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My Brother's Keeper

Posted on Wed Mar 22nd, 2017 @ 12:49am by Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D., M.S. & Captain Madeline Sanchez
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:03pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Assistant Dean's Office
Timeline: 2388/08/15 0806 (August 15 2388 0806)

Maddie sat staring at the computer screen in front of her and sighed. The student rota was in front of her and right now, even after all their hard work, it had been spotted that Monday morning flight instruction was clashing with warp core theory and she couldn't see a way of rescheduling it without it clashing with another class. Sitting back in her chair, she rubbed wearily at her eyes.

Suddenly there was a buzz from Teri's deskcomm, but strangely, Teri didn't say anything.

Frowning, Maddie leaned forward, activated her deskcomm and said "Teri? Are you okay? Why aren't you speaking?"

"Oh...ahh..." returned a husky male voice, "Teri's not at her desk right now. Would this by chance be Assistant Dean, and Captain, Madeline Sanchez?"

"Yes it would." Maddie's voice was frosty as she asked "And you are?"

"Phlox Medical Center Surgeon, and Lieutenant, Cole Dering, Sir..Ma'am.. Ahh, Sir..?" Out at and bent over Teri's desk, Cole winced before adding, "I was hoping I could have a moment of your time."

In the time that Cole was talking, Maddie had stood and moved to her door. "Ma'am will do just fine." she said as the door opened and she leaned against the door frame looking at him.

Almost startled, Cole stood up straight and smiled a dazzling yet guilty smile. "Yes, Ma'am. Is this a bad time?"

"Not at all, I'm just fighting with the student timetable." Maddie replied and straightened up before gesturing into her office, "Come on in."

Cole gave a slight nod. "Thank you, Captain." and he followed her in. "I really appreciate this."

"Not a problem though I'm not really sure what this is." Maddie replied as she took her seat behind her desk and gestured to him to sit down.

"Well, personal." Cole said as he sat down, placing his hands on his legs. "It has to do with my brother. I had the impression the other day at the cafe that the two of you are friends. Is that right?"

"I'd like to think so." Maddie nodded resting back in her chair before prompting him, "Go on."

"I'm not trying to pry into anything that's none of my business," Cole's brow furrowed, "but is he okay? I mean, from a friend's perspective, does he seem like he's alright to you?"

Maddie shook her head, "We're not good enough friends for that but there's something about him...a sadness perhaps?" she shook her head again and then added "Maybe it's just me. Forget I said anything."

Cole's eyes slightly narrowed. "I can't do that." He leaned forward, exhaling strongly as he lowered his head, before pushing himself to stand. "Thank you, Captain, for your time. Like I said, I really appreciate it."

"Wait you can't just ask me something like that and then just back off." Maddie stood up, "Is something wrong with him?" she asked, realising that she saw it as her business after all. If a friend was in trouble or hurting then she wanted to know.

Staring silently at her, Cole made a decision he didn't make lightly and that was to discuss Brady in more detail than he usually did yet, without saying too much... "I'm not sure." he said sitting back down, and his eyes narrowed again. "Since I arrived a few days ago, he's been avoiding me like the plague."

"But he looked really pleased to see you that day we met." Maddie commented with a frown. Why would Brady avoid his own brother?

"Yeah..he was.." Cole smiled sadly, "until I asked the wrong question. 'How are you doing, Brady?' and that's when things changed."

"So are you here because you want me to talk to him?" Maddie asked as she watched Cole intently.

Cole's eyes shot up. "No...nooo.." He shook his head, "Then he would be avoiding you too..well, as much as he could. But as a friend, maybe spend some time with him."

"I can do that." Maddie nodded, "He's a nice guy and I want to do what I can to help, especially if for some reason he's hurting."

"Wish I knew..." Cole replied, looking thoughtful. Then he sighed before adding softly, "Thank you, Captain. I think I've taken up enough of your time. Next time I'll be sure to make an appointment." He smiled.

"You're welcome." Maddie smiled back, still not really sure what the visit was all about and feeling more confused than ever about it all.

After getting out of is seat, Cole turned at the door, giving her another smile, before exhaling strongly as he walked away.


Captain Madeline Sanchez
XO/Assistant Dean
Magellan Campus

Lieutenant Cole Dering, M.D.
Medical Officer/Surgeon
Magellan Campus


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