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The Swearing-in Ceremony

Posted on Mon Jan 21st, 2019 @ 11:38pm by Ambassador Geminik Odar & Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Samantha Fraiser-Odar & Captain Madeline Sanchez & Mackenzie Bergman & Commander Jacob Bannerman & Cadet Freshman Grade Jondar Sito & Cadet Freshman Grade R'Maia & Cadet Freshman Grade William 'Liam' Pardot & Cadet Freshman Grade Gwen Morgan & Attaché Elizabeth Walshingham & Cadet Freshman Grade Rachel Gallagher
Edited on on Mon Jan 21st, 2019 @ 11:44pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Archer Auditorium
Timeline: 2388/08/26 1800 (August 26 2388 6:00pm)

Ambassador Geminik Odar walked out on the stage. His arrival began to cause students and staff to take their seats, leaving inattentive stranglers standing. Leaning forward into the podium and microphone, Gem intoned authoritatively "Please be seated." He watched as the last of the standing student body dissipated.

Elizabeth Walshingham, his attache', stood nearby just in case, but she knew from experience he would be fine.

Jake yawned and settled back in his chair, closing his eyes as he muttered "Man these things are boring."

Maddie looked out at the crowd, her back ramrod straight as the tension of the entire situation began to seep deep into her bones. She was glad that Gem had taken the initiative as although she would have done the honours for Connor, she wasn't sure that she could get through it either.

Connor leaned with an elbow on one armrest of his chair, his hand caressing his chin as he worked hard on focusing on the start of the ceremony and the words that were to be said. Not caring who seen, not even thinking about it really, his other hand reached over and grabbed hold of Maddie's.

Equally as oblivious to how it would look, Maddie's fingers curled around Connor's and she gave his hand a squeeze, turning to look at him as she smiled, letting him know she was there for him for as long as he needed her.

He looked over back to her, and after studying her eyes, gave her hand a squeeze before returning his attention to Gem. He just knew, had this feeling, that she had no real idea how much her being there for him really meant to him.

Sam had gotten up when Gem had headed toward the stage and she had started roaming the room, partly to make sure Gem was safe and partly to keep the kids from getting too out of control. Able to make out that Jake was dozing off at the back Sam gave him a raised eyebrow look and waited for him to get the message she wasn't impressed. This was an important ceremony and appropriate behavior expected. She sat back down at the end of one of the front rows.

Unfortunately, Jake was far too busy imagining what the beautiful red head by his side would look like sans clothes to see that the retired Admiral was looking at him.

Next to him, Mack fought the urge to sink down in her chair. It was tough enough for her to see what was going on to begin with, and doing that would only make things worse. She remained quiet and looked straight ahead to those who were front and center, yet, she had her finger ready to go in the event Jake started to mutter again, or cause any other kind of distraction.

This is it! Kelly thought excitedly when the man on the stage asked everyone to be seated. She was only minutes away from taking the Oath and becoming Starfleet. Her eyes filled with stars and she had to take a deep breath, one hand resting on her stomach in an effort to keep the butterflies of prey at bay.

Gwen was busy taking deep, slow breaths her mind a whirl with stories from the 'Brief History of the Federation' multi-volume set she'd checked out of the library for a bit of light reading.

Commander Devin McCall squared his shoulders, a look of pride on his face at seeing so many young people about to embark on the greatest journey of their lives. Some would rise to the highest ranks while others would give everything in the service of Starfleet. He forced that morbid thought from his mind and scanned the crowd with a practiced eye for any signs of unusual activity.

Commander Dalca sat with Commander Varra and the other faculty her eyes scanning automatically and her mind focused but as with many warriors her mind could handle high situational awareness even as a part wandered off behind the partition she trained in her mind. In her case she was remembering her own ceremony. She had been terrified, back then especially when her shifting ability had only recently gotten under properly control and she was worried about being so rare she was keeping it to herself. It was a scary time but exciting like being on a roller coaster with no safety bar. She saw a similar anxiety in many faces and hoped they would find their way. She felt the immense responsibility of making sure they would have the tools they would need to serve and hopefully, stay alive. She tried not to think about how many would not come home at all.

Lieutenant Reign came to full attention and ceased the constant chatter of her Security personnel over the combadge. =^=Be alert=^= was her final message to her people.

Rachel was already sitting down but turned to look toward the stage. She already had butterflies in her stomach so to speak but was now several seats away from Liam which made her a little less nervous.

Seated in another section with other officers, Lieutenant O'Brien sat down in her seat and turned her attention toward the stage to the man speaking. She recognized him as the one whom she'd seen at the bar not too many days earlier when she played the piano.

