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Campus Faculty Staff Meeting Part 2

Posted on Mon Sep 24th, 2018 @ 1:56pm by Ambassador Geminik Odar & Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Captain James Armstrong & Commander Thavanichent th'Dori & Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D., M.S. & Captain Madeline Sanchez & Captain Karyn Dallas R.N. & Commander Sonia Dalca & Senior Chief Petty Officer Teri Lane & Commander Jacob Bannerman
Edited on on Mon Sep 24th, 2018 @ 1:58pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Faculty Conference Lounge, Magellan Campus
Timeline: 2388/08/20 0930 (August 20 2388 0930)


Teri handed Connor a PADD with the meeting agenda and all required information that they had discussed before hand. "I can hardly believe we have what five days till chaos arrives." She flashed a grin at Connor. "Ready for it Sir?"

Connor had a lot on his mind, both personal and professional. Doing his best not to obsess, to focus only on the meeting at hand, he nodded back and smiled over at her. "The other day you said this was going to be an adventure."

Chuckling Teri gave a slight shake of her head as they turned a corner, "I did but it doesn't make it any less chaotic. I'm thinking of starting a betting pool on what the most common issue will be" She joked. Though half serious.

Tilting his head with a bit of uncertainty, Connor gave a noncommittal shrug and then a slight amused smile as they reached one of the staff lounge doors. He opened it and stood back. "Yeoman first."

Teri whispered with a wink at him as she walked in, "I make a poor shield, Doctor. "

Continuing to smile, Connor walked in behind her, his eyes immediately scanning the room. Taking note of all who was there, his eyes lingered on Maddie longer than anyone else as he walked to one of the empty seats at the far end of table. "G'day", he said, placing his PADD down and looking around at everyone.

Devin looked up when Doctor McKinney entered the meeting room and smiled. His smile broadened when he saw Yeoman Lane and he sat up, setting his PADD on the table.

"Captain." Maddie acknowledged Connor with a respectful nod, her own eyes lingering on him just as his had moments before.

"Sir." Sonia greeted as well she had thought to call him doctor but old habits died hard and not all needed to be changed.

Teri had gone straight to pouring Connor a glass of fruit water, and as she placed it down next to him she noticed Commander McCall's smile. Taking her place at the table she returned the smile before quickly looking down at her own PADD. Feeling a little warm suddenly Teri was hoping to any deity out there she wasn't blushing.

Sonia hid a grin and subtly gave her friend Teri a 'good taste' look of general friend support and one that promised mocking later.

Teri caught Sonia's look and cursed herself. Friends were trouble. Stop making friends Lane, bad for your health. As if that was ever going to happen.

Connor had sat down and taken a drink of his beverage. He began the meeting as he looked out among them, "This is the first of monthly faculty staff meetings for Starfleet Academy Magellan Campus. We'll start by introducing ourselves.." He then smiled over to Teri, "You may begin, Chief Petty Officer Lane."

Teri glanced over at Connor with an amused smirk before standing, "Well if it has somehow managed to go unnoticed I am Teri Lane." She felt Connor touch her arm.

"You can do this sitting down, Teri." he smiled up at her.

Teri gave him an 'oops' smiles before shrugging, "I like standing Sir" She responded before looking around, having met everyone there so this introduction was an ice breaker more than anything. "If you haven't met me for some odd reason I can promise you, " She grinned, "you will see me probably more than any one else, besides the students, so much so you'll be sick of me. Like my father always said a Lane is like a bad penny that keeps turning up but one day gets you out of a pickle."

She gave a meaningful look, "Remember that." Teri turned to a seat next to her where Maddie sat, "Your turn."

"Maddie Sanchez. Assistant Dean." Maddie said curtly as the spotlight fell on her. "So if you have any issues or problems that I can help you with then let me know and I'll see if I can help." she smiled at the group before looking to her side where Gem was sat and added "Over to you Ambassador."

"Thank you, Captain." Gem smiled back over to her. He then looked around and said to everyone. "I am Ambassador Geminik Odar, Chief of Campus Diplomatic Affairs and the Diplomatic Corps academic department head. I am a firm believer that learning is a lifelong process, and I have been mentoring Academy interns for many years. I feel it's an honor to be taking part in the teaching and training of the Federation's brightest and best, and turning them into officers of the fleet. My hope for all of you is that you find the experience as rewarding as I did when I taught at the main campus in San Francisco many years ago." He then smiled again with a teasing look in his eyes, "And that some of you get a taste of what you put your instructors through when you were cadets. That leads me to you, Commander." Gem raised an eyebrow and smiled at Sonia.

Suddenly struck by the feeling of being called out in class, she mentally reviewed what he could mean even as she replied cautiously, "Sir?"

"It's your turn, Commander."

