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Sibling Bonding

Posted on Tue Apr 2nd, 2019 @ 11:58pm by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Commander Alexander McKinney & Specialist Ivy McKinney
Edited on on Wed Apr 3rd, 2019 @ 12:00am

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Connor's Apartment
Timeline: 2388/08/31 1400 (Sun. Aug. 31 2388 2:00pm)

Ivy stood in Connor's living room. She was super excited about both of her brothers being in one place at one time. It had been so long since the three McKinney children were together like this. It was a pretty amazing thing that was taking place. She just wished there was something she could do to help Connor out. He needed it in the worst way, and the more she saw of his daily struggle, the more helpless she felt. Maybe having Alex back would be just what he needed. Maybe spending time with his twin brother and baby sister would help.

It still amazed her how different two people could truly be. Yes, Connor and Alex McKinney were identical twins, but there were a few differences between the two of them. Of course, she didn't have any problems telling them apart, but then again, not many others did, either.

She found herself looking out of a window at the scenery below. Once Connor left for an impromptu wedding, she and Alex would be left alone together, and while she was looking forward to spending time with him after so many years apart, she knew he was likely going to have some questions for her about those years she'd been away. She'd answer them just as she had in the past, but she didn't like the idea of rehashing such a horrible time in her life again. It was a time in her life where she was weak... believed herself to be head over heels in love with a man who was nothing like he'd led her to think. The young woman closed her eyes and shook her head with a soft sigh. She didn't need to dwell on it. Right now was a time to be happy, and that's what she was going to be.

There was laughter coming from the bedroom and the two men came walking out of there. Connor was smiling, and looking totally amused as he buttoned a cuff of one of his dress shirt sleeves.

Turning to her, Alex put an arm around Connor's shoulders, "Okay, Ivy, you be the judge. Which one of us is the better looking?" He gave her a silly grin.

"Oh, there's no question. I am." Ivy replied with a grin of her own.

Pulling away, Connor laughed at him, "She has you there."

"Oh no no no," Alex shook his hand at the two of them, and then pointed to himself, "Who has the right middle name? Dad knew."

Connor shook his head as he took a seat on the couch, "Dad was off his face when he named you." Glancing up at him as he started putting on his dress shoes, he added, "Mum said."

Alex looked deflated. "No way!"

Ivy smiled. It was like being kids again, though her brothers were so much older than she was when she was born. "Maybe Daddy did name you Alexander Fox, 'n' maybe he was a little on the drunk side... accordin' to Mum, but who is his little princess?" Neither one of them could argue that simply because they wouldn't want to be associated with such a title.

The two brothers looked at each other with the same 'oh yeah' expression, and Alex smiled, pulling her into a hug, "Okay, Princess Ivy." Then started leaning too much to the side, causing them both to almost fall over, and just as Connor was getting off the couch.

Ivy laughed when her brother pulled her into a hug, and when they started to fall, she decided they weren't going alone, then reached out to grab Connor's arm. "If we go, you go, too!" She was still laughing. It was very clear that she missed the three of them being together.

The three of them landed back onto the couch with Ivy in the middle, but Connor was the only one that wasn't laughing. Intrusive thoughts, his conversation with Devin McCall about Ivy's ex in the midst of them, returning to him, he leaned back and closed his eyes.

Alex exchanged a look with Ivy and then scooted over, so she could too, and give him some space. "Hey," he said, when Connor stayed that way, "Are you okay?"

The laughter Ivy had been displaying only seconds ago died down as she moved over with Alex to give Connor the space he obviously needed. Seeing him like this... She wanted to help him in the worst way, but she had no idea how to go about doing that. Maybe having Alex around would do the trick, but somehow... she highly doubted that was going to be the case, and it killed her. The guilt she was feeling presently was clearly written on her features. It was too much, and it was way too soon. There was nothing the young woman could say to make this any better for him. Swallowing a lump in her throat, she rose to her feet and ran her hands through her hair. "Ah'm sorry. Excuse me." She whispered as she made her way to the door. It was her fault. She'd set her brother off and made him uncomfortable. Now... she just needed to get out of there.

