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Starbase Senior Staff Meeting part 2

Posted on Sun Jul 29th, 2018 @ 3:02pm by Fleet Admiral Gregory Maddock & Rear Admiral Lucas Thorton & Captain Aleksander 'Sasha' Pavlenko & Captain Jayam "Jay" Vidod & Commander Ta'mas & Commander Jae-Hwa Kwan & Senior Captain Sharrina Blackstone & Commander Paige O'Halloran "Banshee" & Commander Kaelyth Solmarr & Commander Jessica Deloia & Commander Christopher SilverShadowMoon
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:52pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Main Briefing Room, Starbase Magellan
Timeline: 2388/08/19 0915 (August 19 2388 09-something)


"Sit down, gentlemen," Greg directed, heading towards the head of the table, to the officers still standing, and added as he took his own seat, "Let's get this meeting under way."


Now seated, Jay half smiled over to Greg. "There's a lot of new faces here, Admiral."

"That's true," Greg half smiled back to him. He thought about how he liked the man and said, "So how about you introduce everyone here that you know, and I'll do the rest. Make it quick and painless."

"Painless, Sir?" Jay questioned, looking seriously disappointed at the admiral's nod.

Sasha inwardly chuckled, shaking his head as he looked downwards at his PADD. His eyes returned upwards as Jay began.

"Okay," Jay looked around the table at everyone seated there. "I am Captain Jayam Vidod, Chief of Flight Operations. I've been here since the start of Colonial operations. And, yes, I'm Orion. But I'm also half Trill, in case any of you are wondering about the few spots that run along my temples."

"To my right is our Chief Diplomatic officer, Jae-Hwa Kwan." Jae nodded to everyone, as Jay continued, "This guy is really polite and knows how to handle people. but he's also good at telling dirty jokes, and plays a mean trumpet."

He looked over to Sasha, "Captain Aleksander Pavlenko, our Mission Specialist. He's been here for about as long as I have. If he comes across arrogant it's because he is..." His smile widened at Sasha's furrowed eyebrows, "but there's no better officer to watch your back. He's saved mine more than once."

Kaelyth noted each name and looked to each person as they were named, committing their name/face combination to his memory. He garnered enough odd looks when he misinterpreted the local slang; he did not need to annoy people by confusing them for someone else. Besides, being taught as a Speaker on his homeworld, that was one of the first things he learned. 'Remember each person and treat each one as if they are of great importance. This will endear you to them and make you more approachable in their mind.' Each person was given a polite nod of greeting and a slight smile before his eyes moved on to the next one being introduced.

"Our Chief Science Officer, Christopher SilverShadowMoon," Jay did his usual half smile over to Chris. "A Ranger, and having been here from the beginning, leading Sapientia's first survey team, we're fortunate to still have him despite that dangerous tail of his."

Chris gave a nod to his introduction, flashing sharp teeth briefly in an amused grin. The tail comment had him give Ta'mas a side ways smirk.

Tamas only shook his head. He could still feel the sting on the back of his neck at the memory of being struck by that tail.

Jay looked over to Lucas. "Our Executive Officer, Rear Admiral Lucas Thorton. It's good to have you back, Sir."

Lucas inclined his head and said in a brooding way, "Thank you, Captain. After an evening of chaperoning cadets at a bar, it's good to be back."

Greg inwardly laughed. "I can imagine." he said, and to everyone else, "Sitting next to Admiral Thorton is our new Tactical Chief, having just arrived, Captain Sharrina Blackstone. Welcome, Captain."

Sharrina gave the Fleet Admiral a smile. "Thank you, Admiral." she said, her gaze then traveling over the others gathered. As her dark eyes fell on each one, she gave them a nod of greeting.

Wanting to get the rest of the introductions out of the way, Greg directed over to Ta'mas, and continued around the table to introduce the rest of the command staff. "Okay," he began once finished, his eyes going to everyone there, "anything that needs to be said before we begin?"

Paige nodded at her name and smiled around the table. When he asked if anyone had anything she shook her head.

Chris cleared his throat and pushed his dreads back enough to reveal the red/gold Miniature dragon barely hidden. 

