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Posted on Tue Apr 2nd, 2019 @ 9:09pm by Fleet Admiral Gregory Maddock & Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Commander Alexander McKinney & Captain Madeline Sanchez & Specialist Ivy McKinney & Saxon McKinney & Specialist Aleysha Xerix
Edited on on Tue Apr 2nd, 2019 @ 9:11pm

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Greg Maddock's Office, Magellan Station
Timeline: 2388/08/31 1213 (Sun. Aug. 31 2388 12:13pm)

When Connor and Maddie walked into Greg's office, they weren't expecting to see Aleysha and Saxon already there.

Feeling disconcerted, Connor needed to turn away, but when he heard, "Uncle Connor!" he had to immediately turn back to take his nephew into his arms. With Saxon looking over his shoulder, he held onto him tightly and his eyes started tearing as he stood.

"What's wrong, Uncle Connor?" Saxon asked, feeling all of Connor's emotions as he held onto him tightly back.

Watching them, it took everything in Aleysha not to start tearing up too, and the way that Connor was staring at her, she found herself shaking her head, that what they feared couldn't actually be true.

A deep feeling of foreboding filled Maddie as she saw the other two in the room and she stood a little closer to Connor's side, wanting him to feeling her strength and support should their worst fears be recognised.

Knowing he was going to have to tell him something, Connor swallowed and then pulled back to look at Saxon. "I'm sad 'n' a little scared. Is that what you're feelin' from me?"

Saxon nodded, and then tilted his head to the side and asked, "Why?"

"I can't tell you..." Connor replied, and then paused as his eyes swept over his nephews face, "just not...just not right now." His hand swept behind the young boy's head, "Do you trust me?"

Saxon eyes searched Connors, and then he nodded, "I trust you."

Connor nodded back, and then pulled him back into another hug.

Watching Connor embrace Saxon affected Maddie deeply as an image of him hugging his own child, their child flashed momentarily into her mind causing her to let out a sharp gasp which she quickly covered by clearing her throat. "Where the hell is everyone else?" she grumbled, angry with herself for allowing such silly thoughts to fill her head.

Aleysha stared over at her, having gotten her feelings accidentally due to her own mindset.

Ivy made her way into the office. Her face did nothing to hide how confused she was. She took note that her older brother was present, as well as Maddie, Saxon, and Saxon's mother, Aleysha. Now the confusion deepened, but then it quickly turned into panic. Someone had heard something about Alex. That was the reason they'd all be called here. His body had been found, and they wanted everyone together so they'd all get the news at once. There was no more waiting for her. Squaring her shoulders, the young woman cleared her throat to make her presence known. "What's goin' on?"

Connor turned to face her, "Ivy..." and slowly placed Saxon down.

Aleysha went over and took her son's hand in her own. "They've been found, but we haven't been giving any details." She said, sounded tearfully exasperated.

"Why? Why hasn't anyone said anythin'?" The confusion that was once present on her young face gave way to something new entirely. Fear. But that wasn't the only emotion raging through her. Anger. Anger was also present, and it took every ounce of self control she had not to lash out. The people in front of her didn't deserve that.

"Communications are down now on the ship that found them, 'n' there were..." Connor came up to her and placed his hands on her arms, struggling to get the rest of the words out, "there were casualties."

"That's all they had to say?" Ivy asked, fighting the urge to snap. Her brother didn't deserve it, because none of this was his fault. "When will we heah somethin'?"

He shook his head, he didn't know. He heard Alex telling him again he was alright, while the worst case scenarios kept playing in his head. He let go of her, needing to pull away. He was walking away from her, running a hand over his head, when the door opened.

Greg walked in, looking them all over, and with a small smile, stepped to the side.

There in the doorway, big as life, stood Alex McKinney.

Out the corner of her eye, Ivy saw someone move into the doorway. She was expecting it to be someone who would bring the horrible news that their brother was among the casualties, but then that person moved out of the way so another form could take his place. The young woman lifted her head and finally turned it in that direction. She suddenly forgot how to breathe... how to talk... how to function. There he was. In the flesh. The brother who was thought to have been dead. He was alive. He was here, and yet... she couldn't move. The only movement that came from her was a tear that rolled down her cheek.

"Alex!" Alyesha gasped, and Connor had quickly turned back around when she did.

There was a look of surprise on Alex's face too. "Oh my god, Ivy!!" he grinned, stepping into the room. Immediately lowering himself, he excitedly outstretched his arms out to her. "What are you waitin' for?!"

Ivy still couldn't believe what she was seeing, and after a few more moments, her brain registered what was going on and sent the order to her feet to move. As fast as she could, she closed the distance between the two of them and threw her arms around Alex's neck just as she burst into tears. It had been so long since she'd seen him. So long since she'd been able to hug him. Then, she'd gotten word that he was likely dead. That... that was when all the guilt had set in. But now... here he was, and she was doing what she'd longed to do for so long. Hug him. "Ah'm so sorry, Alex." She whispered into his ear with huge tears rolling down her cheeks.

