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On The Beach

Posted on Wed Nov 16th, 2016 @ 11:26pm by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Captain Madeline Sanchez
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:56pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Like the Title Says...
Timeline: 2388/07/26 2317 (July 26 2388 2317)

After her disasterous meeting with Connor, Maddie had gone back to her quarters and after closing the door had just rested up against it for a while her breathing coming in short sharp bursts. The whole encounter had rocked her to the core as she tried to work out her feelings about the whole matter.

The moments spent there didn't help at all and she was overcome with an overwhelming feeling of claustrophobia and so she quickly scooped up a pair of sandals and headed for the beach to try and clear her head. Perhaps a walk in the moonlight would help.

Leaving the apartment block, she headed down the small pathway which led to the private stretch of beach that was for use by Academy staff only. The planet's twin moons shone brightly on the water, glinting against the surf and Maddie was struck once more by just how beautiful this planet was.

Reaching the sand, she slipped her shoes off once more and dug her toes into the cool sand and breathed in the fresh ozone on the breeze which tousled her raven hair. Closing her eyes she stood there for a moment, soaking up the feel of the moment as all of her worries began to evaporate to be replaced by the gentle lapping of the water against the shore.

Finally more relaxed, she headed down to the water and began to walk along in the shallows, hiking her skirt up in one hand whilst carrying her shoes in the other. As she walked, she tried desperately to let the experience to chase away the memory of those soft lips against hers...

"Madeline..." Connor stood at the edge of the tide watching her. His eyebrows remained slightly together from when he had recognized her in the moonlight only moments before. He had changed from his cargo pants into shorts, a towel was slung over one shoulder. He had gone down there for a swim with his own hopes of clearing his head.

Maddie visibly jumped as she heard his voice and turned to face him. The light of the moons was bright enough to light up the beach so that she could see him mere feet from her position. She chided herself for being so engrossed in her thoughts that she hadn't heard him approach.

"Hello again." she managed to get out but then fell silent, unsure of what to say next in light of the fact that her desperate attempts at trying to forget his kisses had ended in defeat as a delicious fantasy played itself out in her head.

His eyes looked her over as he started walking towards her through the water. "Are you okay?" he asked, the concern he was feeling for her in his voice.

"Been better." Maddie admitted softly as she watched him, wondering why he had to be here right now. Wasn't she confused enough?

Connor nodded, and feeling very uncertain himself, continued to stare at her. "I'm sorry," he said, his eyes searching hers, "With what happened..." he swallowed, "I should have handled that better."

"Maybe that makes two of us then, I wasn't exactly behaving like a rational human being back there." Maddie replied unable to break his gaze. The man was like a magnet and it unnerved the hell out of her.

Connor felt the pull, and his heart beating furiously, broke the gaze and turned away. Forcing his mind back to the reason he was there, he walked back to the shore pulling his towel off his shoulder. "I'm going swimming," he said turning back to her, and locked eyes with her again as he hesitated, "...would you like to join me?"

"Thanks but I'm not wearing a costume." Maddie smiled at him and the way she felt now she was pretty sure that skinny dipping when he was around wasn't the way to go, "You go on ahead."

He nodded, smiling as he looked at his towel. Then draped it over a nearby rock. "Sometimes it helps clear my mind.." he said, glancing back at her, "..stimulates the senses." He lifted his shirt, and pulled it over his head.

Maddie had to forcibly restrain herself from groaning as she watched him. The man was gorgeous. Closing her eyes for a moment to try and clear her head, it only served to intensify the feelings of desire that coursed through her body right now. "I should uh..." she pointed behind her to their apartment block, "Leave you to it and head back..." she swallowed hard as her eyes were once more roaming his body against her will.

Connor observed her as her eyes moved over him. What that did to him inside... was so much more than warming. Clearing his throat, he said, "Madeline."

"Yes?" Maddie replied as she swallowed hard and did her best to suppress whatever it was she was feeling right now.

"It's obvious," he started, feeling the need to inhale in deeply, "we're attracted to each other..." and he paused holding his t-shirt more tightly between his hands, "I think we should talk about it."

"Talk about it?" Maddie squeaked, "Or we could just pretend it's not happening." she offered hopefully. She didn't particularly want to talk openly about the fact that she really, really wanted to jump his bones right now even though she knew that it was the wrong thing to do.

Not liking her answer, Connor looked downwards and then away. He nodded, tossing his shirt and then headed out into the water, wading past her.

"Wait!" Maddie blurted out before she could stop herself and then she sighed, "Please...wait." she sat down on the shoreline and patted the sand next to her.

Connor turned around and watched her before heading back where he sat down next to her, and pulled a knee up, placing an arm on it. A moment later he said, "I can't pretend it's not happening. My brain doesn't work that way."

"Neither can I." Maddie replied as she looked out over the water at the moons, "It was just wishful thinking." she sighed heavily before turning to look at him and asking "So what do we do?"

"I don't know." Connor said still looking out over the water. "I'm having a hard time sorting it out." Feeling a bit anxious, he ran his hand over his mouth and looked back to her. "What I do know is I'm not ready. My last relationship was a disaster 'n' I'm still dealing with that."

Maddie nodded silently as she looked away again and an awkward silence fell between them. "I'm not ready either." she finally spoke, "But I also know that you have me like a cat on a hot tin roof right now...that kiss...." she trailed off unable to say more.

Connor closed his eyes and pinched between them. Back in his apartment, when she had kissed him and tried to leave, he took it further...and tried to keep her there. "I'm sorry." he said quietly, and pulling his fingers away he stood, walked a few feet away before turning back to her, and gestured out a hand, "Are you going to be able to work with me or have I ruined that?"

