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Meet The New First

Posted on Sat Sep 9th, 2017 @ 6:19pm by Commander Christopher SilverShadowMoon & Lieutenant Commander Kiyrra Iyvanna & Graken Soul Friend
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:02pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Chief Science Officer's Office
Timeline: 2388/08/15 0758 (August 15 2388 0758)

Kiyrra had easily settled her things into her new quarters on the starbase. She was not a collector of "artifacts" as many were; she had few things to settle. But now that she had, she moved on to the next step in the protocol of arrival on a new base: find and report to her new First -- superior officer.

Finding the man's office, she touched the door chime. It was possible, she reflected, that he was not even in that office given it was early in the morning. Then again, she reflected, he was of a race that even she had not heard of. This made his actions unpredictable, something that even now she was not terribly fond of. She liked order, structure, stability.

Clearing her thoughts, she counted the seconds. If he was in the office, it would tell her how long it took him to answer his door chime. If he was not in the office, she would cease her count at five minutes and try somewhere else. Either way, it occupied her thoughts and kept the silence at bay... marginally.

Chris sat at his desk, tail lightly swishing along the floor. His feline eyes quickly skimming over the words of the latest reports before him. That and the files for his staff which was now fully fleshed out, each absorbed by his, naturally good, Elliciean memory.

He felt a sense of pride, having been part of Sapientia since the beginning, in all who had made it possible. For himself he felt a satisfaction, a fullness. It was why he had become a Ranger, and now with much to still be done at Serene, he felt eager.

Thirty seconds. She frowned. Perhaps he was engrossed in something and had not heard the chime. She touched the chime again and began the count over.

Finishing a file, Chris froze realizing he had tuned out the chime. It always amazed and annoyed him that he could be aware of almost every other noise except that one. Perhaps he could get the sound changed, something to catch his attention.

With a sigh, at himself, he released the door and called out "Come in". Pleased at the sight of his visitor.

"Apologies I must give if you were kept waiting, Commander. Told I have been that I have selective hearing against door chimes."

Kiyrra tilted her head, considering telling him to see the base physician about that when she realized he was attempting humor. Sometimes, she was still far too literal, and it had gotten her into trouble a couple of times and teased the rest of the time. When she realized he was joking, she gave him a small smile.

"It is a common problem." she offered helpfully. "Most life forms are not accustomed to processing thousands of inputs simultaneously. I believe it is called 'being engrossed'?" She was trying to connect, to show understanding and that she was not offended by having been made to wait. She hoped that it came across.

"Indeed," He gave a light smile in return, still managing to show his feline teeth. " Possible it is, as my friends say, in the clouds I live. Regardless, doubt I do you're here to hear about my quirks. Please take a seat, have you settled in yet? "

Many might have had difficulty processing his speech pattern -- Humans would say that he spoke backwards -- but Kiyrra did not. The Collective had assimilated many different species with many different forms of sentence structure, so her brain automatically realigned the auditory input to make sense to her. As for his feline traits, some part of her that subconsciously remembered something other than the Collective found them charming.

Taking the offered seat, she shrugged lightly. "Yes, thank you." She was not sure that she understood this protocol of thanking someone for being polite since politeness was the proper protocol as well, but she would not be accused of being the one to ignore this simple social requirement. "I do not have many things to settle, so it does not take me long."

Now what is the correct protocol? she thought, trying to remember if she was expected to ask something in return or if he was expected to move the conversation forward given that this was his territory. One protocol said she should since she was the one who had come here uninvited; another said he should since her coming here was purely business and this was his office. Not knowing which was correct, she hesitated a moment to see if he would speak and give her the answer.

Chris watched her, tips of his ears twitched, picking up what he thought might be uncertainty, which he expected upon reading her file.

He couldn't imagine what it would be like to be thrust from the collective and back into individuality. However, it seemed to him the transition would not be easy. Chris admired her for the strength needed to move forward and for doing so in Starfleet.

Deciding to end the awkwardness that often accompanied reporting in, Christopher gave a nod. "Seems it does we share minimalism in common. " Being Elliciean, his belongings fit in one bag as well. His gaze momentarily went from her to a small stack of PADDs as he continued . "And hard work, so assume can I, ready you are to jump right in? "

Kiyrra's eyes followed his to the PADDs but returned to his immediately afterward. She was relieved that he moved the subject, though she did wonder what outward signs, if any, she had given him that she was uneasy. Normally people said she was like stone, impossible to read.

"Indeed I am, sir." she answered. While her language bore a more formal structure, her tone was more relaxed, her attempt to create a middle ground between the Borg Drone she had been and the woman she was trying to learn to be.

"Good" A long silver tail came up and pushed the PADDs toward her. "Those are everything on all active projects and information on what's been discussed so far for the future. Providing we will, at some point, research opportunities for the campus cadets. And, working closely with the oceanic department for a number of projects." He nodded to indicate the PADDs, "Those active projects on 4th PADD they are. Also there is information on immediate needs for the department of colonization, meeting we have tomorrow on this. After meeting free you are to continue familiarizing yourself with all of this. "

Kiyrra took up the PADDs and glanced through them briefly. It looked interesting, and she looked forward to working with the department on it. "What time is this meeting tomorrow?" she asked. A couple of things she liked immediately about him were that he was efficient and very clear about what he wanted from her, speech pattern aside.

