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Resisting is Futile

Posted on Sun Jul 12th, 2020 @ 8:53pm by Commander Ta'mas & Commander Paige O'Halloran "Banshee"

Mission: To Keep Moving Forward
Location: Serene Colony, various locations
Timeline: 2388/09/01 0645 (Mon. Sept. 01 2388 6:45am)

*Warning, there's just a little adult content in here*

The night before

The trees of Sapientia colony were reminiscent of Palms near the beach that progress towards something akin to towering oak and spruce. The rest of the foliage included a variety of vines, bushes, grass -tinged just slightly blue- and a remarkable array of flowers. Beyond the beach, the colony and campus had nearby waterfalls and pools, places of beauty ideal for romantic hide-aways.

The small Elliciean section of the dense and still somewhat unruly jungle had one particular picturesque waterfall and several connected pools within a five-minute walk along a hidden path, something the felinoids enjoyed in the early morning hours.

Paige and Ta’mas had left the Elliciean dinner party hand in hand, Ta’mas still in his loincloth. As they started heading back the way they had come, he stopped them, listening as his Vulcan hearing picked up something from a distance.

Paige paused with him glancing over curiously. “What is it?” She asked glancing around, alert for threats but seeing none.

Feeling her alarm, he squeezed her hand and said, “Nothing to worry about. This way..” and started leading her off the path, taking her in another direction. Enthusiasm built within him as his senses told him what they would find.

Paige relaxed and allowed him to pull her along with a sense of patient curiosity. There was a small overgrown path they’d moved too and now she heard it, the distant rumbling of a waterfall. She smiled as they walked, dodging tree leaves and stepping over old roots as animals rustled in the undergrowth. The stars twinkled down on the trees but here under the canopy, there was darkness broken up by the bright moonlight in the gaps.

There was a small boulder blocking sight, so it wasn’t until they’d come around the blind corner that she saw it. A small lake being fed by a waterfall. It wasn’t huge but it was tall going up and up on a mountainside as thousands of gallons of water thundered into the lake below. If they could hear it from here it would be amazing loud closer in. They could see the stars and the moons (one larger and seeming closer) clearly as they shone down on the lake clearing. They came out into the clearing surrounded by trees. Paige beamed taking in the beautiful sight and taking a deep breath of the water ladened air.

"I think now I know why Christopher chose where he had for the Elliciean settlement,” Ta'mas finally said, breaking the breathless silence between them. He started walking them nearer to the water while letting go of his shoulder bag, allowing it to hit the ground on the way.

“This is amazing.” Paige agreed, awe in her voice, “I may never leave this planet.” She half-joked.

“Same here,” Ta’mas replied as they stopped again. He then turned towards her, seeing another vision he felt was much more beautiful, her lovely face illuminated by the moonlight. He leaned in, wrapping his arms around her, flushing her against him, and he knew she could feel his desire, there was just no hiding it.

Paige’s smile changed to something altogether different as she took in the sight of him. With the loincloth, looking all the world like some ancient warrior. She had thought to punish him for the surprise of his new outfit but at the moment it was all she could do not to growl at him as she went in for a kiss, her arms wrapping around his neck.

Their mouths close, he whispered, “You are overdressed tonight,” and gave her a little smart-ass smile.

She answered with a smile of her own, “And you talk too much.” She said completing the distance, their lips meeting with a passionate focus that required no explanation.

When the kiss ended, he moved to her kissing her neck, stopping to pull her shirt over her head. Heavy breathing with little space between them, he started unclasping her pants, boyishly smiling when their eyes met. He stopped then to cup the side of her face, suddenly overwhelmed by how much he loved her.

She couldn’t help but know what he felt their bond was so close, she felt he must feel how much she loved him in return. “I love you too, man o mine,” she replied to the unstated feeling but nevertheless strongly felt, giving his nose a little gentle rub with her own. Her answering smile was light-hearted.

He smiled back at her and then looked downwards, feeling a little unworthy, something he hadn’t felt in quite some time. Pushing the feeling away before she caught it, he deflected, “I’m not too sure about the ground here..” He looked towards the lake, “But I’m wondering what is under that waterfall.” and gave her a challenging look. He knew her so well.