Gem's eyes were smiling as he began, "Welcome everyone to the very first Starfleet Academy Magellan Campus Swearing-in Ceremony, and thank you for coming. I am Ambassador Geminik Odar, Federation Ambassador assigned to the Zulu Fleet and the Diplomat Head of this Campus. It is an honor and a pleasure for me to be taking part in the training of Starfleet's future commissioned officers. An honor I do not take lightly. Tonight, the first class of this academy will be reciting two oaths; the Starfleet Officer oath and the Cadet Code of Conduct."

He came from around the Podium to continue addressing everyone from there, "Starfleet is an organization that was founded on the values of knowledge, exploration, and cooperation among intelligent species of good will. It depends on the rules and regulations of Starfleet and by extension the Academy to help protect those ideals. Like any part of Starfleet, the Academy has its own rules it expects cadets to follow. Learning the value of these rules, and how to work within them, is an important part of the training of every cadet. Cadets and potential cadets must know what Starfleet and the Academy expect of them. Hence the code of conduct." He gave a moment to allow all of that to sink in.

"Cadets, please stand at attention." Gem watched as the cadets all rose from their seats at the 'Starfleet Attention' that was taught to them prior to leaving Starbase Zulu. He then instructed, "Repeat after me," and looked among them all.

Hundreds of bodies rose upon the request of the Ambassador, each one coming to stand at attention. The hushed silence remained in place so he could begin the oath that they were all too eager to repeat. This was the moment they'd all been waiting for... the moment that would have them officially members of Starfleet Academy.

Kelly Khan came to her feet, her throat threatening to constrict. This was the moment when she dedicated her life to a greater cause. She wished her parents could be there to see her and felt her emotions swell in her breast.

For one brief moment, R'Maia considered not getting up, of not being sworn in, of not carrying on here. But then she looked around herself and realised that she was a part of something bigger than she could have ever imagined and slowly, nervously, she stood up, ready to commit to a lifetime of service to the Federation.

Gwen stood looking worried but determined.

Jondar had stood his face alight with confidence as he quietly held Phoebe's hand.

Gem spoke out the first line, "Cadets are persons of integrity. They stand for what is right."

"Cadets are persons of integrity. They stand for what is right." The many voices of the cadets repeated.

Braden repeated the words and felt a tingle in his spine. He had always been taught to stand on the side of right no matter the personal cost.

"Bla bla bla bla bla." Liam muttered under his breath, pretending to speak along with the others.

"They tell the truth and ensure that the truth is known. They do not lie." Gem continued.

"They tell the truth and ensure that the truth is known. They do not lie." They said in unison.

Braden nodded his head as he said the words, He had been taught and even seen first hand lies tended to spiral out of control till they trapped the person speaking them. Braden had never come upon a circumstance yet he felt the need or desire to lie about.

Rachel smiled broadly as she too repeated the words. She'd always been raised not to tell a lie so this was something already drummed into her from early childhood.

"They embrace fairness in all actions. They ensure that work submitted as their own is their own. They do not cheat."

"They embrace fairness in all actions. They ensure that work submitted as their own is their own. They do not cheat." Each word was spoken in tandem from the hundreds of mouths.

"Wow...can't believe I ever said that." Jake mumbled, "Nothing wrong with cheating now and again." he smiled to himself.

Next to him, Mack blinked. She'd had her finger ready to go, and decided that was a good time to use it though she was the only one who could hear what he was actually saying. Her index finger went into his ribs, but she was slick about it so no one around him would see it happen.

"Ow!" Jake hissed, keeping his voice down and rubbing his ribs melodramatically.

"They respect the culture and heritage of all beings. They are not prejudiced." Gem said as he continued to keep his gaze over the cadets as they repeated after him.

"They respect the culture and heritage of all beings. They are not prejudiced."

Rachel repeated the words, still smiling. She'd never had any prejudice towards any race...having met at least one of them in a fellow pre-medical cadet she'd already met.

As Jondar spoke the words with the others, he could almost feel the decades of cadets behind him from the very first in an unbroken chain. Though he joked and was a bit loose with some of the rules, he was an honorable man though he would of laughed if you'd told him so. He felt the weight of history on this momentous occasion and could feel his mind etching it into memory.

"They honor the ideals of Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets, and ensure that they are proper representatives of those ideals." Gem spoke out strongly.

"They honor the ideals of Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets, and ensure that they are proper representatives of those ideals." The Code was repeated clearly as it was spoken to them.

Listening to those words, a sudden wave of guilt swept over Connor, and he found himself breathing in deeply and staring down at the stage floor. How could he had given up his commission all those months ago? Unable to cope with what life was throwing at him, running away and hurting so many people...? Still feeling confused by how that whole scenario had played out, how it had ended, the last words Gem spoke echoed in his head. And he thought of Alex.