What?! Alex looked between them and shook his head, "No...Ivy!" then was over to her, to grab her by the shoulders and steer her back. He sat her back down on the couch and then pulled over coffee table so he could sit on it and face them both.

Meanwhile, Connor was pushing himself up straight, his brows deeply furrowed as he watch Alex, not exactly sure at what had just happened on their end.

"Who's the culprit, Connor?" Alex asked him firmly, his eyes going briefly to Ivy. When Connor didn't answer, and had started rubbing his head instead, Alex asked, "Is it Ivy?"

Connor stopped and stared at him. "No." he shook his head, thinking he understood what was going on. He leaned forward, "I'm sorry, Ivy," and reached over to slowly grab her hand.

Ivy closed her eyes and took a few calming breaths, then relaxed even more when she felt Connor's hand touch her own. "You didn't do anythin'. Ah shouldn't have pushed you."

He hung his head and Alex watched him. He knew Connor better than anyone, yet was feeling reminded that not even he knew what it was like to think the way that Connor did.

"You didn't push me, Ivy." Connor turned his head towards her. "I'm still...reelin' from the week...I think. It's...going to take a some time to let it go."

"Would it help to talk about it?" She asked quietly. "You know me 'n' Alex will listen. We will even try to help any way we can, 'n' we won't judge you. We love you."

Connor looked away and lowered his head a bit at her words. "Alex," he looked up at their brother, "tell her what it's like..."

Crikey... "Connor..." Alex shook his head, recognizing the look in his eyes, "don't do this."

"Tell her what's at risk," Connor demanded, and raising his voice a bit, "tell her what it's like." Then he was off the couch, taking a few steps away.

Alex stood too, with his eyes following him, "She's not a little girl anymore, Connor."

Ivy looked between the two of them. "Will someone please tell me what's goin' on?"

Alex looked down at her and put out a hand, as if to say hold on, it will become clear, and then he took a step towards Connor. "We know when she was an ankle biter, our parents told her only what she was able to understand," he directed to him, and then turned back to her, extending out a hand, locking eyes with her, "but when you were old enough, mum 'n' dad, they filled you in on the details on Connor's illness...right, Ivy?"

"I know a little bit about it. Has it gotten worse?" She asked softly.

Alex looked downcast, at first uncertain at what he should say. Finding it hard to believe, it appeared he'd been wrong. He looked over at Connor, who was running his hand over his mouth and chin as he looked at the time.

"Maddie's waiting for me," Connor said quietly, not looking at either one them, grabbing his suit jacket off the back of chair before heading out the door.

Ivy watched as Connor walked out, then turned her attention to Alex. She still felt so helpless. Was there anything that would help him break through what plagued him. "Why do I feel like I shouldn't have asked that?"

Sitting next to her, Alex leaned back into the couch, feeling as if he had been away from his twin for far too long. "It's not your fault, Ivy. I don't know what it is, but somethings definitely changed."

"I've been the one gone too long. I don't even know what's wrong with my own brother." She found herself saying softly. There was a lot of sadness in her eyes.

Alex squeezed her hand, "That can be fixed," and then moved over to sit on the coffee table to face her again. He leaned forward, placing his hands on his legs. "But first I want to know how you are doing 'n' where you've been for all these years."

At her brother's question, Ivy gave a shiver. "It's... I ran from someone." She answered softly.

Not what he was expecting to hear, Alex's eyebrows seem to come towards each other, and he demanded, "Who's the someone?"

"A boyfriend... ex... boyfriend." She replied softly, telling him all about how she came to be on campus.

As she finished, Alex ran a hand over his jaw as he tried his best to remain calm. It wasn't hard to tell that he was really pissed. Protectively, he took hold of her hand in his. He wanted to know, "Did you tell Connor?"

