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No Better Place part three

Posted on Wed Feb 15th, 2017 @ 12:04am by Ambassador Geminik Odar & Samantha Fraiser-Odar & Lieutenant Commander Maggie Hubbell
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 6:21pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Magellan Campus
Timeline: 2388/08/11 1232 (August 11 2388 1232)

Within the Transportation Center of Magellan Campus, the transporter operator looked up from her console as two figures finished materializing on the transporter pad. "Admiral Fraiser, Ambassador Odar," she smiled cheerfully, "I'm Lieutenant Commander Maggie Hubbell, senior transporter operator. I would like to welcome the both of you to Magellan Campus."

Sam gave the other woman a smile "Thanks for the smooth ride Commander ... It doesn't look as dignified when baby makes you look green." She let the commander and Gem know she was teasing them.

Gem raised his eyebrows, slightly smiling, while Maggie grinned back to Sam knowingly as they stepped off the platform. "You're welcome, Admiral. We do our best."

"Our belongings?" Gem asked her, holding onto Sam's arm as it remained through his.

"Arrived safe and sound, and forwarded to your apartment, Ambassador." Maggie smiled, "If you'll follow me I'll direct you to where you want to go."

Sam kept her arm in Gems hold nodding gratefully "How easy is the campus to navigate?" She was looking around in curiosity as they moved along, the two of them hadn't spent much time in planetary posts ... not after the disaster that caused the command to put them together as a team.

"It's not difficult at all." Maggie told her. She had lead them through doors from the transporter room into a large windowed rectangular lobby with a beautiful ocean view. Opposite were more windows with transporter rooms on either side. Through those windows one could see the few shuttle and small vessel landing pads, beyond that a view of the Academy gardens.

"The Academy Gardens and walkways are the center of the Campus, with the buildings semi-circling around in a double layer. There are some small groupings towards the ocean. Of course the flight department extends out into the bay." Maggie pointed over to it and then turned gesturing back in the opposite direction. "and there are few scattered science and operations buildings towards the mountains."

"It shouldn't be long," she assured them again, "before you'll begin to see the pattern of the campus. Now transit tubes begin here..." she indicated to the four transit tube stops, two on each end of the lobby. "Transit one will take you to your apartment, transit two to the main building, and to the Deans office. Ask the computer at any of the wall interfaces where you would like to go and it will direct you, and show you a map upon request."

At the look on Sam's face, Gem chuckled, "Thank you, Commander. I am sure we'll be able to find our way around..." he hesitated looking down at Sam, "..without incident. Isn't that right, Samantha?"

She gave them both an innocent look "Who me? .... I don't cause that much mayhem .... " She carefully didn't look at him or she would start laughing as they both knew that on almost every post they had had there was at least one incident caused by her walking into the wrong room at the right time ... usually ending in her being shot at and Gem having ammunition for stopping a war.

Gem looked at her raising an eyebrow, "Of course not.." then looked over to Maggie, "Thank you, Commander."

Maggie nodded, looking amused as she excused herself before walking away.

Gem stared out at the ocean view, and taken over by it, lead Samantha through a clear exit door and onto a walkway that headed towards the beach. "I have an idea..." he said as they started walking slowly down it, taking in the view. He then stopped, letting go of her arm to hold each one of her hands in his as he faced her. "Samantha..." He looked to her intently and then paused, noticing the movement of her hair as the ocean breeze danced through it, at how lovely she always was to him, "How about we get married right here...on the beach."

Looking out at the beach with him she smiled "Sounds good." Her smile widened into a grin as she realised how well he actually knew her. "In fact it sounds absolutely perfect."

He smiled back down at her. "Tell me when, and I'll make it all happen."

Looking at him she made a decision "A week too soon to organise things?" She wanted to be with him and to be a family.

"A week...?" Gem looked at her curiously, not expecting her to make it so soon. He released her hands to gently hold onto her shoulders, "If that is what you want, I'll arrange it, but I'm not sure who could make it here on such a short notice."

Sam hid her eyes behind her hair as she thought about what Brady and Dev had said she had to do ... It was hard because like Gem she struggled to let people in. "It ... I'd be happy with a couple of months .... I'm just ... scared its all going to disappear ... or find I'm dreaming it all."

"Samantha," Gem's hands went up, caressing her hair out of the way before cupping her face as he looked at her adoringly, "You're not dreaming and I'm not going anywhere."

Feeling a lump in her throat at the look in his eyes she swallowed against tears "I really love you ... you know that?" It wasn't quite what she meant to tell him but she figured he would understand that she was telling him that she had been absolutely head over heels gone on him since the moment they met ... even if he had been yelling at her at the time for putting herself in harms way.

"Yes I do." he smiled back down to her and then putting his arms around her, held her close. With their arms wrapped around each other, they both looked out over the ocean. "I love you too."


Adm Samantha Frasier Retired
Diplomatic detachment/advisor
Magellan Academy

Ambassador Geminik Odar
Dept. Head - Diplomatic Corps
Magellan Academy

Lt Cmdr Maggie Hubbell
Senior Transporter Operator
Magellan Academy

Lt Cmdr Brady Dering (parts 1 & 2)
Zulu Fleet


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