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Dinnertime Rendezvous

Posted on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 8:10pm by Mackenzie Bergman & Commander Jacob Bannerman & Lieutenant JG Joey Corwin
Edited on on Mon Feb 4th, 2019 @ 8:13pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Dev's Place
Timeline: 2388/08/28 1930 (Thurs. August 28 2388 7:30pm)

Once arriving at Dev's Place, Mack chose a table closer to the back. Her logic... they'd have privacy to talk, but wouldn't be too secluded from everyone else in the place. It was kind of crowded for a week night, which meant that word was finally starting to get around that this was the place to be if you wanted to have a drink or two and unwind, and that was exactly what most everyone happened to be doing.

Mackenzie settled down and crossed her legs, smiling over at the man across from her. He'd as good as seen her naked, but didn't react on it, and that said a lot for him. Perhaps, he had more willpower than he gave himself credit for. That, or he'd been fighting really hard to keep himself from jumping into the room and having his wicked way with her. Honestly... if that happened... she wasn't so sure she'd have been able to resist.

"I've only been here once before, so I have next to no idea what they have." She said, reaching for a menu to look it over. "I came with Kelly the night of the banquet. It was about... twenty-one hundred hours or so."

"Twenty one hundred huh?" Jake looked a little phased by that but didn't say anything more other than "I was here about then too."

"Kelly and I were sitting on the other side. If you were at the bar, that explains why we didn't see one another." She said with a smile. "We've come a long way since then."

"And then some." Jake smiled at her. And she was right. A couple nights ago he'd been living the high life and having a frivolous one night stand and now here he was with one woman on his mind and a million unanswered questions in his thoughts.

"Do you want me to go to the bar and grab us a drink?" She asked, leaning over to kiss him. At this point, she didn't really care who saw them.

"Sure." Jake smiled up at her, "Whiskey please." he added before patting her bottom and adding "And don't be long, I'll get lonely."

"Okay. I'll be back in a few minutes." She smiled at him and made her way to the bar to order them a couple of drinks.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't Commander Sexy in the flesh. Fancy running into you here." Joey said, approaching him with a grin. She was dressed to kill in a white mini-dress tonight, with matching white heels. "Want to have another go at it?"

"Oh...uh...hi." Jake looked decidedly uncomfortable as he glanced over at the bar where Mack was getting their drinks before saying "Sorry was a one night kind of a deal."

Joey took a seat at the table he was sitting at and crossed her long legs with a smile. She remembered all the dirty things she let him do to her, and vice versa. "Come on now, Commander Sexy. You can't honestly tell me you don't want a repeat of that night. It was pretty amazing. Why don't we leave pint size here and go have a party? I'll even supply the liquor."

Standing at the bar with her back to them, Mack was completely oblivious to what was going on or being said. She was currently talking to the bartender while he made their drinks.

"No thanks." Jake replied, "And was lovely but things have changed for me over the last couple of days." he added with determination.

Corwin cocked her head to the side to study him. "Things have changed for you? You? The same man who was only too eager to leave here days ago and nail a woman whose name he barely knew?" She just didn't believe that... even a little bit. "I don't believe it. You're supposed to have a reputation for being a bad boy who will sleep with any female on two legs... maybe even four. I haven't heard anything about that, though."

After the bartender passed the drinks over the bar, Mack took them and made her way back toward the table, only stopping when she saw Jake had company. Who in the hell is this When she got to the table, she placed the drinks on top of it, then looked from the woman, to Jake, then back to the woman again. "Are you going to introduce me to your friend, Jake?"

"Of course." Jake smiled at Mack, looking more uncomfortable by the second, "This is uh..this is..." he paused and shifted in his seat before leaning forward and asking "What was your name again?"

The brown haired woman smiled a slow smile. She could play this game, too. "Joey... Joey Corwin." She replied, reaching out to extend a hand in Mack's direction.

