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Down The Hall (Second Security Class)

Posted on Tue Jan 19th, 2021 @ 2:02am by Cadet Freshman Grade Benjamin Hall & Cadet Freshman Grade Rune Canim & Commander Sonia Dalca & Cadet Freshman Grade James Corrigan & Cadet Freshman Grade Charlie StarPocket & Cadet Freshman Grade Phoebe Cavendish & Cadet Freshman Grade Jondar Sito & Cadet Freshman Grade William 'Liam' Pardot & Cadet Freshman Grade Shoray sh'Dana
Edited on on Fri Apr 23rd, 2021 @ 5:56pm

Mission: To Keep Moving Forward
Location: Another Lecture Hall
Timeline: 2388/09/01 0830 (Mon. Sept. 01 2388 8:30am)
Tags: Edited: wrong Sito brother had to been added in authors list

Lt. Commander Edward Thomas Collins, known as E.T by his former Academy roommate, sat at the desk. His old roommate upon seeing the 20th-century movie 'E.T' and as an alien himself thought it was remarkably funny to call his human friend that. It stuck over the years tolerated by friends only.

He was an average looking person, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was good looking but not stop anyone in their tracks. In short, if he worked at it he could be quite forgettable. Handy in his specialty of VIP close security wherein sometimes undercover was required. Though like all security/tactical officers he was competent in the variety of day-to-day duties and liked to teach hence his current position. He gave off the air of someone approachable and friendly, though could shut that feeling down hard if he needed to.

Right now he sat at his desk in the smaller lecture hall, going over notes as he waited for the first class of security-related cadets to arrive. Generally, this class was taught by the deputy of the department if, as in this case, the Chief chooses to shepherd the non-security since it took place at the same time and even a Starfleet Department Chief could not be in two places at once.

"Nice uniform Cavendish." Liam drawled as he followed Phoebe into the lecture hall, admiring her rear-end as he walked.

"Seriously?" Phoebe stopped in her tracks and whirled to face Liam, a spark of anger in her eyes.

"Hey!" Liam held both hands up and grinned, "Can't a guy give a girl a compliment? And hey, if Jondar ever dumps you, give me a call okay?" he added then strutted past her and into the back row of the lecture hall taking a seat before she could retort.

Swearing under her breath, Phoebe trotted down the steps, determined to get as far from Liam as she could before taking a seat.

Charlie had been behind the two, half wanting to trip the male for his rudeness. She still did not understand why non-Ellicieans did not flirt with each other. Instead, some seemed to think leering behavior was.. ideal. Weird and rude and if he had been Elliciean he would be flat on his back by now with her teeth at his throat.

She headed straight for a seat near Phoebe. She figured maybe bearing her teeth and a low growl or two would keep the male from continuing during class.

She slid into her seat, just on to the side and behind the female. Wishing the seat was more accommodating for her tail, but this was something she would need to get use to.

"Oh hello!" Phoebe turned to face the other cadet who she heard sit down behind her, then she screwed up her nose a little and said "I'm sorry if you heard any of that. What a jerk huh?" she indicated across the room to Liam.

"Indeed he is," Charlie responded with a slight growl. "A pity it is I can not.." She searched for the right word and settled with "tackle him." No male at home would dare speak to her in such a way without consequence.

Phoebe giggled, "Now that I'd like to see." she grinned at Charlie, "It's a shame we're in class right now."

At her the other girls giggle Charlie smiled and quickly introduced herself, "Charlie StarPocket I be if tackling services later are in need."

"I'll be certain to keep you in mind for all such eventualities." Phoebe smiled as she settled down into her seat.

Charlie smirked as she relaxed into her own seat. "Wait I will with anticipation."

"I'll keep you posted." Phoebe smiled before turning her attention to the front.

Ben had entered the lecture hall, and having an intense interest, headed straight down to the front row. He took a seat next to Shoray.

Her antennae turning with interest, Shoray watched him. Normally she would have thought he was most likely human, but her senses told her otherwise...and then there was the strange texture of his skin.

