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Campus Faculty Staff Meeting Part 3

Posted on Mon Sep 24th, 2018 @ 2:01pm by Ambassador Geminik Odar & Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Captain James Armstrong & Commander Thavanichent th'Dori & Captain Karyn Dallas R.N. & Commander Sonia Dalca & Senior Chief Petty Officer Teri Lane
Edited on on Sat Nov 3rd, 2018 @ 7:03pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Faculty Conference Lounge, Magellan Campus
Timeline: 2388/08/20 0950 (August 20 2388 0950)
Tags: staff meeting


The lines along his jaw tensing once, Connor walked away from Bannerman, and he continued, "For those of you who did not bring your own, put in your personal code to access your account. There you will find your department's schedule for the lecture halls. For those of you who are late arrivals, Captain Sanchez 'n' I worked on yours. We worked hard on making this work for everyone. Please go over these with your instructors, 'n' inform Teri of any changes you feel are necessary."

He walked back to his seat, "Any questions?"

To be Continued...

Devin picked his PADD up and entered his access to it, a slight wince crossing his features as he looked at the screen. This was not something that he was used to and he briefly wondered if he should have signed up on a ship heading into the unknown. A brief look of amusement crossed his features as he realized that he was heading into the unknown. Looking up, he nodded to Doctor McKinney.

"Yes, is it too late to change assignments, Doctor McKinney? I seem to have entered the unknown here." He gave a grin to let Connor know he was joking. "It's been a while since I've been a cadet, after all."

"You are not the only one..." Sonia muttered, problem was she could remember her time as a cadet and did not look forward riding herd on them. They are pretty creative if she remembered correctly and not always in a good way.

Devin's reaction caused Connor smile. "As it is for all of us, Mister McCall. I am sure the counselors will be standing by."

With part of her focused on Bannerman's juvenile comment, another part of Karyn identified with the others' nerves concerning the Cadets. "Indeed we will. I've found it best to focus lessons on practical skills and character lessons you've learned in the field, perhaps that you wish someone had taught you."

Connor had taken a drink of his melon water, and after nodding his acknowledgement on what Karyn had said, looked out among everyone, "Some announcements..." he glanced down for a moment at his notes he had brought in with him, "The ocean undertow 'n' rip current problem has been dealt with." He said, referring to an almost drowning, and looked back up as he continued, "The science department 'n' Magellan Station's Department of Colonization have worked together to take care of this problem. Because of the shape of the shoreline, this will be continuously monitored 'n' I will be receiving regular status reports on this issue."

He then stepped back from the table as he moved on. "The SCE have finished with the installation of a weather modification network. Although right here," he said, gesturing with his hand spread out horizontally, going downwards in emphasis, "we are fortunate to have a relatively mild climate throughout the year, there is extreme weather in other areas of the planet. A lesson learned from Risa's growing dependency on the technology, as it is on Earth, the weather net has been designed only to dissipate severe weather. This is something to consider when it comes to the training needed in these other areas on the planet. Questions?"

"Yes, Doctor McKinney," Devin said. "I had planned on taking my students on excursions on some of the lesson plans. Is there any locations that are considered too dangerous for cadets?"

"Aye, Mister McCall." Connor replied. He walked over to the opposite side of the room to a small wall panel beside a large illuminated screen. He touched a few keys and a map of the Campus' layout on the screen was replaced by a geographical area map of the planet. "The areas outlined in red are considered dangerous 'n' off limits." he began as he continued to stare at the screen. "Yellow have been cleared for precautionary academic training, blue is in the process of scientific study. The areas outlined in green," he indicated with his hand, "Serene 'n' on the continent east of us, where the Technical Services Academy for enlisted personnel is currently under construction."

His antennae forward in interest, Anichent studied the map that was now on the screen. Downloading it to his PADD, he decided to give it more scrutiny later as his students would be working on SCE projects from time to time.

"For reasons of safety," Connor said as he walked back towards his seat, "the dean's office 'n' station security is to be notified whenever an academic excursion is to be taken outside the perimeter of the colony." He stood behind his chair. "I think it's important to think about how we're among the first pioneers of what's becoming a colonized world. A permanent foothold in the Delta Quadrant, self-sustaining, contributing to this system,...'n' making it all that much easier for Zulu base when it relies on supplies from faraway. Those green perimeters.." he raised a hand and indicated back to the map on the screen, "will expand. A growing community...'n' it begins here in Serene. The thing is...while colonization has always been touched on significantly at Starfleet Academy, here at will be more so." He looked around expectantly, "Any more questions? Anyone have something to say to this?", and took another drink of his water.

