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Posted on Thu Oct 20th, 2016 @ 9:55pm by Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Lieutenant Jaime Mallory & Captain Madeline Sanchez & Petty Officer 3rd Class Leo Carpenter
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:45pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Magellan Campus, Sapientia
Timeline: 2388/07/25 0900 (July 25 2388 0900)

The Marco Polo streaked through the atmosphere of the planet Sapientia, circling around as she made her descent. Jaime's fingers tapped on the console every now and then, making slight adjustments, the shuttle leveling out as they neared their destination.

Brady sat relaxed in the back of the shuttle, with one arm supported on his chairs armrest, his chin supported by one hand. With interest he watched Maddie as she stared out her window at the idyllic scenery below.

Maddie had to admit that the planet was beautiful. Huge bright blue oceans stretched out before them, interspersed with emerald green continents, clearly full of lush tropical and subtropical vegetation. Turning to Brady, she said "I have to admit this looks like an ideal get it inhabited and what's that orbiting the planet?"

Brady's hand fell from his chin as he stared at her, deciding how much he should tell her at that moment. What she had noticed was an orbital spacedock. "Captain, I assure you, you'll find out everything you need to know shortly"

Suddenly they were approaching what appeared to be a modern day settlement. There were buildings a mixture of the typical Starfleet grey-faced metal and the latest in late 24th century architectural design. On one side they bordered a crystal clear lake and on the far side of the lake, grass- and flower-covered foothills rose up and rolled away into the distance. One the opposite side of the campus, another large building with a landing strip stretched out on a bay that overlooked a clear ocean.

On the far side of the settlement was obviously a colony-class Starbase with more buildings surrounding her remaining sides.

Jaime flew over the small landing pad near the center of the settlement, and continued over the ocean, circled around, then low to the water at her approach to the bay.

With a frown, Maddie said "This looks like a Starfleet facility...just where are you bringing me Mr Dering?" her voice was no nonsense, her heckles were rising, this was most certainly not what she wanted.

Brady gave a small smile, "Where I am taking you to, Captain, is the new Starfleet colony out here in the Delta Quadrant, specifically the academy campus recently built next to it. Serene Colony and the campus' name is Magellan." He would be very surprised if she hadn't heard of the colony, and they had been testing cadet candidates for the campus at Starbase Zulu for the past several weeks.

Maddie looked at him and said "Why on Earth are you bringing me here?" Her expression meant business. She had had enough of riddles and wanted to know just what was going on.

Brady's eyes narrowed, he meant business as well, "I want you to see this place," his own voice calm and firm, "and to consider that maybe running away from Starfleet isn't the answer."

"So you think me speaking to a few enthusiastic green cadets is going to make me remember the good times?" Maddie asked incredulously, "You clearly don't know me counsellor." she shook her head.

The shuttle angled slightly to the left as Jaime adjusted it's course, bringing it into line with the landing strip. "There's not that many of us here right now. The good times...are yet to come,... " Jaime's tone had gone a little playfully snarky till she remembered who she was speaking to ."'am."

Gesturing out a hand, Brady half smiled, "What she said."

"Well I guess that remains to be seen doesn't it?" Maddie replied, clearly not impressed by what had taken place so far.

Brady only gave a knowing smile, before shifting in his seat to look out a window as they slowed over the strip. A moment later the Marco Polo passed through the entrance of the Campus' Flight Department two story shuttle bay before it gently touched down, where it vibrating slightly, a soft hissing sound coming from it as it whined down from the trip.

The hatch opened and Brady stood up, "After you, Captain."

"Thank you." Maddie stepped outside into the large shuttle bay, the familiar smells from long ago assaulting her nostrils as she remembered where it had all began...back before command had stripped her of all of her enthusiasm for the job. Seeing a pair of flight suit covered legs sticking out from underneath a nearby shuttle, she sighed in frustration as the memories continued to assault her senses.

Brady walked out slowly, and watching her, he believed he recognized something he could relate to, "Remembering the good times?"

"No." Maddie lied, determined that she wouldn't give him the satisfaction, "Just looking around that's all."

Brady swallowed and looked downwards before looking back up to her, "Jaime, the Captain and I need to have a word alone."

"Ah..", thinking "excuse me but this is my bay", Jaime looked between them, her mouth opened, and she stifled herself, "Yes Sir", and then walked over to the pair of legs in a flight suit, "Leo.." She crouched down and nudged him.

"What?" Leo replied, a word which was followed by a string of expletives as he raised his head and whacked it hard against the access panel that was hanging open underneath the shuttle.

Jaime rolled her eyes. "Come out of there now, Leo..that's an order."

"Keep your panties on Mallory I'm coming..." Leo retorted, "Just busy trying to get over a concussion is all." he slid out from under the shuttle and stood up rubbing his head just as he noticed Brady and Maddie across the way. His eyes widened and he exclaimed "Holy crap...look at the legs on that!" he eyed Maddie up and down and whistled softly to himself as he asked "She one of the new teachers? If so, I wanna join her class even if I did qualify already."

Jaime gaped at him, and then without thinking, slugged him on the arm playfully as she smiled. Then it dawned on her what she had just done in front of senior officers, and she stiffly turned, "Commander..Captain..." she stammered, feeling unsure of herself which wasn't very often. "It's just..we've been the only two in this department for weeks and..."

"Captain?!" Leo squeaked, blanching white as Brady and Maddie looked over at them, "Why didn't you tell me one of them was a Captain?" he whispered to Jaime.

"It's quite alright Lieutenant." Maddie smiled, finding it all extremely amusing, "Whilst I can't speak for the Commander here, I'm a civilian now which means that you don't have to stand on protocol when I'm around." she wandered over to Leo, deliberately swinging her hips as she walked and leaned in close to him as she added "And as for you young man...if you really think that you can handle me, give it your best shot."

" mean...that is..." Leo mumbled, backing away as he looked to Jaime for help.

"Speechless, Cassanova?" Jaime smirked, pulling on his arm to come with her. Impressed with the former Captain, she looked back once to mouth to Brady,"She's cool", before leading Leo out of the flightbay.

To be continued....


Madeline Sanchez
Ex-Commanding Officer of the USS Tomahawk

Lieutenant Cmdr Brady Dering
Zulu Fleet

Lieutenant Jaime Mallory NPC'd by Kim
Pilot/Flight Deck Supervisor
Magellan Campus

PO 3rd Class Leo Carpenter NPC'd by Karen
Flightcraft Technician
Magellan Campus


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