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Quality Time part 2

Posted on Sun Feb 3rd, 2019 @ 11:43pm by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Specialist Ivy McKinney
Edited on on Sun Feb 3rd, 2019 @ 11:45pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Dean's Office
Timeline: 2388/08/27 1405 (August 27 2388 2:05pm)

Connor had left Maddie and entered his office to find Ivy at the small sitting area off to one side of the room. She was placing the pitcher of melon water he had told her about, along with two glasses onto the large coffee table. Two chairs and the couch he and Maddie often worked at sat around it, and behind the couch, there was sunlight shining through the big picture window just a few feet away. He stood there and watched her quietly, and while he did, a feeling of melancholy suddenly surged though him. It showed on his face and in the way he stood there.

Ivy looked toward her brother just before she was about to settle down on the couch. She'd honestly expected him to be a bit longer than he was, but she wasn't going to complain. "What's wrong?"

He went over and sat down next to her. "Were you plannin' on seein' me..." he shook his head and then laid it all out, "If this hadn't happened to Alex, would you be here right now?"

Swallowing back a lump in her throat, the young woman settled back on the couch and suddenly looked... haggard. "I would love to say yes..." She answered quietly, her gaze drifting down to her hands. "The truth is... I haven't been heah all that long. I've been tryin' to work up the courage to see you... to tell you why I am all the way in the Delta Quadrant." She swallowed a lump in her throat, still unable to look up at him. "Hearin' about Alex... that just gave me the push I needed."

He continued to stare at her, trying to put away his own personal hurt, and failed. He turned towards her, extending out an arm, "After thinkin' I was dead for over a month...'n' Mum told me she got word to you, to find out that I'm alive after all, 'n' you don't think that would have been a good enough reason for me?" he dropped his arm, looking as hurt as he felt, "Okay, so that would've been a lie..."I'm not Alex.. he thought in his head. "What's goin' on, Ivy? What sort of trouble are you in?"

"No trouble. Not now." Just thinking about it sent chills down her spine, and she visibly shivered. Finally, she turned her gaze toward her brother and fought back tears. She didn't want to tell him, but since he'd asked... "I... was stuck in a situation... relationship. It was amazin' at first, but as they say, all good things come to an end. Rogah... he quickly became controllin' and highly aggressive." She left it there, turning her gaze back down to her hands, which were now being wrung together so hard her skin was a ghostly shade of pale.

The look on Connor's face spoke volumes. He took in her body language, everything, "Did he hurt you?!"

Ivy winced. She couldn't see him, but she heard the anger. "That's why I couldn't come heah straight away." Her voice was barely above a whisper.

"I don't understand," he emotionally, nearly whispered, right back to her, "That's exactly why you should've come here...straight away." And then he thought he knew, and he grabbed her hand, "Is it because of my OCD? It's changed," he managed to say more passively, "I promise you I don't have the violent images anymore. But even if I did, we don't let it win. Especially for somethin' like this. Who is this guy? Rogah what?"

She shook her head. "No... that's not why I didn't come heah right away. I wanted to heal physically before I saw you again." Talking about it... it made her feel broken all over. "His last name... it's Harris. We met a some time ago... I was on an expedition." Her eyes drifted closed as the memories came flooding back. He was her Prince Charming in the beginning... always looking out for her... then one day... the world she knew... it was all flipped upside down. "He used to be a good guy." She finished barely above a whisper.

As she spoke, Connor's eyes had drifted away. His look was intense, and his tone edgy as he asked, "Are you hidin' from him?"

"Yes." She answered softly. "I thought that maybe this wouldn't have to worry about him findin' me out heah. He's back in the... on Risa."

Connor nodded back to her, an obsession to deal with the man beginning to grow inside him. He reached out and gestured his free arm in invitation to hold her. It was something he hadn't done for a very long time.

Ivy got to her feet and moved over to her brother, taking the offer for comfort. "I'm sorry I didn't come soonah." She said softly. The remorse she felt was great, and now she wished she could go back in time... come to her brother right away. "I should have."

His arms wrapped around her, he pulled them back into the couch. "It's okay, Ivy," he said which wasn't easy for him when he really wasn't feeling that way. He swallowed as he knew he would have to work through it, and closed his eyes as he fault the impulse to pull away. Purposely he went back to when he was attending University, and with fourteen years between them, she had been a little girl of pre-school age. Alex had gone off to Starfleet, while he had remained living at home. He remembered her big beautiful blue-hazel eyes, so full of curiosity, peering over the desk as he would try to do his homework in their father's study. No matter how busy medical school was, no matter how intent he was to succeed, he would always set aside a few quality hours a week for her. It was his turn to be the big brother. "I'm cravin' a spider...what about you?"

"That sounds good." The young woman said softly, trying to keep tears at bay. She didn't want to tell him... not right now with all that was going on... but it was the right thing to do. He deserved to know the truth... why it took so long for her to come to him... why she was there at all, but she didn't want him to worry about her.