Paige could never resist a challenge and she was in a mood to play. She stepped away, her smile turning quite mischievous, and without a word she quickly stripped the rest of the way then dove into the water, yelling, “Race You!” her laughter carrying over the short distance as she shot off.

As she stripped, Ta’mas had quickly shoved down his loincloth, stepping out of it, and wasn’t far behind her, although nearly tripping as she took off.

It wasn’t long before they were both at the waterfall. Bracing his hands on a flat rock at its edge, he easily pushed himself up onto it and then reached down to take her hand.

She just got there before Ta’mas arrived and enjoyed the view as he smoothly climbed up then turned to help her. With a smile she accepted and soon they were both on the rock as the waterfall continued to flow nearby.

They walked along the rock, Ta’mas peering into the falling water. “I think there’s a cave!” He raised his voice over its noise and looked upwards as he tried to calculate the height of it for the flow rate, barely able to tell with only the moonlight. The weight of the water could pin them down if they didn’t go through it at exactly the right place.

Paige tried to look inside, thinking of the light source in the bag Ta’mas had dropped. Least it was warm as she stood there unselfconsciously nude along with Ta’mas. Paige picked up a nearby loose branch and poked it under a part of the waterfall at random, it tore it from her hand, “Not that spot.” She joked.

“We need an Elliciean,” he smiled back to her, “and they would not care that we are naked.” Like Andorians and Betazoids, Elliciean naturally had no naked taboo. “There is never one around when you need them..” he pulled out another branch and reached it closer to the side edge. Unfortunately, they couldn’t get all the way to the side-edge, but where he stuck it in through, he could hold the stick up despite the pressure.

He looked back to her, “I am going to go through here. Are you alright with that?” (done)

Paige looked at it consideringly, “Seems safe enough but maybe I should go first…” She suggested moving forward. You can take the Security Chief out of her office but you can’t take the office out of the Security Chief.

“Have you ever done this before?!” he asked her, his inner brows raised. “I have on Betazed with ones much smaller. Christopher took me through one much larger than this.”

She paused, she hadn’t been thinking. Had autopiloted, “No, I don’t tend to cave.” She admitted and for the first time wondered at the size, could they even fit? She couldn’t quite see inside. “Be careful.” She finally said reluctantly.

Ta’mas could hear her reluctance, could sense her concern. Suddenly thinking about her claustrophobia, he nodded and said reassuringly, “If I do not feel the other side before I am all the way through, I will stop. There is enough overhang to convince me I will.”

“Good plan.” Paige agreed. She still wasn’t fond of small places but it was less of a problem as she’d grown up. Though to be fair, Ta’mas was still the only person outside her family who knew anything about that. Never her style to make a big deal about such things.

He nodded back to her and then started moving in, sideways, nearly disappearing from view. There was a wall unseen and pressing his back against it, he felt something on the other side to grab onto. He reached his free hand back out for her.

Paige took his hand and with a deep breath pushing aside any concern entered under the slightly lighter flow of the waterfall.

As she came through, Ta’mas pulled her to him. His other arm going around her back, he let go of her hand to hold onto her derriere. There was an excitement in his eyes as he looked down at her so intently, for not only were they in a cave, but its walls were lit up with crystal daggers. “Would you say this was more exciting than the roof of a holographic train?” he had to ask her, recalling an adventure they had in a holodeck years ago.

Paige was distracted by the deep room they found themselves in, the crystals sparkling throughout. It took her a moment to change gears then she looked at him and laughed as she recalled, "I don’t know both are pretty thrillin’" She replied with a smile. It had been the first real chance to know him, hard to believe how long ago now it was.

“Yes, they are," he had to agree and then let go of her so she could move around and see more. The crystals gave off an outer light turquoise transparent glow over other colors. There were a few large boulders and what appeared to be carved in alcoves into the walls.

Paige wandered around a bit watching the varied crystals shimmer and shine, using their own light and the reflected light. Of all different shapes and sizes, it was a rainbow. A science officer would likely be able to tell you what they were made of and why they reflected so amazingly well. Paige just thought it looked nice, and she finally discovered part of the reason for the look of the crystals. Off to one side was a small inground mountain spring pool, heated by its natural geothermal energy.