"Aye Sir..." She said just as cautiously, feeling all the world like her dad caught her out on something, "He can't possibly know about the goat..." She thought to herself as she stood, "Kommander Sonia Dalca, Chief of the Security Education Department. I am small unit tactics, personnel weapons, repealing boarders, ship investigations and general security. I come from front" She corrected, just because she had been shot at...a lot didn't mean it wasn't always combat, really. "With a Security/Tactical Officer background. I look forvard to teaching these cadets the skills they need to to deal with dangerous problem before it needs the larger response." She nodded to the room then sat back down.

Devin stood up next, not liking the limelight, but it was necessary in the meeting and his presence on campus. "Devin McCall, Intelligence Instructor. I'm the one that knows if you're naughty or nice." He grinned and sat down again, looking at Bannerman. "Would you care to go next?"

"Hmmm?" Jake sat up as he was shaken out of his reverie. He had stopped listening a while ago as he'd been imagining what each of the women around the table would look like naked, "Oh uh...Jake Bannerman, Flight." he said curtly clearly not about to volunteer any more than that as he looked over at the next person in line.

His expression unreadable, Connor kept his eyes on Jake a moment longer than everyone else as their attention was taken by the Medical Academy's assistant chief medical officer.

"Hi," he smiled. "I'm Doctor Cole Dering, representing Phlox Medical Academy. Our boss, Doctor Lilly Cavallo, won't be arriving for a couple more days. I don't really have much to day at this point, except things are coming together...and I'm just really glad to be here. umm..." he looked over to the Andorian seated next to him, "Your turn."

"I am Thavanichent th'Dani, in charge of the Engineering Academic Department." Feeling he had said all that needed to be said, he directed to the next person, "Captain Armstrong. I believe it is 'your' turn."

James sat up a little straighter in his seat and gave a half smile, "James Armstrong, Command school instructor, Supervisor of C & I, and department head for those cadets majoring in Command." The smile turned into a smirk as he added, "If anyone is in want of a second chance at the Kobayashi Maru let me know, I'm sure I can arrange something."

With a glance over at Thrashi zh'Voria, the Science Corps assistant academic department head, James gave her a nod. "Commander."

Her Andorian antennae turned in interest as she introduced herself, clearly pleased to be serving at the Academy. She finished and looked over to Karyn with expectations that the counselor would know she was next.

Feeling all eyes on her, Karyn smiled and offered, "I guess I'm next. My name is Karyn Dallas, and I'm currently on loan from Starfleet Medical, where I'm officially assigned as a Counselling Advisor for ships and bases in the area. My assignments for SF Med can be short or long-term, depending on the needs of the ship or base, and in the case of Magellan, I'm to act as Chief Counselor and the Psychology and Counseling Department Instructor. I'm very excited to work with all of you, and to pass on what I've learned to the next generation. My door is always open, whether you just need a coffee and chat, or you have a Cadet you're concerned about."

"Thank you, Counselor." Connor said over to her, and then leaned forward, placing his hands together as he looked to everyone. "Although everyone here knows who I am, what my position is, I'm going to tell a little about myself. My full name is Connor Blake McKinney. I was an internship short of becoming a full medical doctor, specifically a surgeon, when I entered Starfleet Academy. I enrolled in the fast-track course, took advantage of the engineering extension courses offered to Medical Academy students, went through Command School."

His expression becoming more serious, and needing to stand, he paused before rising out of his seat. "My last assignment was Chief Medical Officer on an Immense-class Starbase out on another frontier," he said more slowly as he started walking around the table. "One year ago I was offered a position as head of Starfleet Medical. I turned it down as the frontier is where I wanted to be...'n' now I am here out in another a last minute replacement..." He paused again before continuing, "Two months ago Magellan Campus' original Dean of Education Admiral Lenard Kinton passed away unexpectedly at Starbase Zulu."

Connor had stopped by the windows, subconsciously running his hand down over his mouth as he turned to everyone, saying, "We're behind schedule, but with hard work, we're nearly there 'n' I am confident we'll be right where we need to be when our recruits arrive." Taking in a deep breath, he walked up behind Jake. "I have some announcements to make, but first, there in front of each of you is a datapad." Feeling certain he wasn't paying attention, he picked up the one in front of Jake and just short of slamming it down, dropped it back onto the table.

Jake had been through enough in life that the dropped PADD didn't even make him flinch and he looked up and grinned at Connor as he said "Ooops, better watch it there butter fingers, wouldn't want the brass to be questioning the number of datapads you're ordering due to breakages."

Maddie rolled her eyes then glared at Jake. The man was insufferable.

Sonia eye's took in everything, filing it away even as she mentally shook her head at Bannerman's actions.

The lines along his jaw tensing once, Connor walked away from Bannerman, and he continued, "For those of you who did not bring your own, put in your personal code to access your account. There you will find your department's schedule for the lecture halls. For those of you who are late arrivals, Captain Sanchez 'n' I worked on yours. We worked hard on making this work for everyone. Please go over these with your instructors, 'n' inform Teri of any changes you feel are necessary."

He walked back to his seat, "Any questions?"

To be Continued...


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