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No Better Place part one

Posted on Wed Feb 15th, 2017 @ 12:03am by Ambassador Geminik Odar & Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Samantha Fraiser-Odar
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 6:19pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Magellan Docking Station
Timeline: 2388/08/11 1200 (August 11 2388 1200)

Sam stared out of the window of the ship nearing Starbase Magellan Docking Station trying to meditate. Feeling Gem near her she looked up to see him sitting across from her with an indulgent look on his face and had to smile "Sorry love ... you been there long?" Letting her hand rest gently on her bump where she was now showing at nearly 5 months and had to admit she was feeling more excited.

"For a while." Gem smiled. "I like watching you." He got up from his seat and slid into the one next to hers. Placing a hand over hers, he smiled down at her, relaxing in his seat. "You seem more at peace about this."

Leaning into his shoulder she nodded with a smile "Strangely enough yeah ... I'm looking forward to just being with you and baby without as much stress or danger."

Gem's hand squeezed hers and he sighed. Truth be told, although he was looking forward to it too, he still felt as if a part of himself had been forced away. He wondered if she felt that way too. He tried to push that feeling away before she caught it. The last thing he wanted was to spoil the moment. "As am I" he replied.

Catching the feeling Sam gave him a small nod to show that she felt it too. "We're together love ... and hey ... think of this as a long overdue holiday." She gave him an impish grin.

A slow, masculine smile began to form, spreading across Gem's bearded face, a knowing look in his eyes. "Good advice...and I think..." and he was suddenly interrupted by an announcement that they were about to dock with the Station. He raised his eyebrows, "We'll talk more on this later."

Chuckling she nodded "Definitely love." Moving to stand she gave him a grateful look when he helped her.

Lifting her up by her hands, Gem then held out his arm for her to hold as he released her.

Smiling she took his arm once she stood up. "How long are we on the starbase?"

"I'm not certain. I'll be meeting with the starbase's diplomatic department head." he told her, and then looking down at her, turned and stopped them as he placed his hands on her arms, "Why don't you beam down ahead of me?" asking with obvious concern.

She shook her head ruefully "I guess you cant get into too much trouble with the station diplomatic security to look after you. I'll just sit and wait for you." She had a feeling he was reading her pain levels and better than she would like.

Gem tilted his head, gazing down at her intently. Inhaling deep, he slightly shook his head. "All right, Samantha...but I'll be cutting this meeting short."

Smiling at his worry she cupped his cheek gently "I'm fine love ... lots of women have been through this." She had to admit she loved that he worried.

Loving the warmth of her touch, Gem placed a hand over hers and held it there. His face softening, he nodded, and then smiled with the memories of past hosts as he lead her away off the transport and then onto the station. He was in a good mood, and was looking forward to the planet below them.


"Ambassador Geminik Odar...Admiral Samantha Fraiser.." A handsome, tall, and blue-eyed muscular man was walking towards them. "It is a pleasure," he said as he approached them, grinning widely as he looked between them, "to see the both of you."

"Brady Dering," Gem extended out a hand and shook his, "The pleasure is mine.", and in feeling her pull away, released Sam's arm.

Grinning at Brady, Sam gave him a hug "Long time no see Brady."

"Oh wow," Brady said, finishing the hug and then holding her out at arm's length so he could get a better view of her, "it really has been a long time. When I heard you were coming, I was very pleased." His brows furrowed slightly although the smile remained, "There's no better place to relax.." his smile widened as he extended out his hands to her middle, "..have a baby...and work at the same time than Sapientia." His eyes went to Gem and then back to her, "How are you?"

Sam smiled "Feeling more relaxed than I have in a while ... After everything I think we needed the break ...and I wanted baby to see real grass and plants." Watching one of her oldest friends she admitted "I missed you Brady."

"Sam, I missed you too." he said, tilting his head as he looked down at her, "Perhaps we should have a talk."

"Right now would be an excellent time." Gem spoke up, taking advantage of the timing, "I have a meeting to attend...keep her company for me, will you Commander?"

Brady's eyes moved between the two again. "Of course, Ambassador. I would be.." and he grinned over at Sam, "happy to."

Snickering Sam teased the men "Worry warts."

Smiling, Gem grabbed her hand, kissing her on the temple, "I'll make it quick." and looked to Brady, "Thank you, Commander."

"You're welcome, Ambassador." As Gem walked away, Brady lead Sam over to a nearby observation area, one that overlooked a garden.

To be continued...


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