"Oh seven hundred, it is. " Chris glanced down and to the right, tips of his ears twitched several times. After a moment he looked back to Kiyrra, "One more thing there is. A companion I have and it would be best for you to meet them now as they will be with me often."

His eyes looked her over intensely as he asked. "Heard have you ever of an Elliciean Graken? "

Kiyrra's brain immediately took in the name and searched the Borg database of information she had. She shook her head after a moment. "I have not, but I am curious to meet one." Something inside of her had sparked at the idea of meeting something new, something older than her years as a Borg drone, something primal and basic to her nature. It was an odd feeling really when these things peeked out into the light, these glimpses into her own psybhe, moments where the Borg influences dimmed, if only for a second, and let something else shine through. It was odd, but not unwelcome.

With a pleased nod, Chris clicked his tongue, giving a series of quick trilling noises. Not more than a moment later, a red-gold ,almost triangular, head appeared from behind the desk. Following was a draconic body that sleeked soundlessly up the Ellicieans arm to wrap around his neck. Light multifaceted gold eyes appeared, staring for a second at Kiyrra, before blinking lazily and yawning.

"Essfliseean this is, you may call him Friend or Soul Friend. He's not really a 'he', neither gender he is but simpler it is to say he. " Christopher blinked in response to his unexpected tongue twister. A slight smile teased at his lips as he continued, "Friend will be with me often, for our bond is symbiotic. Wish I do not for anyone to be uncomfortable with him. "

Kiyrra considered everything he said, watching the creature slither up its companion and take up residence around his neck. It reminded her of a constrictor snake, though it did not appear to be constricting, and its general appearance was not the same. It simply had that behavior. "May I touch him?" she asked. She was not distressed by the creature; rather, she was intrigued. That same something primal had sparked in her mind at seeing the being.

"If he allows it. "

Friend felt the mental push from the Elliciean, tilting his head at the image to accompany it. It was request made more often now, and although his natural instinct was to avoid touches from anything beyond his own kind or one bonded to, it wasnt unpleasant.

He once again stared, taking in Kiyrra, sensing nothing perhaps save curiosity. A feeling the Graken often had, even if unwise. He detached himself from around Christophers neck to dart suddenly down his outstretched arm.

Christopher smiled, sensing the conflicting feelings from the little dragon. Who darted from safety with a burst of eagerness, then wrapped a tail around his arm as if in second thought. "Touch him you can. Harm you he won't. "

Kiyrra watched the small creature with curiosity. It seemed as curious about her as she was about it. Because of this, she held out a hand for a moment, closer to the creature, with fingers curled downward and away from it, so that it could better scent her. After that initial moment, however, she reached forward slowly and stroked its head gently. She was no expert at dealing with this particular species, but instinct guided her. "Hello, Friend." she said in soft tones as she brushed her fingers over the being's head.

After a moment, Friend leaned into her touch and trilled in response to her greeting.

Chris grinned, "Taken to you he has. Good, mean it does he will be an excellent helper." he said, watching Soul Friend lean more of himself towards Kiyrra in order to enjoy her fingers on his, often itchy, scaly skin. "Information there is in his file, if Grakens you desire to understand, and how i trained him."

Kiyrra felt herself smiling very lightly. The creature's reaction to her was unusual in the sense that she had gotten accustomed to people reacting badly to her. Some animals did too, but she suspected that was more to do with the fact that they smelled the metal bits she still had implanted in her. This one, however, seemed to like her, and that pleased her for some reason that she did not take the time just then to identify.

"I will definitely read the file then." she told her new First. "He is a fascinating being." Noting the way he leaned into her hand, she took what she thought was a hint and scratched the being gently but firmly.

"A trouble maker he is. " Chris chuckled, then added. "Rounds i must make, join me for a stroll in the woods for sensor calibrating? "

Nature on Sapentia was still revealing surprises, something that never got old.

Combining learning of one another with learning of the planet was a very efficient use fo time, her Borg side told her, and therefore acceptable. The side of her that was learning to be something other than Borg was also pleased as it would sate the Borg nature's need for efficiency and not wasting anything while allowing her to continue to learn to understand both her own nature and those around her.

"Of course." she agreed, giving Friend another scratch before retrieving her hand so that the creature could return completely to his companion if he so chose. She did look forward to learning more about him and his species as well as interracting with him again, however.

Friend watched her for a moment more before fluidly moving to hide among Chris's long hair and intricately woven plaits Ellicieans wore prone to wear. Chris stood to his full height, prehensile tail lifting a padd for himself. "We best get started." He said with a friendly feline smile.

Kiyrra watched both the man and his companion as they moved. Such grace fascinated her; there was no grace in the Borg movements, only efficiency. As he rose, she did as well, taking his words to mean that she should precede him from the room. Exiting his office, she awaited his lead since he knew the starbase and she did not. When he passed her, she fell into step with him as they began their tour.


Commander Christopher SilverShadowMoon
Magellan Chief Science officer

Soul Fried
Charming Draconic trouble maker

Lieutenant Commander Kiyrra Iyvanna
Magellan Assistant Chief Science Officer


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