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A Fusion Of Love

Posted on Wed Apr 3rd, 2019 @ 2:33pm by Fleet Admiral Gregory Maddock & Ambassador Geminik Odar & Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD & Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Commander Jae-Hwa Kwan & Deveron Raziel & Samantha Fraiser-Odar & Captain Madeline Sanchez & Mackenzie Bergman & Attaché Elizabeth Walshingham & Saxon McKinney & Specialist Aleysha Xerix
Edited on on Wed Apr 3rd, 2019 @ 2:38pm

Mission: Ready For The Weekend!
Location: Lush garden area besides Dev's place
Timeline: 2388/08/31 1453 (Sun. Aug. 31 2388 2:53pm)

Sam stood in the dressing room at Dev's Place, fussing with her collar of her dress whites, feeling like they were growing a life of their own and trying to strangle her in her anxiety. She knew that Gem wasn't going to change his mind and neither was she, but something always seemed to go wrong at these things when she was involved ... lost rings, forgotten vows ... the kidnapping attempt four years ago.

Watching her with an indulgent smile, Adam Marcum batted her hands away and fixed it himself, "Enough little sis ... nothing will go wrong ... you will marry the guy of your dreams ... and I'll finally get to do what I thought I had managed twenty years ago ... make you someone else's problem!"

Laughing, Sam relaxed at that. "What can I say? You gave it a good try, you just forgot how stubborn we are." She was about to add another quip when someone came to the door.

It was Greg, and he looked down the hall as he waited for someone to answer.

Taking the save as a chance to stop her bad sense of humour, Adam called out "Come in!"

The door opened and Greg peeked in. "Hey, I have a nervous groom out here, waiting for his bride," he smiled, "You look beautiful, Sam, so come on, let's get the two of you hitched."

Sam chuckled, relaxing, and headed for the door. Adam behind her muttered to Greg, "Seriously it's about time ... only ones those two were fooling were themselves."

With an agreeing smile, Greg followed them out the door.

[Rotunda and garden]

Out in a private and lush garden area besides Dev's place exterior exit from the promenade building was a round rotunda wedged perfectly in it's nook. The rotunda was adorned perfectly with lush hydrangeas, roses, peonies, a couple Sapientia native flowers, and both Terran and Betazoid elegant white orchids. There was a thick white path along with urns overflowing with fluffy white hydrangeas, which would lead Sam to the altar that was graced with a hanging crystal chandelier.

 photo Rancho-Valencia-Rose-Garden-1_zpsdexmysqq.jpg

Gem stood there now talking to his best friend and best man Deveron Raziel, and while appearing very calm and patient, was feeling very nervous inside.

Elizabeth Walshingham, long time aid to Ambassador Odar, came into the garden wearing an elegant gown with her grandmother's jewelry. Moving gracefully through the background, her dark hair up in a stylish hairdo. She was pleased she had time to be here for her mentor but if it's one thing she learned diplomacy never stopped so it was better to just work around it.

Ensign Joran Sadago, Gem's former ambassadorial diplomatic aide had walked in behind her in his diplomat formal uniform. Still very much infatuated with her as ever, his eyes followed Elizabeth. He had never seen her dressed like this before, and finding her so beautiful, that when a few others entered the garden, it took everything he had within him to be able to tear his eyes away, so he could go and greet them.

Elizabeth moved to the side and caught side of the Ensign. She smiled and nodded a greeting before he moved on to greet others. She would have talked to him but he seemed to have other plans so she turned away and in turn was temporarily distracted by a very well done garden. She had missed having her own garden when she worked from Starships, now she was able to have a plot to herself to tinker in and she enjoyed it greatly. She breathed in the scents on air as she took in the beautiful scenery. After a few moments she began to wonder where to put the gift she'd brought. It had taken a bit of time at the Operations Chief's office to get it just right but she hoped they'd be pleased.

After being greeted by Joran, Jae walked up to Gem and Dev, taking turns shaking each one of their hands and joining them in conversation, while Aleysha and Saxon took their seats in the back waiting for Sam.

Noticing Elizabeth with what he presumed to be a gift, Deveron excused himself and went over to her. "Attaché Walshingham, welcome," he smiled knowingly in greeting, "Would that be a gift for the bride and groom?"

She turned and greeted Deveron, "Both, something of practical beauty I hope they will both enjoy and I thank you. I was pleased the talks for the Henderica Trade Agreement were in a good place so I could get away." She held out her free hand with a polite but genuinely warm smile.

Deveron took her hand, and then after releasing it, walked over with her in conversation to the lovely round table set up for gifts.