Ben returned her gaze with about as much interest. He'd seen her in a couple of the orientation classes, but they had yet to meet. He had never interacted with an Andorian, including the handful of Andorians he'd seen around the campus.

"I'm Ben Hall," he said.

"I am Shoray sh'Dana," she replied. "it is nice to meet you." She wanted to ask him about his species but didn't think it was the right time.

Jondar entered and finding a good seat next to Phoebe plopped down, dropping his PADD on the desk. "Can I crib your notes?" He joked batting his eyes at her.

"Really?" Phoebe looked at Jondar with a mock expression of disgust, "Is that my only appeal?"

"No you are intelligence personified and beautiful, that's why want to crib your notes." He said smoothly with a mischievous but sincere look. It helped that one didn't lie when saying such things.

Phoebe giggled and said "You're terrible and you just know that you'll get away with it too." she punched him lightly on the arm.

James, having no desire to become involved in the school politics, had entered quietly, taking a seat behind the felinoid cadet. Being someone who loved cats, he had to resist the temptation to pet her then mentally chastised himself for even thinking it. Though he'd meant nothing untoward about it. But that was his dad's overly-critical voice. As the therapist had told him over and over, he needed to identify 'whose voice is that' then let it go if it wasn't his. He sighed, turning his attention to the PADD in his hand to give it a bit of a read before class began, hopefully giving him an edge on the class itself.

The remainder of cadets piled in, including Rune Camin, who was a species very few would recognize. He was almost Human looking with canine-like attributes. Looking around the room, he took a seat in the back row.

After the class had assembled and the time chimed on his desk the instructor stood with a smile, "My name and rank is Lieutenant Commander Edward Collins. My background is primarily security with a sub qualification in close order security, also called VIP security." He came out from behind the desk to stand in front, "You should all have the syllabus but essentially this class will begin your orientation as security and tactical officers in Starfleet. And we're including you, command division officers. Before I begin does anyone have any questions?" He said his voice was mild but carried confidently through the lecture room.

She had no questions but Charlie felt excitement for the class. She had yet to pick her specialization and was aware of the pull she felt towards something protective. However, she was somewhat uncertain as being female meant her natural inclination was towards hunting and protecting the kitlenshil, her pack. Was this pull something she as Charlie wanted to pursue or was it nature that tagged at her?

"I have one," Ben spoke up. "Is this the class where we will learn how to take apart hand weapons?" It was something he was really looking forward to.

The Lt. Commander smiled, "Yes, and no. Today no, later yes." he replied to Ben. "This class will include their safe storage, upkeep, how they work, and the different parts. Then we learn basic repair which will involve taking them apart. All of this will be important as you may be called to serve as armory officers or will need to field repair your weapon without warning so everyone needs this basic level of knowledge." He paused letting that seep in and continued, "There will be other classes with more detail as you specialize so if you feel like you want more than what is here don't worry you have options." Another slight pause, "By the end of the course, we'll go into testing your knowledge and certifying your operation of the different phaser types." He moved smoothly but unhurriedly in front of his desk just at a slow pace, "In later classes, we will also be covering other known small arms, in case you come across them, those will focus on identifying, operation, and how to disable."

James made quiet notes, not bothering to look up as the tall feline somewhat blocked his view of the instructor anyway. James did not mind, though he suspected that might be problematic if the instructor decided to write on a board. For now, he just listened and took copious notes.

Ben nodded, it all sounded good. Too good. He was starting to wonder if he needed to change his primary degree. He took in a deep breath, reminding himself he had time to decide.

The instructor smiled, "Before we get into phasers, however, we'll need to start with the different areas of specialization. Every security and tactical officer will receive small arms, hand to hand, and other training related to their area but they may choose to specialize. This class will focus on basics like phasers and related areas primarily but it would be worthwhile to spend a few minutes on where your career can go so you can keep that in mind as we go through the basics. This way as you learn your interests you'll be able to channel your focus. And future command officers will gain a deeper appreciation about what their security departments can do."