Mack took the other woman's hand and shook it. "Mackenzie Bergman." She said, moving over to retake her seat and cross her legs. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on. "Obviously, you weren't good enough if he can't even remember your name."

"Oh, honey... it must have been to have happened twice." She leaned back and watched the redheaded woman, wondering if she would pick up on anything. Of course, she noticed the two of them come in together. One thing Corwin didn't mind doing was making waves for people... if they took the bait. "I thought I'd ask him if he wanted to ditch you and have a party for two."

Red reached for her drink and brought it to her lips to take a sip before she set it down. She may have been on the short side, but never would she back down from anyone. "You mean attach a board to his ass so he doesn't fall in, don't you?" The fact Jake didn't know, or even remember, her name said a lot for the kind of woman she was.

Jake was just taking a sip of his whiskey at the wrong time. As Mack's words sank in, he gulped it and began coughing in response, unable to believe what Mack had just said but also feeling rather proud that she was holding her own.

"So, I see you've got jokes." Corwin said, recalling BJ telling her that use of excessive force was prohibited. Mack's words didn't really bother her, but of course, she couldn't let the scab of a woman get away with it, either. "Watch your tongue, scamp. I'd hate to have to rip it from that pretty little mouth of yours."

"I suggest you watch yours, tramp, and leave us alone." She shot back. Joey may have had a good foot in height on her, but she wasn't going to sit back and allow anyone to talk to her the way Joey was. "The longer you stay, the more likely we're all to be sucked into that great big black hole you have festering between your easily spread legs."

Joey was on the verge of seeing red. There was a storm raging inside of her, and it was taking every ounce of self control she had to keep from letting it boil over. "Well, aren't you just too cute? Jake... you'd do well to keep your little dog on a leash. We have laws in place for pets for a reason." She rose to her feet finally and shot daggers toward the smaller woman.

"I'd be careful who you're calling dog if I were you." Jake ground out, getting angry himself over the way that Joey was treating Mack.

Corwin opened her mouth to say something in return to Jake's quip, but she didn't have much of a chance before the petite redhead woman took a shot back at her.

"Then why aren't you chained to someone's porch? I mean... honestly?" Mack shot back.

It wasn't over by a long shot, but Corwin rose to her feet and grabbed the drink out of Jake's hand, then tossed it straight into Mack's face. The petite woman knew just how to push buttons, and Joey was no exception. The difference was... the taller woman wasn't going to stick around and take it. She slammed the glass down on the table, narrowed her eyes, then walking out of the place altogether.

Mackenzie gasped once the liquid hit her in the face and reached for a napkin. That was one of the last things she'd ever expected to happen. She was just grateful Joey stormed off, though. The petite woman just didn't want to deal with her anymore.

"I am so sorry..." Jake uttered, the look on his face showing as much shock as if he had been the recipient of the drink. "That uh...usually is what happens to me." he added sheepishly as he grabbed a second napkin and began to dab her with it.

The redheaded woman fought the urge to get up and go after the taller woman who just stormed out. Instead, she began to wipe Jack's whiskey from her face. "Thank goodness for small miracles. It wasn't coffee or acid." She shook her head and sighed. Her appetite was officially gone.

"Let me walk you home, you can change and we can replicate some food or take a picnic down to the beach away from vindictive bitches." Jake ground out, beginning to regret the time he'd spent with Joey.

Mack shook her head and frowned. "I don't think I want to run the risk of running into her again. I think... maybe I'm going to take a shower and crawl into bed... try to forget this even happened."

"Okay." Jake replied, disappointed that their fun evening had been ruined completely, "I'm sorry that she targeted you and not me...I'm the bastard here." he sighed and ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

"No... she's the one who is the bastard... or bitch... in this case." She said, putting her napkin back onto the table. "I'm not afraid of people like her... I can hold my own." She finished what was left of her drink quickly, then turned her complete attention to him. Red really couldn't hold him responsible for the psycho woman's actions. "You said you were hungry. We can hang out at my place where we don't have to worry about insanity hunting us down."