Ta’mas had been watching her, beautifully naked, graceful in her movements, the glow of the crystals accentuated her every curve and the strength of her form. When she stopped at the pool, he had only one other thing on his mind. He joined her, causing her to face him. Then placing his hands around her face, he placed his lips over hers.

And just like that, she was completely distracted from the beauty of the cave. She focused on him and the kiss as her hands moved of their own volition across his back.

He broke the kiss, reaching down, taking her by the hand to lead her over to one of the boulders, where he sat back on to it while pulling her to him. With one hand running over her soft skin as she straddled him, he mouthed kisses up her body as she took him all inside.

With the ease of practice, Paige moved gracefully as she was bombarded with sensations that heated the blood to something approaching molten lava. It wasn’t just the physical though but the emotions tied to this one man. A handsome, silly, occasionally frustrating man. She caught at his face moving it to hers so she could sneak in a few more kisses all the while she moved, one arm behind his neck.

One arm reaching around her lower back, Ta'mas grabbed on to one side of her face in return, pressing her closer to him, moving in her as she rode him, bonding them completely as they always did when making love.

0600 hours

An alarm was going off somewhere but Paige was not awake enough to know it was an alarm. All she knew was loud noise, as her mostly still asleep brain told her to make the loud noise stop. Her arm came out from under a blanket and, finding the source of the loud noise and she fumbled at it until it shut off. Then there was blessed silence and she burrowed under the covers, not awake enough to wonder why there were covers. To remember they'd finally made their way home in the wee hours of the night.

The door opened and Ta'mas walked in wrapped in only a towel and carrying a breakfast tray. Carefully balancing the tray, he sat down beside her on the edge of her side of the bed. "Good morning, beautiful," he smiled, knowing she was awake, and when she didn't respond, continued with, "It may be later than you realize. I reset the alarm so you could get more sleep while I showered and then I continued to prepare your breakfast..." They had both showered post-swimming, but he had felt like he needed to again.

Paige popped one eye open having smelled the food as it came closer, she raised the blanket enough to see the plate of eggs, bacon and other goodies. A hand snaked out and snatched a piece of bacon, disappearing under the covers with the speed of a cat with a mouse. Then her brain caught up to the fact that he just had a towel around his waist and she sneaked the blanket back down so she could look at him while nibbling the piece of bacon.

Amused at her actions, Ta'mas lifted one eyebrow and then thought it best to inform her, all things considered, "Paige, as I reset the alarm, you have less than thirty minutes before it is time to leave for work."

Paige's eyes snapped open from their half drowsy position. She sat up, the blanket slipped and she shoved it out of her way her brain going into the kind of autopilot only one used to responding to emergencies can manage. She rolled off the opposite side of the bed and headed for the shower, turned around grabbed more bacon, and kissed Ta'mas's forehead, "Love you..." She said before taking off for the bathroom in a rush, a naked whirlwind.

Ta'mas had twisted in the bed to watch her. "Love you," he returned before deciding he would get dressed and getting off the bed, nearly tripped over their cat, Banshee.

0645 hours

As it was his turn to drive, Ta'mas pulled up in front of the central command building to drop Paige off, and then he would go park the car before going into work himself.

"I will see you in about an hour and fifteen minutes," he said, cheerfully, looking over to her.

"See you then." She paused to give him a proper kiss before she had to run off.

Deciding he needed to slow her down, he held onto her and continued into another kiss as she broke it.

Duty poked at her to get a move on and she would in just a moment. In the end, though, it wasn't duty that pulled her away but the fact her lungs were demanding oxygen. She got out of the car to put some distance between them as she tried to catch her breath, "Right, you go be temptin' elsewhere..." She made a shooing motion.

Ta'mas' inner eyebrows raised up in confusion although there was amusement in his eyes. "You do not really mean you?" He enjoyed it when she got this way.

"Oh for.." She laughed, then realized he could be tempting elsewhere, "You behave instead. I've work to do..." And still laughing she turned to head toward the building.

With his boyish smile, knowing she would get him back later for it all, Ta'mas drove away.



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