"Okay," Connor nodded, releasing her as he moved off the couch. Trying to be enthusiastic, he went over to the replicator and ordered them both a cola spider; a combination of soft drink, ice-cream and milk, much like what some referred to as a ice-cream float. He returned, placing them both on the table, then moved one of the chairs so he could sit facing her. "It's been a long time," he smiled, his eyebrows lifting as he started rubbing his hands together.

"Yes, it has." She agreed softly, looking down at the sugary goodness on the table in front of her. "I haven't had one of these in some time."

"Okay.." he nodded, and then gestured to one as he started on his own, "so bog in..."

Ivy picked up her spoon and did as she was instructed. Sadly, she couldn't remember the last time she'd done something like this with either of her big brothers, and that meant is was far too long ago. It made her very happy to be back, and now she realized exactly what it was she'd been missing out on. Never again. Never again would she stay away for so long. She definitely needed her family, and her family needed her just as much. "So... I was thinkin' that maybe... I should ask Maddie out to lunch... so we can get to know each otha a bit."

"That would mean a lot to me, Ivy," he replied quietly looking up from his drink, and then he decided, "I think you should know that Maddie 'n' I have only just started our relationship."

"I'd like to get to know her." She said just before spooning some ice cream into her mouth. "Once I settle in, I will send her a message."

Connor nodded, his jaw tightening as he thought about how much he would liked to get to know the man she was hiding from. After running a hand over his jaw, he inhaled deeply trying his best not to start interrogating her. Instead he informed her, "You'll have a place of your own by tonight."

"I... thank you." The young woman said softly. It still felt a little strange to her that she was here with him, but there really wasn't any other place she'd rather be. Maybe... coming sooner would have been a much better plan, but she just couldn't. Not until she'd had a chance to come to terms with everything that happened. "I didn't mean to cause so much strife."

Connor shook his head, "Ivy, you haven't caused any strife. I put in a renovation order, your apartment will be next door to mine."

"You didn't have to do that, but I appreciate it. I'll feel a bit safah, knowin' I'm close to you." She said softly, looking down at the sugary goodness in front of her.

Taking in her words, her demeanor, Connor's eyes closed momentarily as he struggled to keep himself calm. He nodded to what she said, and then swung around the coffee table's small desktop built-in interface, pressed a few keys, and then turned it towards her. "I found you a job, if you want it."

Ivy leaned forward to look at the screen. "What's the position? I don't want to bum off of you, so I need to work."

Connor nodded, he agreed. "A botanical the Science Research Division. At the same time, you'll need to go through some basic trainin' required as a contracted civilian researcher."

"I would love to. Trainin' won't be so bad." The young woman said, unable to contain her excitement. It was clearly written on her features complete with a very bright smile. A job doing something she absolutely loved? She'd be an idiot not to jump on the opportunity. "When can I start?"

"Tomorrow mornin'," He couldn't help but match her smile, "If you think you'll feel up to it."

"Definitely." Ivy said, leaning forward to hug her brother. "Thank you so much."

Closing his eyes, Connor hugged her back, his hand going to the back of head as he once again flashed back, this time to when it was his time to leave home, having made his decision, after graduating the College of Surgeons in Melbourne, to join Starfleet Medical, and to the nine year old little girl with tears in her eyes trying her best to be brave enough to say goodbye. "You're welcome, Ivy."

He pulled away looking at the time. "Right now I have to go." he said to her, his eyes misting, "I have a counseling appointment, but you can stay here while I'm gone..or..." he shook his head, and shrugged, "not. You could...explore, get to know the campus more.."

"Explorin' sounds nice." Ivy said, settling back once again. "I have a massage scheduled for a bit latah, but othah than that, I have nothin' but time on my hands." She finished off her float and got to her feet to bring the glass over to the recycler. "Thank you again. I realize now I should have come soonah, but I needed to wrap my mind around everythin' that happened. Anyway..." She shook her head, trying to rid the memories from her mind. "I'll be goin' so you aren't late." Offering her big brother a smile, she made her way to the door.

Connor had sat leaning forward with one hand over his mouth as his eyes followed her. Now he stood, turning around, "Ivy...I canceled my appointments for the rest of the day, 'n' we still have some catching up to do. So... I'll be here."

"Dinnah tonight? Me 'n' you?" She asked, stopping to look at him just as her hand touched the handle of the door. He mentioned having an appointment with the counselor, and that was important. There was no way the young woman would dream of keeping him away from anything like that.

He smiled, "Yeah, you 'n' me."

With another smile, the young woman slipped out of her brother's office, coming to the conclusion that she'd made the right choice. Being closer to Connor would help alleviate some of the stress she felt where Roger was concerned, but not only that, it would aid her in coping with Alex being missing.


Doctor Connor McKinney
Magellan Campus

Ivy McKinney
Magellan Campus


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