"If you're sure." Jake replied, "I'll understand if you don't want me hanging around anymore after that." he added, suddenly feeling very, very insecure which for Bannerman was unheard of.

"Jake... don't start doing things like that... please." The petite woman said, reaching out to slip her hand into his. "If I didn't want you hanging around... trust me... I would have told you to hit the bricks shortly after bitch-face stormed off. It's not your fault she decided she wanted to pull something like that tonight. But... if you don't want to come back to my place... or see me... I'll find a way to deal with it." It certainly wouldn't be easy if she was already feeling some kind of emotional tug inside of her just by saying those words.

"Oh I don't want to let you out of my sight but I just figured that you wouldn't want me around anymore." Jake shrugged, realising that if she had told him to get lost that he would have been devastated.

"Okay... no more of that." Mack said, rising to her feet. "Let's go before she decides to come back and shoot me in the face with a phaser."

"She'd be dead before she even got that far." Jake growled, meaning every word.

She had to admit... the protective side of him was actually kind of sexy, but there was no way she'd allow him to spend a lifetime in the brig because of her. "Come on... she's already ruined dinner. Let's see if we can salvage the rest of the night." She stood next to him and held out her hand to him.

Smiling, Jake took her hand and stood up, "You're a pretty amazing know that right?" he commented as they began to walk towards the door.

As they neared the door, Mack went on red alert. Who knew if the crazy woman was waiting outside to shoot her in the face with a phaser like she felt she was capable of. "I don't know how amazing I am, but I definitely appreciate the compliment." She leaned closer to him and smiled, feeling a little on edge as the door loomed closer.

"It's fine you know." Jake saw her apprehension, "I won't let anyone harm you." he lowered his voice and added "Don't forget that I'm deadly when I want to be."

"I know." She said barely above a whisper. "I've just never dealt with that special kind of crazy. And that was definitely special." She shook her head and wrapped an arm him. "Let's not think about her, or her psycho behavior, anymore. Too bad we couldn't pay someone off to deliver food."

"I'll call Leo...he'll bring us some stuff. It's not like he ever does anything off duty anyway." Jake shrugged, immediately thinking of the shuttle tech as available to help.

"That works for me." Mack said, looking in both directions once they were outside. She couldn't wait to get the stink of alcohol off of her now.. or Joey. Being that close to her made her feel dirty.

"Then let's go." Jake lead her quickly across the grounds towards the accommodation buildings.

She had very little trouble keeping up with him despite her shorter legs. The need to get some place where she felt safe was pretty important on her current list of things to do. "I think I might need to replicate a bat or something."

Jake shook his head and said "You only need a few moves to be deadly...I'll teach you."

"I'll be at the gym tomorrow morning at six. Sharp." She said, punching the code in to unlock her door when they arrived to her place. Mack didn't make any action against hiding it from him, either.

"It's a date." Jake replied before adding "We seem to be having a lot of those recently."

Mack smiled and turned the light on. Her apartment was decorated in a Japanese style much like the salon was. Liekos came running from the bedroom when he heard movement and started wagging his tail. "Does that mean we've broken our own deal?" She reached down to scratch the puppy behind his ear before pulling her heels off. Now she was back to her pint-size height.

"Well technically the deal was no sex and no flirting with anyone other than you." Jake replied, "So no...we haven't...yet."

"Makes sense." She said, lifting an arm to lower the hidden zipper on the side of her dress. "Make yourself at home. I'm going to go jump into the shower." She smiled at him, then made her way over to press a kiss to his lips.

"Wish I could join you." Jake breathed against her lips, closing his eyes as he breathed in the smell of her which was wonderful even hidden as it was by the smell of the whiskey.

"Who said you can't?" She asked, pulling away to start backing toward the bedroom.

"I did...because if I do then I will make love to you." Jake replied honestly. And it was the truth because his self control was teetering on the edge.