Connor and Maddie walked up to the entrance of the Garden, and stopped. Connor stood there looking serious, feeling hesitant about going inside.

"Something wrong?" Maddie asked, turning to him with a frown. She had chosen a royal blue, simple shift dress for the occasion, with matching shoes and bag. Over the top she wore a white shrug, studded with diamante. Her dark hair was worn long, its sheen reflecting the light above.

Hesitating to answer her, Connor had swallowed as he continued to stare straight ahead. Internally, he was fighting back at what had been plaguing him off and on since they had met up with the Tinsha's the other morning. After a few heartbeats, he nodded, "Yeah, but...I'll have to tell to you about it tonight," and then he reached out to take hold of her hand, having decided that was how they would go in together. Intertwining their fingers, he gave her a smile, "Is that okay?"

"It's okay." Maddie nodded, warmth spreading through her at the thought that he was comfortable enough with their relationship to show that they were a couple. "Though I have to say that I can't wait for this to be over so that you can tell me whatever it is that's on your mind."

Connor winced inside, looking away. Then Joran greeted them, and directed them to their seats.

Mack arrived and looked around at those already present. She couldn't believe she'd been invited to Gem and Sam's wedding, but it tickled her to no end. Sam was such a sweetheart, and she could definitely see herself being friends with her. Dressed in an elegant floral print dress and a pair of matching heels, she found herself moving toward the chairs where she picked one that was empty and would still give her a great view considering how short she was after she brought her gift to the gift table. Once she was settled down, she placed her hands in her lap to wait for the ceremony to begin.

A tall, muscular, and handsome man with a gentle expression walked over and sat down next to Mack. He looked over at her with a smile, "Hi, I'm Brady Dering. What’s your name?"

Mack turned toward the tall, handsome man that settled down next to her and smiled. Compared to her, everyone was tall... even most children. "Mackenzie Bergman." She answered as she extended a hand in his direction. "It's nice to meet you, Brady."

"It's nice to meet you too, Mackenzie." He smiled and wondered, "Are you a friend of the bride, groom, or both?"

"The bride." The petite redhead replied with a smile. "What about you?"

"Originally the bride. Sam and I go back a long ways. So, Mackenzie," there was something about her name, "do you work here in the colony?"

Mack smiled and nodded her head. "I do. I own White Lotus Salon and Spa. I did Sam's hair and makeup for her."

Brady looked enlightened. "You're Mack," he smiled, and there was a look of fondness as he added, "I know your cousin, Kelly."

She smiled. "Kelly's a great girl. Spunky, but that's never a bad thing. She's going to do some pretty amazing things as she continues to grow up. I'm proud of her, and so is the rest of our family. You should consider yourself lucky for knowing her, too." She didn't sound the least bit cocky at saying that, either. "I say that, because... well... she's a great girl."

Brady nodded, "Well, I agree," pleased to hear that she felt that way.

Sam stood at the end of the aisle as the music changed to something more Earth like in terms of a wedding march. Biting her lip nervously she looked at Adam who gave her a cheeky wink and smile to make her laugh.

Aleysha walked up to them with Saxon's hand in hers while he carried a small chest in the other, pressing it against himself. When they got to Sam, she released his hand so she could lean in to give the bride a hug. "You look beautiful," She said with a smile.

Sam hugged Aleysha back as she said "Thank you."

Then Aleysha looked down to her son. "You're on, young man. Show them how it's done."

"You bet mom," Saxon smiled and then beamed up at Sam.

Turning to look down at a beaming Saxon, Sam dropped to one knee to be at his level and gently fixed his collar. "So partner in crime of mine ... ready to help me go kidnap the dashing and unaware ambassador?" She winked at him.

Saxon giggled, "Yeah.." and tried to wink back.

"Good luck, you two." Very amused, Aleysha walked away to go take her seat.

Sam smiled up at Aleysha and nodded to her before looking seriously and conspiratorially at Saxon. "Now we have to be careful about how we do this ... cant have have him work it out too soon and run." She leant closer and whispered to him, "We have to look innocent ... do you want to hold my hand or act as my forward guard?"

Saxon had nodded at her instructions, and then whispered back, "Forward guard."

Nodding, she whispered back, "Ok, see where that man standing next to our mark?" At his nod, she added "If you stand by him you should have a good view and be safe if the mark tries to run." She sent Gem a teasing grin, knowing he was probably picking up on everything through their bond.

"Yes, Sir." Saxon replied, feeling determined, "He won't get away."