"They act with honor."

"They act with honor."

As the Cadet Code of Conduct was completed, and despite there being so many cadets speaking at once, a quiet hush fell over them. Each individual was feeling something different at that moment, but the one thing most of them shared was pride. Pride for making it to this moment and beginning a new chapter of their lives. They were almost to the point of officially being Starfleet Cadets.

Braden finished the oath and deep inside he felt different. Like he had crossed a threshold. Was this what it meant to belong to something so much vaster then ones self.

Kelly repeated the words, vowing that she would never violate that. She felt as if she wanted to laugh and cry at the same time, the feeling of pride and accomplishment threatening to overwhelm her while taking that to heart and having a great respect inherent in her upbringing. Her emotion clear in her words as she fought not to cry tears of sheer joy, her eyes moist and threatening to overflow as she completed the Code of Conduct.

"Guess I really am stuck in this hellhole for years now." Liam sighed to himself then looked around, winking at a gorgeous blonde Betazoid girl three seats down from him, "But then...maybe it won't all be bad." he grinned to himself and wondered if they could sit down now.

Gwen's face flushed with excitement now that she'd done it she felt like she crossed the Rubicon, the was no turning back now. She'd done it. She tried not to bounce on her heels with excess nervous energy but she beamed like her soul lit up.

Looking pleased, Gem spoke to the cadets directly, "The simplicity of the Academy Code challenges you to maintain the highest standards of personal integrity. The words are simple, yet its spirit covers all facets of life at the Academy. It forms a link to the high standards demanded of Starfleet officers in a life of service to the Federation. The Code of Conduct is the minimum standard for cadets: Honor, personal integrity, and, to Starfleet, its customs and its traditions are fundamental attributes essential to succeeding as a Starfleet officer. They are words to live by." Then he nodded over to someone off to the side of the stage, and a moment later words appeared on a large screen high above the stage.

"The Starfleet Officer's Oath. Every Starfleet officer, commissioned and non-commission takes this oath. As cadets, you will take this oath today, and after completing this freshman year, you will repeat it..."

Having been leaning forward with his hand placed over his mouth and chin, Connor suddenly stood, releasing Maddie's hand as he started walking across the stage towards Geminik.

Gem had turned and understanding, smiled at Connor's approach. "Leading this oath, Starfleet Academy Commandant Captain Connor McKinney." The men shook hands, and Connor took over.

Placing a hand in a well hidden pocket, Connor looked out over all the cadets still standing at attention. His expression firm. "What you're about to embark on is no small or easy task. Most days will end with you physically 'n' mentally exhausted. Nothing is just handed to you. You'll work hard... 'n' at the end of four years you will be a Starfleet Officer, I guarantee you." He slightly turned and pointed up at the screen, "You'll recite this oath along with me. Say I, state your name, 'n' continue. Let's begin." Then Connor began the oath, and with his mind set on recommitting himself.

"I, (name), having been appointed an officer in the United Federation of Planets, as indicated above in the grade of (rank) do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United Federation of Planets against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter. I solemnly swear to uphold the regulations of United Federation Starfleet as well as the laws of the United Federation of Planets, to become an ambassador of peace and goodwill, to represent the highest ideals of peace and brotherhood, to protect and serve the Federation and its member worlds, to serve always the interests of peace, to respect the Prime Directive, and to offer aid to any and all beings that request it."

The cadets, who remained standing, repeated the Starfleet Officers Oath as the Dean spoke it. Once the words were completed, they would all officially belong to Starfleet and embark on the beginning of a journey that would last them all a lifetime. It was definitely something to be proud of, and without a doubt everyone... with the exception of a few... would be proud of what was accomplished there.

"At ease," Connor looked out among them all, "you may be seated." and watched as they all took their seats. Taking in a much needed deep breath, he moved behind the podium, allowing for a moment of silence before he continued. His eyes roaming over them. "Congratulations." he said, feeling emotion welling up inside him. Remembering when he watched his brother Alex taking this same big step. "Welcome to Starfleet!" Glassy eyed, he managed to smile. "The banquet room is ready. Special thanks to our own academy chefs 'n' Deveron Raziel, owner of Dev's Place. When dismissed, bail row by row, section by section, beginning on the right side," Connor directed his hand over where the majority of the senior staff were sitting, "with the first row, working our way back. Curfew for Cadets has been extended to 0100 hours..." Breathing in deeply through his nose, Connor finished with, "Honor the Code. Dismissed."


The People Who Participated
Magellan Campus

Special Guest: Mack aka Mackenzie Bergman for playing the legion of cadet voices.


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