Interested, Jondar was paying complete attention for once.

The instructor paused with another ready smile, "We will also be illustrating areas you can choose to further in your career." He went to his desk and picked up a PADD and tapped a few keys that started an illustrated set of text that would change as he tapped the key, "Armory Officer is primarily a sort of security engineer for the Armory. They keep it clean, neat, secure, and ready to rock. Any security officer with Armory qualifications may serve shifts there but Armory Officers are highly qualified specialists...." He went through each one carefully, Armory officer, Master-At-Arms, VIP Security, and so on. Changing the screen with each one. "Any questions?" he asked at the end.

James was quietly taking notes. He kept his eyes either on the screen the instructor was displaying things on or on his PADD. He really didn't have any questions... yet. Besides, the instructor might just answer any he might have if he just listened long enough.

"Good later in your education you'll be given the opportunity to talk to security officers of all specializations and apply to a mentorship program to actively intern in that specialty. That will be another class, for now, we'll be returning to your personal equipment." He started another slide of a phaser with all of its parts labeled.

So far, this was making perfect sense. It was reasonable. James had no reason to interrupt, no questions currently. When the slide came up, he copied it exactly, even sketching the parts as they were on the screen. Each slide would be reproduced in the same way if possible.

As the instructor continued, Ben jotted down a few notes, yet in symbolic images, Xenexian language. Looking stressed, he stopped as he realized what he'd been doing, realizing he was going to have to stop procrastinating and take the academic counselors advice on getting a tutor if he was ever going to learn how to write in Federation Standard. Forcing himself to not dwell on it anymore, he began his own drawings.

The instructor continued through phaser parts and types ending with, "Best mode is to operate always as though your phaser is set to kill and will go off until you check it yourself. This is a very dangerous weapon for all its seeming elegance." Then continued, "We will be getting you used to how it feels in the firing ranges with training phasers."

James copied down each slide, sketching the drawings as well to make sure that he had everything the instructor had given them for later study. The last statement made his stylus pause, and he looked up for a moment before turning his eyes down quickly once more. He was not fond of the idea of shooting anyone like that, face to face, but he understood that even he might have to one day. And even if he didn't end up having to use this knowledge, it was better to have the tool in your tool chest and not need it than need it and not have it. This is stun, and this is kill. It would be best not to confuse them. he remembered someone saying. He didn't remember right then who, but it didn't matter either. It was true no matter who said it.

Rune had been listening, but at the same time, looking around at others there, until his eyes lingered on Charlie before returning to the instructor with a question. "Will we get the chance to practice in the range when not in class?"

The instructor nodded, "Once you have passed the initial exams and are certified in the basic course you will be permitted to request range time under the supervision of the range instructor. Anyone else?" There were a few more questions that he answered easily.

"Now for the fun part homework." There a few less than pleased looks as the officer smiled, "All needed I promise." He smiled easily, "You will need to read Chapters 1-3 of the equipment guide and Chapters 1-2 of the Security Orientation Packet. For the purposes of the range you need to pay special attention to Chapter 2: Personal Offensive and Defensive Weapons from the Equipment Guide. I'll expect a 3-5 page paper by end of the week summarizing what you feel the important points were in the readings. And a separate document labeling the parts of a phaser and descriptions of its safe storage and operation."

He looked around the room at the young faces, remembering his own Academy days, and put his hands in his pockets as he leaned against his desk, "This journey is not for those who want an easy life, Starfleet is difficult. Add to the fact our job is to put ourselves between harm and our crewmates, between the Federation and threats then you have something even more difficult. This academy is the forge that will bring forth your strengths though only time will tell if those strengths will fit with Starfleet."

He removed his hands from his pockets and stepped forward, "It is my job to support those efforts, your packet will include my contact information and office hours in addition to the tutoring programs our Academic Support Department offers. I urge you to make use of them. Class Dismissed."



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