Gem wasn't picking up on anything telepathically, but catching that grin, and the look in her eyes that he recognized, he could tell she was up to something. He smiled, chuckling inwardly and then looked away, not wanting to ruin whatever it was for Saxon.

Sam nodded, hiding a smile at Saxon's determined look. "Hi five for luck?" She could see Saxon had relaxed and wasn't scared thinking of all the people watching now and she nodded to herself. "Guard that box with your life young padawan." They had watched the Star wars movies together and both had really enjoyed them.

Saxon high five-ed her and then whispered back, "Do not worry, Master Sam, for I have the Force on my side." and then looking like a little big man, he turned around, getting an encouraging smile from his mom, before locking eyes with Greg.

Greg now stood on the altar a bit behind the chandelier so when Sam arrived, her and Gem would be standing under it. He nodded to Saxon, for him to go ahead.

Holding onto the small chest with both hands, Saxon started walking down the aisle towards him.

"You do know what this means?" Dev asked under his breath so that only Gem and Greg could hear him.

"I do," Gem said through his smile as he continued to gaze at the lovely woman heading towards him, "A bet I'm more than happy to lose."

Greg continued watching as Adam walked Sam down the isle, a flash of amusement in his eyes at the bet he'd known the two had made years ago, that the once affirmed bachelor would marry before the decade was over.

Walking towards Gem, Sams eyes clouded a little with happy tears even as Adam made her laugh as he pretended to hold onto her tight and drag her to the Altar.

"Finally ... I've been trying to get you married off for years ... " Adam mock grumbled, and Sams laugh rang through the gazebo.

"Really I hadn't noticed ... the number of times you got me assigned to the same situations as Gem. Anyone would think you and Dev were in on the same bet." Sam looked at him before looking back up to where Gem was. Starting to walk again as Saxon gave her an exasperated look that basically said 'Hurry up Aunt Sam'.

Elizabeth watched the surrounding happenings with a happy but vaguely longing feeling. Wondering if she'd find someone who made her as happy as Sam made her Mentor. She stood with the others as the beautiful bride walked passed and Elizabeth blinked back happy tears as she gave Sam a thumbs up as she passed.

Sam smiled and gently ruffled Saxons hair as she joined him and Gem in the gazebo in front of Greg.

When she looked at him, Gem took her hands in his, and gazed upon her face, taking in all her features and how beautiful she was. He was nervous, but there was no doubt or fear in his eyes. Just pure adoration for the woman he loved.

Holding his hands, Sam looked into his face and just about burst into tears at the look of pure adoration in his eyes just for her. He knew all of her quirks and bad habits yet he still saw her as one of the most amazing creatures in the universe. It just so happened that her own eyes were sending him back the exact same message.

Taking in the two of them, Greg smiled. Looking out among everyone, he began, "One of the most pleasant duties of a senior officer is the privilege of joining two people together in matrimony. Today is even more of an honour for me, as I unite two good friends of mine, Geminik Talris Odar and Samantha Daniella Fraiser in marriage. Instead of a traditional Trill or Betazoid wedding," again, he was feeling relieved about the latter, "Geminik and Samantha both have something they would like to say to each other." Greg smiled at her, "Samantha, you may go first."

Smiling back at Greg, Sam took a deep breath before starting words that came from her heart. "I've thought long and hard over the years about what i would say if we ever got here and I know most people would be saying something gooey and romantic. But we both know that anyone who knows me would have to start looking for a pod person if I did that."

Adam laughed at that, he could see several others who knew her agreeing.

Greg was one of them, and he nodded in amusement.

"Then this morning I looked at a calendar and realised something .. 28 years ago today we met for the first time." Seeing his curious but confused look, she smiled "You and the Ambassador to Betazed were having an open air debate and I snuck in ... again not surprising for those who know me."

Recalling the story, how he was at the time newly joined and the current aid to the Trill Ambassador, who had surprisingly stepped aside and allowed him to jump into said debate and take over, Gem gave her a knowing look, and then an amused, yet encouraging, smile.

She looked down at their joined hands then up at him "You opened up a world to me that day that I never even knew existed ... and gave me something I never knew I had been missing. Something you have continued to do every day since we met again ... and something I hope we can continue to do together for the rest of our lives."

Gem nodded at the last of what she said, "As do I," and then said gently, "Samantha, I believe that the key to a successful, sustainable partnership is a kind of selflessness. Not the unhealthy stifling of one's personality in favor of another's, but the fusion of two individuals into a new union far beyond the achievements of simple addition. As I am a joined Trill, I am sure that is not surprising to anyone."

