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No Better Place part two

Posted on Wed Feb 15th, 2017 @ 12:04am by Captain Brady Dering M.D., PhD & Samantha Fraiser-Odar
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 6:20pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Starbase Magellan Observation Lounge
Timeline: 2388/08/11 1212 (August 11 2388 1212)

Sam smiled at Brady as he helped her sit down on a couch, "Thanks. I'm having a few balance issues as baby grows."

Brady sat down next to her. "You're welcome...", he turned towards her, resting one arm along the back of it, "Now, how far along are you..", looking her over, "about five months?"

Nodding Sam said "Yeah, just coming up to 5 months ... tomorrow I think." She leant back into the back cushion.

As she was leaning partly against his arm, Brady lightly caressed her shoulder. "I think since you're already having balancing issues so early, we're going to have to keep an extra careful eye on you."

Unable to stop herself relaxing into his arm with a purr she nodded "Remind me to shoot Adam and Gem for giving you the secret to relaxing me?" She yawned slightly.

"I figured this one out on my own." he smiled, and then leaned his head down, "You're not falling asleep on me, are you? We have some things to talk about."

"Just really relaxed." It was her one weak point with those few she trusted ... She craved touch, she just hoped Gem hadnt worked it out or he could make her do almost anything. "What do we need to discuss?"

"How you are really doing with this change?"

Making a face Sam sighed "Not fooling you huh?" Rubbing her face she admitted "It feels weird ... I know Gem is feeling slightly off too, like everything is slightly off center."

Looking at her with concern, Brady then asked, "Are you two talking...or is this what your getting from him with your abilities?"

"More from our link ... He ... feels guilty that he made me leave Zulu." She looked at Brady "I chose to leave with him Brady ... I could have stayed but in my mind when you agree to marry someone you agree to take on the good and the bad and god knows I can bring enough bad down on us both." It wasn't like she didn't have baggage herself and people to come out of the woodwork.

"He's a lucky man to have you," Brady smiled, placing his other hand over hers. "and I am sure he feels the same way. But it would be good for the both of you to talk about how you can help each other through this."

Giving him a smile she nodded "I know ... I just don't want to force him if he's not ready." Gem was a master at avoiding a subject if he didn't want to talk about it.

Brady nodded, "That's good, and you shouldn't. But talk about how you both prefer to be comforted. Tell him how he can be there for you, and ask him how you can be there for him...whether it's holding hands, or leaving him alone with a scotch and some old Earth Bugs Bunny cartoons."

She giggled at that "He may have company with the cartoons."

Brady laughed too, "Yeah, I bet," and then looked at her thoughtfully before saying a bit softly, "Also, one more thing here, if you don't mind. I don't want to, " he then smiled, "over step my bounds here for forcing you into a counseling session."

Smiling back slightly she nodded "You're not overstepping ... Gem wanted me to talk to you ..."

He lowered his head at her looking concerned, filing what he else he was going to tell her away, "Why's that?"

"The dreams are back, probably not surprising given the things we've been through in the last 9 months but ...."

Her smile dropped and she looked away from him before admitting "I'm not sleeping very well and I feel bad because he gets woken to me screaming."

"Stress can be pretty complexed," Brady said softly, looking her face over and squeezing her hand. "Come by my office tomorrow?"

"Sure." She smiled at him "I might even turn up on time." She grinned slightly knowing he would get the mention of her being almost chronically late during training.

"May wonders never cease.." he chuckled as something caught his eye and he looked up, "There's Gem...", and he looked back to her, "Now tomorrow don't make me have to go looking for know I will."

Mock pouting she nodded "Yeah I still remember the last time you 'came looking for me'." She grinned unrepentantly.

Brady gave her a knowing expression in return. "Don't worry," he teased, "your safe with me."

To Be Continued...


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