"There's no law that says we couldn't do everything but..." She whisked her dress off and tossed it at him. "I'll respect your wishes, though. It will only take me a few minutes." With that, she turned and disappeared completely into her bedroom, which was also decorated in Japanese fashion.

Jake groaned as he caught her dress then moved to flop down on her sofa. Being around her was getting harder and harder. He wanted her so much it hurt and they hadn't even spent a week in each other's company yet. Sitting there he forced himself to think of things other than the fact that there was a very naked and very beautiful woman in the shower next door and failed miserably. Another loud groan ensued and he grabbed a throw cushion and covered his middle with it just in case she reappeared any second.

A few seconds later, Mack poked her head out of the doorway. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Jake managed to say though his voice cracked when he said it.

His resolve was proving to be much stronger than hers was, but she wasn't going to push him. "The offer is there if you change your mind." She popped back into the bedroom, then moved into the bathroom to start the water. Part of her hoped he would do just that. Frustration was reaching the point of explosive proportions.

He wanted to change his mind so badly it hurt. He wanted to touch her, to kiss her and to make her his and the fact that she was offering for him to fool around was killing him. With his resolve beginning to fail, he found himself standing up and heading towards her bedroom, driven by a force that he couldn't even fathom.

Inside the bathroom, Mack climbed into the shower, completely oblivious to the fact he was making his way toward her. She couldn't wait to get the whiskey smell off of her and out of her hair, then curl up on her bed to spend a relaxing evening doing nothing. Everyone needed to have one of those moments once in a while.

As he neared her bedroom, the scent of lilies and sunshine he'd come to know as belonging to her began to get stronger, and should he actually walk inside he'd notice that the door to the bathroom was open a bit letting the steam from the hot water being used inside waft through. She was a pretty clean person, too. There wasn't a single thing in her space that looked to be out of place. Except for two scraps of red silk in the form of her bra and panties on the carpet near the foot of her bed.

As if some unknown force was guiding him, Jake put one foot in front of the other as he headed inside of her room. Seeing the bathroom door ajar, he walked over to it all the while telling himself that he shouldn't and for a moment he stood there in a silent battle with himself. But in the end his body won the battle and he stepped inside the bathroom, pulling his shirt up and over his head before tossing it aside.

Oblivious to the fact that there was a second body inside the bathroom with her, Mack went about washing her hair to get the whiskey stink out of it. She still couldn't believe that the verbal altercation with Joey happened, but now it was over, and she didn't have to worry about it any longer. For now, at least. Her eyes closed, she hummed a tune under her breath and let the hot water wash away all the stress and tension that had built up inside of her.

Silently undressing, Jake finally pulled back the glass panel to the shower cubicle and stepped inside as he said "That offer still on the table?"

Mackenzie gave a startled gasp and opened her eyes to look up at him. "I... um... yes." What else could she say? He was naked, and he was in the shower with her.

"Okay then." Jake's eyes raked over her as he reached for the wash cloth, soaped it up and began to gently run it over her body.

Oh boy... this is bad. She thought to herself when she felt the wash cloth touch her skin. Closing her eyes, the petite woman took a deep calming breath, telling herself that she could be the close to him and behave herself. It was an achievable goal. Right. Who was she kidding? If she wasn't careful, she was going to crack like an egg. "Must... behave." Of course, it just so happened she was saying it to herself without realizing she said it out loud.

"Isn't that what we're doing?" Jake replied in a low rumble, not taking his eyes off her for a second.

Mack swallowed and kept her gaze locked on his face. If she looked anywhere else, it would all be over. "I.. don't know." Her resolve was fading slowly, but she was going to fight it. She could do it... would do it, but with his hand moving over her skin... it was making it incredibly hard. "I can do this... I can do this..." Her voice trailed off, but she kept repeating it like a mantra in her head.

"Or we could do this." Jake whispered his eyes darkening with desire.

Her own eyes turned a deep ocean blue, and as much as she'd love for him to not know what that meant, it was too late. He'd seen it before. She swallowed hard. "Everything but?"

