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New Beginnings

Posted on Sun Oct 30th, 2016 @ 12:38am by Deveron Raziel & Commander Jessica Deloia & Jasmine Deloia
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:53pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Space, on the way to Sapientia
Timeline: 2388/07/26 2213 (July 26 2388 2213)

Jess gently covered Jasmine who was sleeping on the seats across from her with a smile relieved that she had finally managed to drop off as it was going to be a long shuttle flight. Looking round she nodded to a couple of the other passengers and marked several as going in the same general area as her by their attire.

Her gaze stopped on a man a couple of seats down from her and she smiled at him before moving to sit back down across from her niece.

The man, dark haired and ruggedly handsome with blue eyes, raised an eyebrow and continued to watch her. He looked around fifty, but gave a boyish smile as he finally stood and walked on over to her. "Mind if I take a seat here?" he asked, indicating to the empty seat beside her.

Indicating to the empty seat she nodded "Sure .. we just have to keep our voices down ... my niece is sleeping there." She pointed opposite.

"Of course." he nodded, making sure to keep his deep and raspy voice low. He looked over to the young girl as he sat down, and then looked back to Jessica. "Deveron Raziel." he smiled again, extending a hand over to her.

Taking his hand and shaking it she smiled "Jessica Deloia ... and sleepy head there is Jasmine." She looked him over in curiosity liking what she saw. She had to admit she cheated a little in feeling him out empathically as well, surprised when she couldn't read anything. Her eyes widened realising he had to be an El Aurian as he definitely wasn't a Ferengi.

Dev had seen some recognition in her eyes, and there was warmth in his. The same eyebrow from before raised knowingly. "Is there something wrong?" he asked.

She blushed shaking her head no. "No ... but I should apologise for trying to read you."

"Well," he nodded with a cat-that-got-the-cream smile, "It seems I was more successful than you were."

Jess tilted her head not quite sure what he meant by the comment but unable to help the fact that she found him more fascinating for not being able to read him.

"I was reading you," he added, " but not telepathically. The recognition that I am El-Aurian was written on your face, was in your eyes. Leading to the fact you were trying to read me." and he smiled, "Apology accepted."

She smiled back "Thanks ... I'm not usually that rude."

Dev continued to smile at her. "I believe you." he said before looking around at the other passengers. "If you don't mind my asking," he said, returning his gaze to her, "is your final destination Starbase Magellan?"

"I'm taking over the Assistant CMO role at the academy there." She added curious "What about you?"

"Same here," he replied, and folding his hands politely on his lap, he continued, "I've recently retired as a Starfleet psychiatrist. I'm opening a nightclub at the Starbase and a cafe on Campus."

"It seems like a huge change."

"Well that's true, it is." Dev nodded, "Almost as much as when I went from merchant trader to Starfleet officer." And he looked thoughtful, "I just like trying new things, meeting new people."

"And what about you?" he asked. "Is this your first time assigned to the Academy?"

Relaxing her body language she nodded "Yeah ... I decided to move because of my niece. My brother was just jailed for life."

"That's quite a responsibility", he said, raising his eyebrow again.

Jess nodded again and let him see past the smile to how tired she really was. "Its been non stop since he was charged three months ago. They wanted to send her into foster care and I refused. I had to take a planetside job, don't get me wrong I don't mind. I just wish he hadn't done what he did."

Almost as automatic as breathing, Dev listened intently to her every word, wanting to draw out the conversation. With all that she had revealed it was obvious to him that she wanted to. He nodded in understanding before glancing over to Jasmine, and decided this wasn't the time nor the place... "You're taking a lot on yourself," he replied, looking back to her, "If you ever want a listening ear, I won't be hard to find."

Teasing she quipped "How do you know I won't be like one of those strays you never get rid of once you let them in?" Her eyes showed him how grateful she was to have someone willing to listen.

"I'll take the risk, "he smiled, "Besides, a stray is only a stray until they feel at home."

Giving him a serious look she nodded and smiled "Then thanks ... I'll take you up on that."

"Good." Looking pleased, Dev rose from his chair, "Would you like a refreshment?"

"I would do just about anything for a hot chocolate right now." She hadn't had a chance to eat or drink with much regularity since she took on Jasmine's care there were so many hoops to jump through.

"Ahh, the drink of comfort. One hot chocolate coming up." Dev walked away, a few minutes later returning with two steaming mugs. He handed one to her just before he sat back down.

Taking it from him she sipped and let out a happy sigh. "Thanks ... its perfect." She could taste the marshmallow, not just on the top but actually in the hot chocolate as well.

Dev had watched her, and then lifted his mug up. "To new beginnings."


Lt. Cmdr. Jessica Deloia
Chief Medical Officer
Magellan Campus

Jasmine Deloia
Sleeping child
Magellan Campus

Deveron Raziel
Club & Cafe Owner
Magellan Campus


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