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The Battle for Isla de Vieques

Posted on Sun Mar 19th, 2017 @ 11:46pm by Captain Madeline Sanchez & Commander Jacob Bannerman
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 6:45pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Holodeck, Magellan Academy
Timeline: 2388/08/14 0600 (August 14 2388 0600)

It had been a long, lonely and restless night for Madeline Sanchez after her dinner with Connor, her frustration and pent up energy finding her up at the crack of dawn and headed for the nearest campus holodeck.

She had a lot of emotion to dispense with and there was nothing better to do that than with a sword.

Had anyone been looking out of their window that early, they would have seen the slender woman striding across campus dressed in thigh length black boots, scarlet britches and a billowing white shirt, complete with a scarlet and black bandana and carrying a rather large and lethal looking cutlass. When Maddie used one of her programs, she always liked to immerse herself in the part and today was no exception.

Hostile as her relationship with her estranged sister Estelle was, fencing and swordfighting was their passion. The Sanchez roots and their love of swords dated back to the first Spanish to invade the New World. And this mutual passion left Maddie feeling a little forlorn as she approached the holodeck and thought of the times that she and Estelle had run this program together. What would it be like to still be close to her? To be able to talk to her about Connor. To ask her advice as to whether she was being rash and impulsive. With a sigh, Maddie reached into her pocket and pulled out an isolinear chip. It was time to clear her head.


1718, Off the coast of Isla de Vieques, Puerto Rico aboard the La Perla

"A fine day for battle do you not think mi amigo?" Miguel Enriquez, privateer and loyalist to the Spanish crown turned to his beautiful companion.

"The British will not know what's hit them Captain." Maddie turned and grinned at the La Perla's commanding officer and second in command of the fleet of five that advanced upon the island of Vieques. Just days ago Enriquez had learned that the British were occupying the small island and was given permission by Governor Bertolano to invade the island with the help of General José Roche de la Peña.

"That they won't m'lady." Miguel grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close, "Tonight we drink rum on their corpses and sing songs of their defeat." he grinned before adding "And then we have our own private celebration."

Maddie gently extracted herself from Miguel's grasp then kissed him chastely on the cheek before saying "We have to win the battle first Captain."

"Then I will win it in your name." Miguel grinned before slapping her bottom hard, "Do me proud mi amigo."

"Don't I always?" Maddie replied as the crew lowered several small boats into the water and began to board them as the ship turned broadside ready to fire at the port with its cannons.

"Always." Miguel replied, refusing to let her go as he pulled her close then planted a searing kiss on her lips and whispered "Go get 'em."

Making a mental note to get rid of that particular part of the program because it didn't quite seem appropriate anymore, Maddie nodded before gracefully climbing down into one of the landing vessels, the darkness of night hiding the invasion force from the sentries guarding port.

No-one said a word as the small boat was rowed to shore. The anticipation amongst the crew palpable as they readied for battle. Knowing that Miguel had their backs, Maddie simply waited for them to get within wading distance of the shore, knowing that the minute they made land, the La Perla and the rest of the fleet would open fire on the fort.

And that was just what they did. As Maddie hopped out into the shallows just to the side of the port, the huge cannons on board the five ships in the harbour opened fire, the cannon balls whistling over their heads as they blasted into the walls of the fort, explosions of rock and wood flying high into the air as the walls began to shatter.

With a roar, Maddie brandished her cutlass in the air and yelled "Forward!" Leading the charge, she ran up the beach, the men behind her carrying kegs of gunpowder to blow open the wall to the town. Gunshots and flaming chunks of tar were thrown down at them though caught unawares as they were, the British were yet to put up much of a defence and the projectiles were easily dodged. More cannon fire ripped into the fort as the kegs were lit and they stood back and took cover. With a deafening roar, the walls to the town burst open and the privateers attacked, streaming through the breach, guns and swords at the ready.

Women and children ran screaming as British soldiers streamed down the street before them. Maddie dodged side to side, avoiding shots from the pistols. Within moments, she engaged her first 'victim' their swords clashing with a loud screech of metal as the soldier blocked her attack. Circling her foe, Maddie eyed him for weaknesses before lunging forward, the feignt proving useful as the soldier bought it, his blade coming down as Maddie whirled and struck his side, felling him with one blow. All of her anger and frustration from the last few days flowed into her blade as she moved on to the next more accomplished opponent, swords clashing and sparks flying as they fought, every attack blocked and parried as each combatant looked for a way through the others defence. Finally seeing an opening, as the soldier sweeped his blade low, aiming to take out her legs, Maddie leaped into the air, her blade coming down on the soldier, his body crumpling in response to the attack that had the whole of Maddie's weight behind it.

Wiping the sword against her side and her sweat from her brow, Maddie charged forward, the men bringing up the rear taking care of the remaining attack force. Her goal was simple. She was headed for the fort.

Sprinting up to the gates to avoid retaliation, the Starfleet Captain made short work of the guards stationed there, many of whom had been killed or injured in the first wave of cannon fire. She stepped over their cooling corpses as she entered, heading for the governor's quarters.

As she advanced on the doors, she was suddenly thrown sideways by a blast as a cannon ball struck not six feet from her position and she landed in a heap on the floor. Groaning as she picked herself up, she touched her cheek only to find blood on her fingers, she was happy to see that no other injuries were evident. Of course, this was mostly due to the holodeck safeties which only allowed for the most superficial cuts and scrapes.