Like Thavanichent, the Science Corps instructor assistant department head, Thrashi zh'Voria, had been studying the map, her antennae moved forward with interest. "Those areas in the process of scientific study, will the cadets have the opportunity to assist in those studies?" she wanted to know.

Setting down his glass, Connor looked pleased by her question. "Yes, they will."

"Very well," Thrashi seemed just as pleased, "I will put together my ideas and get back to you, Doctor."

Connor nodded his affirmation to her, and looked back to everyone. "In the future, there will be opportunity for cadets in all departments to get involved not only in the colonization of this planet, but in the building of outposts as relationships are formed. For example; the engineering department." Connor now directed to Anichent, "There's assisting on the maintenance of the weather grid, building shelters, 'n' setting up water systems to name a few.. I'm sure you'll think of many others, Commander." Connor's tone revealed he had no doubt on that, and he continued. "Magellan Station is the current SCE hub in this quadrant 'n' there will be opportunity for engineering cadets to go on routine runs on their vessels."

Then looking over at Gem, Connor gave a nod. "Ambassador." He knew the Ambassador had something he wanted to say on the subject.

"Thank you, Doctor." Gem responded and then regarded everyone, "It should be of no surprise the Academy has drawn the attention of those races within this system and the systems nearby. For those we are in peaceful negotiations with, the Federation is opened to the possibility of visitors to the Academy. I see this as a great educational opportunity for our cadets."

"I see Sir, will there be an exchange of information?" Sonia asked as her mind latched on to different security techniques and technologies.

Gem smiled as he understood the direction to where her mind was going. "There's always that possibility, Commander." he replied. "I'm thinking more along the lines of cadet involvement. Lessons to do with Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. I'll be scheduling a meeting to discuss this further."

James Armstrong looked between them. One eyebrow raised, he seemed quite interested.

Moving on, Connor looked down to Teri, revealing to her the last entry on his PADD, wanting to be certain he hadn't missed anything.

Teri looked up from logging the meeting to his padd, giving a slight nod of her head in understanding. She made a hmm sound before tapping his PADD and bringing up a note he'd had made himself on topics. Letting him decide if any of it was worth addressing now.

Connor stared down at it and decided one of them was. "For the children," he looked back up, "the campus educators 'n' day care providers have put together a list of programs 'n' activities, including swimming 'n' Mo'Qbara. There will be field trips, where the children on the station will join the children here 'n' vice-a-versa. This is a long list, so all the children should have plenty do to. This will be posted on info panels around campus. So please inform those on your staff with children."

"Onto our final topic." Connor walked back towards the windows. "In five days the cadets will arrive. The larger transports will dock at Magellan Docking Station, 'n' the smaller transports will land here. Once landed, the cadets will be directed to the Orientation Center, 'n' as we have no seniors, that responsibility falls on us, the Campus' academic staff. At the Orientation Center they will be issued a combadge, a PADD, a credit voucher, class schedule, 'n' dorm room assignment. They will receive their Starfleet issued clothing, which includes their duty uniforms, formal, casual, and athletic wear. From there, they'll get settled into their dorms. Then on day two, they will have the opportunity to get to know the Campus, meet staff, talk to counselors, 'n' that evening, we have our welcome banquet. Any questions?"

Sonia shook her head, she'd already talked to other staff who had the answers she sought as she hated waiting.

Several more shook their heads, and as it became clear to Connor there were no more questions, he decided to end the meeting. "Thank you everyone for coming. Meeting's adjourned, dismissed."


Cast of characters from all three parts:

Captain Connor McKinney, Dean
Captain Madeline Sanchez, Assistant Dean
Chief Petty Officer Teri Lane, Dean's Yeoman/Aide
Commander Sonia Dalca, Security Instructor/Dept Head
Commander Devin McCall, Intelligence Instructor/Dept Head
Commander Jacob Bannerman, Flight Control Instructor/Dept Head
Ambassador Geminik Odar, Diplomatic Affairs/Instructor
Captain Karyn Dallas R.N., Chief Counselor/Instructor
Lieutenant Cole Dering, ACMO of Phlox Medical Academy
Commander Thavanichent th'Dani, Engineering Instructor/Dept Head
Commander James Armstrong, Command Instructor/Dept Head
Lt Commander Thrashi zh'Voria, Science Instructor/Assist. Dept Head
Samantha Fraiser, Retired Ambassador/Civilian


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