"Everything but." Jake nodded, figuring it was better than nothing but just hoping that he could stop himself when the time came.

Like him, Mack hoped she'd be able to keep herself from taking things further. This was going to be a true test of will for both of them, but damn... she wanted him. She opened her mouth to say something, but instead shook her head and took a step closer to kiss him, which just so turned out to be much hotter than the water they were standing under.

It was all the invitation that Jake needed as he took her into his arms, their bodies molding perfectly to each other as he kissed her with passion.

Mackenzie took the kiss a step further, her hands moving over him as lust soared through her. She kept it firmly in mind that she wouldn't go all the way with him that night, but they'd both walk away satisfied and looking forward to the day things would finally end up where they both undoubtedly wanted them to.

"Mackenzie..." Jake breathed as he grabbed her rear and pulled her closer leaving her in no doubt how much he wanted her right now. "I'm not sure I can do this without following it through." he added, the primal need to take her raging deep within him.

"Neither am I..." She said, struggling to get those three simple words out. It was a battle for her just as much as it was for him, and right now, if he asked her to, she'd probably give in with little thought despite wanting to wait. Having him there in their current situation was eating away at every last fiber of willpower she had, and if one of them didn't act now, that would be it. Of course, she had a feeling she could get away with doing everything but, though it would be a struggle.

Groaning as he fought with his own self control, Jake finally pulled away using every scrap of will power he had and said shakily "I...uh...I'm gonna go."

"I... okay..." Mack said, wanting to protest and beg him to stay with her. She felt terrible, but things were getting way out of control, and it seemed like he had more control than she did.

Looking at her longingly as if his entire soul were being ripped from his body, Jake forced himself to exit the shower cubicle. He didn't want to leave but they had a deal and somehow her respect meant the world to him and overpowered the need to make love to her because somewhere along the way she had come to mean a lot to him and he didn't want to blow it.

Turning the water off, she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself, climbing out behind him. Somehow, she managed to keep from pawing at him like she wanted to. "Will I... um... will I get to see you tomorrow?" She felt so horrible.

"I think I'll have my hormones in check again by then so yeah." Jake smiled at her as he took a second towel and began to dry himself off.

"Me, too. I'll just... let you get dressed." She turned and made her way out of the bathroom as quickly as she possibly could to give them both a little distance. Things got hot very quickly, and she knew that it would take one look from him, then she would be his.

Looking up at the ceiling once he was alone, Jake said "Why does this have to be so difficult?" With a sigh and without any answers he finished drying himself off and got dressed, wanting more than anything to spend the night with her but knowing it was just too dangerous. He couldn't be trusted.

Mack pulled her robe on, then settled down on the edge of her bed and waited for him to come out. She couldn't believe just how closed they'd come, and wished he could stay with her, but there was no chance that was going to happen now. They'd gotten too close. Far too close.

Finally fully clothed, Jake emerged from the bathroom and said "I'll see you tomorrow beautiful." Walking over he planted a very chaste kiss on her cheek, avoiding further passionate kisses in case he ended up giving in again.

"Try to avoid psycho women." She said, giving a little shiver at the thought of being home by herself. There was little doubt she'd be okay, though.

"Hey I'm a reformed character now right?" he grinned that cheeky boy grin at her as he began to back towards the door.

Mackenzie grinned back at him. "Just be careful. Please." She got to her feet to follow him.

"I will." he nodded with one last longing look before turning on his heel to leave. It was going to be one long, lonely night that was for sure.

She watched him walk toward the door, then finally took a much needed breath once he was through it. That was too close, and if it weren't for the silly deal they'd made with one another, then none of this would have been an issue. But, no... she had to open her mouth. Now they were both paying for it. Even she felt like it was going to be a long, lonely night.

Mackenzie Bergman
Owner: White Lotus Salon and Spa

Commander Jacob Bannerman
Chief Flight Instructor
Magellan Campus


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