Forcing her tired legs on, she ran through the ransacked doors and into the Governor's inner sanctum, intent on finding the leader of the British scum.

Running into the main foyer, she grinned as she saw the open door to what could only be the Governor's office and stepped inside. Two men's eyes turned to face her. One of them standing by the window in full British uniform, the other, a Spaniard tied to a chair at his former desk.

"Bear with me Governor." Maddie said in Spanish, "I'll just get rid of the trash and I'll be right with you."

"And who in the hell are you?" the British Commodore sneered in a very well spoken, posh British accent.

"You mean you haven't heard of me?" Maddie shot back then pouted, "Shame on you Commodore." she performed an overdramatic bow and said "Captain Madeline Sanchez, consort of Miguel Enriquez and the woman who's just about to kick your ass and hand it to you on a plate."

"Is that right?" the British officer grinned, "Well I like my women feisty, perhaps I'll keep you...that's if you survive." he drew his sword and began to circle her.

"I'd like to say the same offense, you have terrible taste in clothing and your breath smells." Maddie shot back, enjoying herself immensely.

The snarky comment was enough for the Commodore and with a roar he advanced forward, his sword aimed straight at Maddie's heart.

Maddie deftly jumped sideways, her blade expertly swinging around to block the next attack that she knew would come.

"Not bad little girl." the Commodore noted before adding "For an amateur that is." he lunged forward with another attack which Maddie quickly parried and whirled, her blade seeking her quarry's back.

But the Commodore was skilled and he whirled around with her, blocking the sharp blade in a clang of metal, sparks flying everywhere from the force of the blow. Maddie staggered backwards a few paces, almost losing her footing as her boot hit up against a random book strewn on the floor. The Commodore saw his chance and attacked, his blade crashing down but Maddie was quick and ducked under his arm, sidestepping and bringing her blade down to ward his away.

Seeing that it would not be a quick victory, the pair engaged in a series of attacks and parries. It just seemed as if one was getting the upper hand when the other fought back, harder and stronger than before. The frightened Spanish Governor looked on in horror as the fight progressed, the slashing blades more than once almost coming into contact with his head.

But the pair were uncaring. Each fixated on their goal - to defeat their opponent. More than five minutes had gone by and by now both parties were breathing heavily, their clothing soaked with sweat, their hair slick against their heads. The Commodore was faring worse thanks to his thick woolen military uniform whilst with her long flowing white shirt, Maddie was able to move more easily and quickly. Her speed however, was of no advantage to the brute strength and skill of her opponent.

Then finally, the Commodore saw it. An opening. Maddie had left her side exposed. He adjusted the balance of the blade in his hand and lunged forward. Maddie saw the blade too late and in trying to evade it staggered back and crashed to the ground, her cutlass clattering to the floor and just out of reach.

"Well, well, well..." the Commodore sneered as he pressed the tip of his blade against her chest, "It seems that I get to claim my prize after all."

Maddie lay prostrate below him, breathing hard as she began to talk, distracting him as her hand reached into the top of her thigh length boot. "You know, Miguel will have your head on a spike on the harbour wall if you touch me." she commented brazenly.

"Is that so? Well..." the Commodore kneeled to the floor, keeping his sword trained on her as he spoke, "Sadly for Miguel he's not here is he? And besides, I doubt if he's a real man like me." he grinned wolfishly and added "Tell me my dear, have you ever had a Commodore?"

"I guess that depends in what context." Maddie shot back, her fingers finding purchase on the handle of the small dagger strapped to her thigh. "You see...." she smiled seductively, "If you mean have I ever bedded one, the answer is no." she slowly pulled on the blade which silently released from its small scabbard, "But if you mean have I ever killed one?" she purred just before with lightening reflexes she pulled the dagger from hiding and plunged it deep into the Commodore's chest up to the hilt. As his eyes widened and he clutched at his chest, she added calmly "Well the answer to that is...just one my dear Commodore." the she whispered in his year and added "And that would be you."

And with that, he slumped to the ground dead.

Standing up, Maddie retrieved her sword and turned to the Governor. "Captain Enriquez sends his regards Governor." she commented as she used the blade to sever his bindings "But if you'll excuse me, we're needed elsewhere."

And with that she ran for the door bloodied and cut but with a clear mind and a sense of renewed balance.


"Computer end program." Maddie ordered waiting until the holodeck returned to its familiar yellow and black grid Striding to the door she exited and bumped straight into...

Jacob Bannerman.

"Whoa!" Jake exclaimed as he reached out to steady her, his eyes sweeping over her as a slow smile spread across his face. He took in her clothes, the blood spatters, the gash on her cheek and the sword by her side as he said "My, my, my...has the Captain been playing pirates again?"

Maddie groaned internally. Of all the people she could bump into it had to be him. "Mister Bannerman." she said icily as she yanked herself out of his grasp, "What I do in my own free time is none of your business."

Jake shrugged and said "Suit yourself but time you go can I come?" He grinned.

"No." Maddie replied curtly before striding past him and calling over her shoulder "Unless of course the safeties are off and I'm the only one with a sword."

And with that she was gone, leaving Jake shaking his head and grinning like an idiot. "Damn I like her...McKinney doesn't know what he has there if the rumours are true." And with that he entered the holodeck intent on finding out just what Madeline Sanchez had been doing in there.

Captain Madeline Sanchez
Assistant Dean
Magellan Academy

Commander Jacob Bannerman
Flight Control Instructor
Magellan Academy

Captain Miguel Enriquez
18th Century Privateer


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