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Wedding Ready

Posted on Tue Apr 2nd, 2019 @ 11:26pm by Samantha Fraiser-Odar & Mackenzie Bergman
Edited on on Tue Apr 2nd, 2019 @ 11:27pm

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: The White Lotus Salon and Spa
Timeline: 2388/08/31 1300 (Sun. Aug. 31 2388 1:00pm)


Mack finished cleaning up her station and began putting her things away. She'd been much busier than she'd ever thought she'd be, but there would be no complaining coming from her at all. This is the kind of thing she lived for. But now, she had a couple hours free to do whatever she wanted, and that was going to be spent doing some inventory. It was important for her to stay on top of stock so she could order more and have it brought in. Sure... it was a bit pricier that way, but nothing worth the quality was ever cheap, and she would never use the cheap stuff on her clients anyway.

Sam walked in a little nervous as she wasnt one for things like this but wanted to look good for the wedding. Looking round she spotted Mack and smiled at her "Hi I know i dont have an appointment?"

"Hey, there. Sam, right?" Mack asked as she made her way over to her. They'd met once before and talked for a while while she pampered Sam a bit, and the petite redhead never forgot a face. "No worries. You're actually in luck. I don't have any other appointments for the next couple of hours, so I can definitely fit you in. What can I do for you today?"

"I know it's short notice but two things ... one I'm hoping you can do hair and makeup for a wedding and two I was hoping to invite you to the wedding ... it's short notice I know ..."

Mack lit up. "I'd love to. On all accounts. Come sit down." She moved over to her station and gestured for Sam to take a seat. "Did you have anything in mind as far as hair and makeup already?"

Sam shook her head "I've never had much skill in either ... something understated I guess for the makeup ... and I was thinking maybe flowers in my hairdo ... other than that whatever you think looks best?"

"Well, you're already gorgeous, so I'll just enhance that. Have a seat and we'll get started." The redhead said with a bright smile.

Sitting in the chair Sam grinned back "How's the salon going for you?"

"It's going great. I've been a lot busier than I could have ever hoped to be, and that's a good thing." The redhead replied as she began to run a brush through Sam's hair. "I do get down time, though, so I can't complain. I'm really glad you came to me so I can do your hair and makeup for your special day. Thank you."

Smiling shyly Sam said "Thank you ... I know Gem wont care how it looks as long as I make it there on time ... but I want it to look good in a way that he will remember in a good way."

"I can definitely make it happen for you." Mack said with a smile, working her fingers through her hair. Since it was such a special day, she planned to make Sam look drop dead gorgeous so everyone would remember.

Sam sighed relaxing into the hands running through her hair "Never thought I would be in this position to be honest." She realised it was an ambiguous statement but the impish side of her wanted to see how Mack would respond.

"What position is that?" the redhead asked, just a bit confused. She didn't know if she meant being in her chair being pampered, getting married or all of the above.

"Honestly? Getting married to Gem ... and voluntarily sitting in a chair being pampered." Both things were strange to experience.

"Well... we all deserve a little pampering down and then, and I think maybe you should make it a point to see me at least once a month so we can make that happen for you. Even after you have the baby. You can so bring him or her with you." The petite woman said with a smile, still working her fingers through her hair as she reached for her curling iron to put loose curls around Sam's head. "As for marrying the love of your life... it's sweet and extremely romantic. You should be proud you get the chance to do that."

Sam joked "If you saw the way we fight when we work together romantic would be the last thing on your mind. We fight like cats and dogs."

"Every good couple fights. It's when things get physical that there's an issue." The redhead said as she finished up with the curls, then began working on a romantic updo that wasn't going to be too much for her. "And please... don't think that I'm saying that happens between you and your husband to be. I'm not at all."

"Oh I know what you mean ... we have seen a lot of diplomatic marriages go wrong and end in violence. We both tend to walk out or yell ... cant imagine Gem ever hitting anyone to be honest ... well there was that one Romulan that tried to shoot me ... Gem punched him in the nose." Sam chuckled at the memory.

Mack smiled, pinning some of the curls in place. "I think I might have punched him in the nose, too. My brother is that way with his wife. Anyone looks at, or talks to, her a certain way, and that's the end of it. He's pretty protective in general, though."

"Usually, it's my job to protect him ... but he can be quite protective. My friend Adam would tease me that we were already married we just didnt know it."

"Men can be super protective of their ladies. Sometimes, it's just the way it goes." Mack said, finishing up on the hair. It was a bit more than what Sam had originally wanted, but looked absolutely gorgeous. "Now... for your makeup."

Looking in the mirror Sam smiled feeling a little weepy "Its perfect Mack ... thank you."


Mack smiled. "You're very welcome, Sam. I'm glad you like it. It's a bit more than what you originally asked for, but I think it's fitting. Now... all we have to do is accentuate your gorgeousness with a little makeup, then you'll be all set for your big day."

Sam smiled at her "Thank you ... this is so much more than i could have done for myself."

Mack smiled. "I'm so glad you came to me. It means a lot."

"Means a lot to me ... I don't have many family or friends and I count you as a friend. You're one of a few who see me not the rank." She admitted softly.

The redheaded woman considered Sam a friend, too, and she had hopes that they'd get to hang out some time in the future. She'd do it gladly. "I count you as a friend, too." She said with a smile, still working on making her makeup perfect. "And, you're done. You look amazing. I can't wait to see you in your dress." She spun the chair around so that she'd be able to look at herself in the mirror.

Sam smiled looking at herself and turned to Mack "Thank you ... and we decided on Dress Uniform for me ... I'm sure its looking forward to another opportunity to try and strangle me!" Sam quipped.

The redhead couldn't help but laugh. "Well... no matter what you're wearing, you're going to make a beautiful bride. Thank you for inviting me. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Sam smiled back "Thank you for making me look good for it ... I better go I guess before Adam sends out a war party to drag me back." She grinned unrepentant.

Mack smiled. "You were already gorgeous before, Sam. I just enhanced it. I'll see you soon." She gave her a hug with a bright smile.

"Will do ... " Sam hugged her back and whispered again "Thank you."

"You are so welcome. I'm here whenever you need me." She pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Now... go and marry the love of your life. I'll be there with bells on."

Sam nodded "I'll keep that in mind." She wasn't saying it just to be nice she really meant that if she needed advice she would comm her." Smiling she waved to Mack as she headed out.


Mackenzie Bergman
Owner of The White Lotus Salon and Spa
Magellan Station


Admiral Samantha Fraiser
Magellan Campus


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