"No." Maddie shook her head, "You haven't ruined it...just..." she stood up and walked towards him, reaching out to take his hand, "Just try and keep your shirt on okay?" she grinned at him playfully.

Staring at their hands as he felt his anxiety levels rise, Connor closed his eyes momentarily, fighting back. "Not when I go swimming." he smiled, pulling away. "We have to be able to be around each other in all kinds of situations." He grabbed his shirt, tossed it to her, and then looked at her as if he was daring her. "Come join me."

Never one to back down from a dare, even a veiled one, Maddie caught his shirt and tossed it aside. "Well don't say I didn't warn you." she mumbled and reached for the tie around her waist, her skirt dropping to the sand, followed quickly by her top. Pausing for a moment as she stood there in her underwear, she ordered "Turn around."

Boyishly smiling, mindless to why she would want him to turn away now, Connor did as he was told.

Waiting until his back was to her, she quickly dispensed with her underwear and waded out into the ocean. Once she was safely covered with water, she called out "Okay! You can come in now!"

He turned back and his eyes widened at the pile of clothes, that his shirt he had meant for her to put on was still there. He looked out at her, placing his hands on his hips and stared with uncertainty.

"I think that this qualifies as all kinds of situations doesn't it?" Maddie called to him as she treaded water and waited to see if he would get into the water.

Running his hand down over his mouth again, Connor looked away and then back to her. He was unsure of what to do...

We have to be able to be around each other in all kinds of situations... those were his words...

Before he could analyze in his mind anymore if it was a mistake or not, Connor headed out towards her, briskly wading out into the water and then suddenly dived under it when it was deep enough. He swam beneath until he could make her out, breaking the surface in front of her, breathing in a mouthful of fresh air as he looked at her. "Madeline," he said, putting a little distance between them, "or do you prefer to be called Maddie?"

"Either is fine." Maddie smiled at him, "My friends call me Maddie." she added, hoping that the darkness was hiding her body as she began to wonder if skinning dipping with him was a mistake. Why did she have to be so God damn spontaneous?

"Maddie.." Connor managed to smile, suddenly feeling as if he needed more distance. He moved further away and looked towards the shore, feeling uncertain as to what it was he was trying to prove. "I have a cousin named Maddie..." he paused as he struggled, '..'n' I can't do this."

"Can't do what?" Maddie frowned as she watched him, starting to get an uneasy feeling about the whole situation.

"I came out here to clear my head 'n' this isn't working." he said, still not looking at her, "I'm going back to shore." and started heading there.

"Wait!" Maddie called after him, "I'll were the one who wanted to go for a swim." she added as she kicked out to swim for shore.

Connor continued, and out of the water, grabbed his towel and held it to his face. What had he been thinking?! Obviously he hadn't been.

Quickly getting out of the ocean and grabbing her clothes whilst he had his face covered, Maddie held them in front of her body to cover herself over and said "Seriously...please...go back for your swim, I'll leave."

"It won't make a difference." Connor said, and still looking away from her, he held the towel back for her to grab.

"What do you mean?" Maddie asked softly feeling confused.

"After seeing you.." and he had to smile, "in the water..well.. " he grabbed his shirt and started putting it on, "I don't think it will work anymore."

Having taken the towel, Maddie awkwardly wrapped it around herself and blushed furiously as she said "Wasn't one of my better ideas I have to admit."

Connor turned around to face her as he pulled his shirt down. "Aye," he had to agree, "but a memorable one." and he realized he handled the whole situation better than he thought he would.

"I..." Maddie began then sighed and looked down at the floor, "You should know that I'm not normally such a class A idiot."

His eyes traveling down her body and back up, Connor smiled. "You'll have to prove it." he said as he started to walk backwards away from her, thinking it was best not to walk with her back to the apartment with her in only his towel. " the messhall, Maddie, tomorrow morning?"

"I...uh..." Maddie was surprised to get the invite but found herself happy that he wasn't planning on avoiding her, "I'd like that." she smiled at him looking a little lost and vulnerable in her towel. It seemed it was her preferred state of dress when he was around.

As his eyes took her in again, Connor felt that pull again. He stopped walking. "If you would like to dress, we can walk up together." He motioned with his fingers that he would turn around so she could.

"I...uh..." Maddie replied, "Really don't want to ruin your night any more than it's been ruined already." she managed a sheepish and slightly apologetic smile.

"No.." his brow furrowed, "you didn't ruin anything." and looking decisive turned around, staying put, for her to dress.

Maddie stared at his back for a moment before finally shaking herself out of it and hurriedly dispensing with the towel and dressing. Moments later, she was dressed and moved to his side. "Seriously...I honestly don't mind if you want to go on ahead."

Gazing down at her with heavy lidded eyes, Connor manage to smile, "I think we can manage to walk up together, don't you?" Inside him there was a battle going on.

"Well I guess we're going in the same direction so why not?" Maddie conceded as she bent to gather up her shoes.

Agreeing, he nodded, and feeling a fresh breeze suddenly pick up, closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, using it to calm his nerves.

Without even thinking, Maddie reached out and took his hand with her free one and slowly began to walk for the apartment building busy with her own thoughts.

Connor stared at her first, his nerves shooting back up as they started walking, not sure what to make of it, what she had in mind. Temptation rolled through him, and before they did something they both claimed not to be ready for, at her door Connor let go, and stepped away, glancing back at her, "Goodnight." he said, "See you at breakfast."

"Breakfast." Maddie nodded and smiled a little overbrightly as he moved away from her. Sighing deeply, she turned and opened her door before heading inside. One thing was for certain, she wasn't going to be getting much sleep tonight that was for sure and sadly it was for all the wrong reasons.


Captain Madeline Sanchez
XO/Assistant Dean
Magellan Campus

Doctor Connor McKinney
Magellan Campus


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