"Yes." She answered softly, leaning forward to hug her brother. Him taking her hand was all the push she needed to do it. He was safe... she was safe... it was all that mattered. "He wasn't happy, either."

Alex exhaled heavily and his face clouded over, "I imagine..." he said, while thinking he was going to have to talk Connor about it. "So what's next?" he asked pulling back, looking at her with intense interest.

"I... don't know. I think I'm far enough away from him that he won't be able to get to me." She answered. "I'm sure he's noticed I'm gone by now, but chances are he won't even bother trying to find me. It'd be too much trouble. I'm fairly sure I'm safe."

"We'll make sure of it, Ivy," Alex said, "but what I want to know is what are you going to do next?"

"Work 'n' build a life here."

Alex nodded, "Okay," and placed a hand on one side of her face as he grinned, "That's really bonza to hear. You could get a job on campus...or up at the station."

"I'm going to be a botanical engineer here on campus." Ivy said with a smile. Plants were her passion, and it's exactly what called her away from home years ago. "Connor has already set it in motion for me. I've gotten a tour of the botanical gardens from Lieutenant Reign. He didn't want me going out by myself, 'n' I think that's because I'd just told him about the incident with Roger."

His smile fading, Alex replied, "Aye, it's understandable. So this Lieutenant Reign is security?"

"Yes, 'n' she was very sweet to me. I think I made her nervous when I said I made a cannibal plant." The young woman couldn't help but grin at the memory.

"A cannibal plant?!" Alex laughed, and then looked at her skeptically for a moment as he thought about it. "Now did you...?"

"Yes." She said with a laugh. "He was a vegetarian."

"A vege... vegetarian?!" Alex almost fell backwards off the coffee table as he continued to laugh. "Oh my god, dad's going to be so impressed." and then it hit him, "He's going to want one!"

Ivy laughed even harder when her brother nearly fell off of the coffee table. That's exactly the kind of reaction she'd been hoping for. She took a few calming breaths and shook her head. "No... I didn't really create Rufus, but I was close. I was missing a component that I couldn't quite figure out. I'm still working on him, though. I'm a bit closer to making him a reality, 'n' when I do, Daddy will be the first to have one."

At first Alex gave her a look of 'shame on you for pulling my leg' and then soaked in the rest of what she said, while amused at the choice of the plant's name. "Ah, he's going to love it," he grinned, and then his eyes got wider. "Maybe you'll find that component here on Sapientia, you never know."

"That's exactly what I'm hoping for. I've seen specimens here that I've never encountered before. This is a plant geeks paradise." The young woman said with a bright smile. She prided herself on being a big nerd when it came to being as into plants as she was. "I'll definitely make Daddy one if I can make everything work out."

"If anyone can, I think it'll be you," Alex grinned. "You'll be publishing a paper on it," his grinned widened, "...'n' signing autographs." He teased on the last.

Ivy laughed. "The paper... maybe, but I'm not so sure about signing autographs."

"I am," Alex grinned, "Saxon can be your agent," and seemed to sober as he thought more about his son. "Have you had the chance to get to know him?"

"We've met a couple of times, but I really want to get to know him. Do you think you might be able to arrange somethin'?" The young woman asked.

"I do," Alex smiled. "How 'bout tomorrow? We can spend the day together."

"That sounds perfect." Ivy gave her brother a smile and leaned forward to give him a hug. "It's so great to have you back, Alex. I've missed you so much."

Alex's arms went around her, and with a serious look in his eyes, he held her closely to him. "I've missed you too, Ivy, don't ever doubt that."


Doctor Connor McKinney
Magellan Campus

Specialist Ivy McKinney
Botanical Engineer
Magellan Station

Lt.Cmdr. Alex McKinney
SCE Team XO/Engineer
USS Armstrong (destroyed)


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