Alex had spun them around and laughed while he did. Meanwhile Greg had quietly left. "What for?" he continued to grinned. He was so happy to see her, so happy to see them all.

"Leavin'." The young woman whispered, still holding on to him like her life depended on it.

"I knew you'd be back anytime, Dad," Saxon said, feeling a little perplexed at why all the grownups had been so worried, "just like you said."

"It's in the past," Alex said quietly backed to Ivy and then loosened his hold on her to smile down at his son, "Why's that, Saxon?"

"Because Dad knows best," Saxon smiled proudly.

"Well that's right." Alex reached out and they bumped fist.

Aleysha rolled her eyes, shaking her head, unable to help but smile as she did.

Alex's eyes had gone over to Connor. He looked terrible. They were identical twins, yet Connor was looking so much older to him. Pulling Ivy into another hug, he kissed her on the side of the head before releasing her to go over to their brother.

"'s time for us to go now," Aleysha had discern. "Your dad will be tucking you in tonight." She took him by the hand, and after Alex nodded at what she had said, lead him out of there.

Then Alex reached out to cup the side of Connor's head, "It's so bonza to finally see you," he smiled, his eyes tearing up as he pulled his brother into a hug.

His eyes tearing up too, Connor buried his face against his brothers shoulder and grabbed onto him. The fear and the intrusive thoughts he been trying to cope with all week, the emotional roller coaster he had been riding suddenly all came crashing down on him in that moment, and gripping Alex's back, he started to cry.

Ivy knew she should give the two brothers a chance to get to talk to one another, but she just couldn't bring herself to leave. It had been a long time since she'd seen Alex, and it'd been even longer that the McKinney children were all together like they were right now. She wanted to move over and embrace them both, but it wasn't the time for that. Her brothers deserved to have this time. She sniffled and wiped beneath her eyes.

And then Alex was reaching out to her.

Without hesitation, and for the first time in years, Ivy moved over to her two big brothers and wrapped her arms around them both. This was a long time coming, and she couldn't believe she let so much time pass where her family was concerned. Now... guilt was beginning to build up inside of her again. She couldn't let that happen again. Ever.

This was rare for Connor, and so Alex was milking it for all it was worth. It almost felt surreal to him considering the past year, what they all had been through, finally reunited. He kept his hand on the back of his brother's head as they continued to hug for a few more moments. When he felt Connor's need to pull away, he grabbed hold of Ivy's hand as he slowly let him go. Smiling, he turned his head, his blue hazel eyes locking on Maddie when he saw her. "Is this your Sheila, Connor?" he asked, smiling his boyish smile.

Maddie had just been heading towards the door to give the family some privacy when she heard Alex's words and froze. Truth be told it was kind of weird seeing Connor's doppelganger in the same room. Sure, she'd known that they were twins but that fact hadn't prepared her for how alike they looked. Putting her hand down by her side, no longer intent on pressing the door release, she turned and smiled at Alex. "Madeline Sanchez, Assistant Dean." she held out her hand, her body stiff with formality.

Taking her cue and noticing her rank, Alex accepted her hand, "The pleasures all mine, Captain," and then looked over at Connor, still wanting to know.

Wiping his tears away with his hands, Connor nodded, smiling now, "She is."

"Ahhh..." Alex returned his brother's smile and then some. "Well, please don't bail on my account," he said to her, and then looked to everyone there, "We were told if we go to Communications, we can get a personal subspace message sent out through the wormhole. So I'm goin' to send a message out to Mum 'n' Dad," he looked over at Ivy, "You with me, Sis?"

"Yes. I still need to tell them I'm heah, too." Ivy replied as she moved over to hug Connor and press a kiss to his cheek. "Ah'll see you soon." She moved back over to Alex and gestured for him to lead the way.

Looking at her intently, Alex took her hand and then turned back to Connor, "Better still, take a few minutes, bro, 'n' join us there." It was reflected in his eyes how much he wanted him to. "Who knows, we might actually turn dad into a crybaby."

Knowing how their dad could be, Connor tearfully laughed at that and then running a hand over his mouth and chin, he nodded again, "I'll be there." Then needed to take in a deep breath as he watched them walk out the door.


Doctor Connor McKinney
Magellan Campus

Specialist Ivy McKinney
Botanical Engineer
Magellan Campus

Lt.Cmdr. Alex McKinney
SCE Team XO/Engineer
USS Armstrong

Captain Madeline Sanchez
XO/Assistant Dean
Magellan Campus

Saxon McKinney
Precocious Child
Magellan Station
NPC'd by Kim

Aleysha Xerix
Diplomatic Translation Specialist
Magellan Station
NPC'd by Kim

Admiral Gregory Maddock
Temporary CO
Magellan Station
NPC'd by Kim


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