Tenderly, he ran his thumbs over her knuckles, "I do not vow to create this union today. It is not possible to create that which has existed for so long already. I vow instead to sustain this union, fighting for it when the need arises, and all the while developing it far beyond what was initially thought possible."

Smiling at him as tears came into her eyes she nodded agreement to the sentiment.

Regathering her hands in his, he continued, "To this end, I vow to forever be your anchor when you are lost in the storm, holding you steady until we can find our way home. When I am weak, you are strong. So should you feel weak, I will always be your strength. You know my mind, and not because you are Betazoid, but because you are always in my thoughts. If I am your voice of reason at certain hours of the day, or night, you are mine, often inspiring me, at all other times. You, Samantha, are the better angel of my nature. You endear me, always have, always will.

Then as he thought about it, he finished with, "In my past lives I have accomplished many things both good and far-reaching. Though they have always encouraged me in my goals, I have come to realize that I would consider this life as their equal, or even their better, if my only achievement in this final life of mine was to make you happy."

Looking at him, Sam smiled through the tears "You already do make me happy ... always have always will even when we argue."

"That's good to know," he smiled back to her. It wasn't hard to tell that he was feeling very emotional too.

After giving a small smile at the both of them, Greg continued the ceremony, "Samantha, do you accept this man as your husband, to love and cherish above all others, until death separates you?"

Sam nodded, her voice cracking, as she said "I do."

"Geminik, do you accept this woman as your wife, to love and cherish her above all others, until death separates you?"

Gem smiled, "I do."

His eyes big as saucers, Saxon had been listening, taking in Gem and Sam's words, not understanding all that was being said, but grasping the meaning of them as he soaked in all their emotions too.

Deveron placed a hand on his shoulder, reminding him that it was his turn to do his part.

Saxon stepped out and held up to Gem the small chest he held in his hands.

Gem smiled, nodding back down to him, opened the chest and took out a unique and small stoned infinity pendent necklace of Trillian design. He turned back to her, "Samantha, this necklace represents our love for each other, and our promise to abide by the vows we've made today."

Sam looked down at the necklace her eyes wide as they took in his choice. It was so much an amalgamation of the two of them and she touched it reverently while letting him put it on her.

After he placed the necklace around her neck, Gem kissed her cheek before retaking her hands.

Sam smiled at him squeezing his hands gently then looking to Adam who handed a surprise for Gem over to her. "I know normally it's only the girl who wears something but ... I saw this and it just screamed you." She showed him a bracelet that was based on the Celtic weave that represented peace and serenity as well as an ability to negotiate."

"It's perfect, Samantha," Gem said, actually needing to clear his voice, for he was so touched. His eyes returned to hers as he held out his wrist for her to place the bracelet on him. Once the bracelet had settled on his wrist, he took her hand. His eyes catching hers, he drank in the moment, wanting to capture it with perfect clarity so it would be just as real many lives from now as it was in this moment. He could see in every line and curve, Sam was doing much the same.

With a smile teasing at the corners of his lips in fond amusement, Greg looked out at all bearing witness and then to them. "It is now as a friend and senior officer that I am honored to say, you are now man and wife." He leaned in a little closer, catching the pairs attention. "You may now kiss the bride."

And that was exactly what Gem did. The woman before him was everything in his world in that moment, despite Greg's interruption, and Gem wanted to bask in it just a moment longer.

He swept Sam up into his arms and poured lifetimes' worth of love into a kiss, one which was the start of the promises between them, and a representation of their love sustained.


Adm Samantha Frasier Retired
Diplomatic detachment/advisor
Magellan Academy

Ambassador Geminik Odar
Colony Administrator
Serene Colony

Commander Adam Marcum
Permission granted by Lil to be
NPC'd by Shelley

Deveron Raziel
Club & Cafe Owner
Serene Colony

Admiral Gregory Maddock
CO/SCE Liason
Magellan Station

Ensign Joran Sadago
Ambassadorial Diplomatic Aide
Magellan Station

Elizabeth Walshingham
Diplomatic Attache
Magellan Station

Captain Brady Dering
Commanding Officer
USS Solace

Mackenzie Bergman
Owner: White Lotus Salon and Spa
Magellan Station

Captain Madeline Sanchez
XO/Assistant Dean
Magellan Campus

Doctor Connor McKinney
Magellan Campus

Saxon McKinney
Precocious Child
Magellan Station

Aleysha Xerix
Diplomatic Translation Specialist
Magellan Station

Commander Jae-Hwa Kwan
Diplomatic Corps Academic Dept. Head
Magellan Campus


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