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Change of Pace

Posted on Thu Oct 20th, 2016 @ 9:18pm by Ambassador Geminik Odar & Deveron Raziel & Samantha Fraiser-Odar
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:44pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Zulu Star Base, Delta Quadrant
Timeline: 2388/07/24 1312 (July 24, 2388 1312)

Sam sat and looked at Gem and Dev digesting what the two of them had both said, and left unsaid, including Gem's worries over the stress placed on her and the baby and sighed "If we take the option of the sabbatical at the Academy do we have a choice of what happens at the end of the first 6 months?"

It was a no brainer really ... as his fiancee Sam intended to go where he went but both Dev and Gem knew she would fight like a cornered animal without some wiggle room. Dropping her head to one knee she sighed tiredly, everything they had said made sense including slowing down but still ... She snickered and at their strange looks she said "I was advised to use the time to work on my doctorate ... " She knew Gem and Dev both would get the reference.

Gem slightly smiled, "Would that be so bad?"

"Personally I think it's a great idea," Dev voiced after looking between the two. "And as for how long Gem will need to be on this "sabbatical" only time will tell." and he paused looking thoughtful, "While he has alot of support on the council, it could take quite some time for those who have doubts on his competency."

Gem inwardly sighed. He had never been one to back away from a fight, but the risk it had already placed on Samantha and their unborn child, he felt he had no choice but to resign from his position as the chief diplomat of the Federations foothold in the Delta Quadrant.

Sam nodded at their comments "Just remember that love when your complaining to Dev about having to teach me." She gave him an impish grin "I promise not to start an interstellar war?"

Gem looked over at Dev who only gave him a shrug back. "Should I take that as a warning?"

She raised an eyebrow "You mean I've finally lived down the incident on Beta V?"

Gem raised both eyebrows and was about to speak when Dev beat him to it.

"Well," Dev smiled, pushing himself out of his seat, glancing up at the two of them as he straightened himself, "that's my cue to leave."

"Of course it is." Gem chuckled and stood up with him. He extended a hand, "Thank you Deveron, for all you have done."

Dev gave a small smile, and placed his other hand over Gem's as they shook. "I wish I could have done more."

Sam stood up and hugged Gem from behind "We'll get through this the same way we get through everything ... together."

"You're a lucky man." Dev said, his smile growing. He winked over at Sam and then could see by the look in Gem's eyes that it really was time he left them alone. He released Gem, and backed away, adding in "One more piece of advice. In fact my last as chief counselor on this station." Dev had announced a week earlier he was leaving, actually retiring from Starfleet. "It's a no brainer really..." He outstretched his hands to the two of them, "Continue to take care of each other."

Smiling at him Sam nodded "Always Dev ... We've spent years doing that ... not sure either of us could stop now."

Gem turned, placing his arm around her. "We're in this together." he said, looking down at Sam, the love he felt for her in his eyes.

"Well then," Dev smiled. "I'll be seeing the two of you around." he winked, and was out the door.


Admiral Samantha Fraiser
Semi Retired/ Teaching Staff
Magellan Academy

Ambassador Geminik Odar
Dept. Head - Diplomatic Corps
Magellan Academy

Deveron Raziel
Former SF Counselor
Club & Cafe Owner
Serene Colony


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