"As discussed, introductions  for Soul friend I have begun. Most among the civilians so far." The Elliciean then looked around the table. "Appreciate I would if those here and unfamiliar with my companion, Friend, would soon take time to meet him. Best is one on one as still young, he is." 

The Graken in question appeared unruffled by his revealing, but curiosity had him turning his head this way and that, much like a dog or cat at discovering something new. Friend did know he was being discussed, which like all his kind, appealed to his vanity even if his mental queries to his companion went unanswered. 

Paige smiled broadly, her body language open and not threatening. She directed herself at the little dragon, "Well look at you..." she crooned, "The most impressive of your kind to be sure...." She'd heard of the little dragon before as Chris was family of sorts though had yet to met him. And though she really wanted to hold him, the dragon not Chris, she adultfully restrained herself.

Sharrina smiled at the little creature. She could see the curiosity shining in his eyes and found it charming. This sort of encounter brought out more of her father's heritage than her mother's. "I'd love to meet him up close." she told the officer making the introduction, but the words were as much for the diminutive being on his shoulder as they were for Christopher SilverShadowMoon.

Kaelyth's metallic-colored eyes took in the smaller being. It reminded him, oddly, of a desert creature he had seen on his homeworld. He smiled and nodded at Sharrina's words. "I also would be very pleased to meet him more personally." he said sincerely. In truth, his own curiosity was piqued, his father's genes, he suspected.

Jess smiled at Chris but was absolutely fascinated by the dragon like creature. "I would love to spend time with him. Do you think he would let me have a medical baseline just in case?"

"Send me your openings and oblige we will. Curious is Soul Friend, and should meet those he will work with." He answered in general, having given a nod to each response. A touch of a smile on his lips at the reaction to his dragon companion.

To Jess he added, "Of course. Prefer I would that you do. A situation may come that could affect our connection."

Christopher then gave a command in Elliciean causing Soul Friend to resettle himself among his dreads. The Graken having accepted he would have to wait to satisfy his curiosity.

Jess nodded with a smile. "Would some time tomorrow work? Just drop by as I'm literally drowning in files right now and any excuse to avoid them is appreciated!"

Greg was ready to move on, and it was clear by the way he looked between the two.

"Shall drop by I will. " Chris responded to Jess well aware of the Admiral. He turned his head slightly, his feline way of letting Greg know they were finished.

"Alright, besides getting you all together for the first time, the reason I called you all here this morning has to do with the big shake up happening at Starfleet Headquarters. There will be some restructuring and exchanges made in personnel, including here in the DQ. We'll be feeling the results of those changes for the next few weeks. So prepare yourselves and keep those within your departments from panicking as the inevitable rumors start." Greg looked among them all, noting the surprised expressions. "Any questions?"

"Wha' changes and how do they crash our party? Best way to squash rumor is ta give some actual facts." Paige spoke up.

"If I had those, Commander," Greg replied. "This is a heads up, and as any more information comes to me, I'll be filling you all in. For now, any information you get from elsewhere, take with a grain of salt. If that becomes hard to do, then come to me and we'll talk about it."

"Now I've been assured," he continued, looking around to everyone, "that all of you are staying right where you are."

Well, that's good since I just got here! Sharrina thought to herself. She did wonder who would be moved, reassigned, etc. though. She hoped Lucas would stay on; she found that she liked him as a commanding officer, someone she could work with and respect.

Kaelyth frowned in thought. Shakeup? Was that not Starfleet code for people are getting fired? Which was politically correct code for a purge usually. He could see how that could create worry among the ranks. He nodded to Fleet Admiral Maddock and waited for the man to continue.

It is about bloody time, Lucas had thought.

Chris frowned, feeling like he had missed something. He didn't feel bothered to ask considering the Admiral didn't know anything. Not anything he could say at any rate. Politics often had him baffled despite growing up mostly in Starfleet. On Elliciea most forms of political issues off world were odd concepts. The Elliciean figured that was partly due to how his peoples' government was formed by age, to disregard an elder was... Unthinkable. There was no history of civil war among his people, at least nothing of a significant degree.

Considering how thrown off everyone seemed to be, and knowing how this sort of announcement needed to sink in, Greg decided, "Okay, I'm going to end this meeting. My door is opened if any questions hit you later." He then paused, before ending with, "Dismissed."



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