie sighed at the thought. He really was insufferable, thinking he could call the shots. At least he gave up at the end, like a good boy should.

"Hmmm. I think introductions are in order," Sadie told Catherine. "Especially as Molly seemed to think that this was going to be reunion of the Eeees."

Catherine saw her coming, "oh goodie it's Ms. Sass on legs." She thought but not wanting to mess up Molly just nodded, "This is Ben. Ben, Sadie." She said in her southern drawl.

Sadie gave a short wave. "Nice to meet you," she told Ben with a slightly disinterested tone.

Ben's always piercing gray eyes followed her movements as she sat down. He caught her tone, so took a drink of his juice without responding, only staring at her in return.

Oh, gee, he's friendly. At least Cow Girl tries. Sadie pointedly looked away and asked Cathy, "So, how did you meet?"

"Orientation, lucky with the seatin' I guess." Catherine replied, she glanced over at Ben with a small smile before returning her attention to Sadie, "Met a lot of new friends already, it's been something else." She continued politely enough but wondering at the weird undercurrent of feeling she was getting.

"Good for you," Sadie told Cathy. "Always good to have friends."

Cathy nodded, "That it is." She replied glancing around the table with a smile wondering if she was missing something but choosing at the moment to take it at face value.

Already oblivious to anything undercurrent, Molly smiled in return, finally feeling fully awake and really looking forward to the day.


Cadets, in order of appearance:

Catherine Wells
Molly Seol
Teryn Sera
Sadie Hawkins
Jondar Sito
Phoebe Cavendish
Raya, played by Phoebe
Charlie StarPocket
Hunter Belmont
Ben Hall


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