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Check In, Check Up

Posted on Sat Feb 25th, 2017 @ 12:04am by Commander Sonia Dalca & Commander Jessica Deloia
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 6:43pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Phlox Medical
Timeline: 2388/08/13 1455 (August 13 2388 1455)

Jess was sitting reading student medical reports while she waited for her next appointment ... a Commander Sonia Dalca. Listening to the soft music in the background she zoned a little as she was focused on what she was doing.

Sonia walked in keeping the mental sigh to herself. It was part of the routine she knew but she was not fond of seeing doctors. They did good work but let's face it, a check up was no ones idea of a good time. She walked up to the CMO, "I am Commander Dalca, new to the faculty." She said still getting used to the idea of her being a teacher. It was odd to her mindset. "I am to report for check up." She said in her Romanian accented English.

"Jessica Deloia ... CMO ... if you want to hop up on the bio bed there we can get it all done." Jess smiled at Sonia.

"Let's get this over." Sonia with a good natured resignation and followed instructions.

Jess chuckled "Not one for medicals?" She started scanning her.

"Who is? You're new too?" She asked curiously and to distract herself.

"Yeah." Jess nodded "Only been here a couple of weeks ... came on transport with my young niece Jasmine ... It was a good place to bring her up, safer than a front line ship."

"Yes. I come from front line ship, frontier this is...I am not used to not beink shot at.." She gave a small smile. "You have family here?"

"I did ... now its just me and Jas ... her dad is ... on a maximum security prison planet in the Alpha quadrant ... long may he rot there." Jess had made note of the unusual ability Sonia had and asked "You getting enough protein and meat in your diet?"

Sonia blinked at the non-sequitur from prison to protein. She choose to answer the question, "Yes others are jealous as I never gain veight, she glanced down at her curvy but athletic form. She wondered if she should ask about the prison then decided people who threw out such comments couldn't be annoyed when someone mentioned it. "I'm sorry her father is scum, you are her mother?" One didn't do to make assumptions. For all she knew the CMO was the older sister or aunt.

"Her aunt ... her dad is unfortunately my brother ... believe me that particular apple fell a loooooong way from our tree." She nodded "I can put you on a higher calorie diet if you want ... with your particular medical needs you will work it off quicker than most."

Sonia nodded, "It seems the vaste of a good brother.." She commensurated. She didn't have siblings but would definitely not want one like that if she did. She turned her attention to the other question. "I have noticed weight loss...." She said musingly. It was a downside to her biology that she needed more to keep going, 'ran hot' as the saying went. Anything too active took its toll as well.

"I want you to double your calorie intake and come back for a checkup in a week." Jess handed her a padd with a menu planner on it.

She looked at the PADD, "Its a good idea but remembering to eat that vill be the challenge." She smiled. "So busy you know yes?"

"Yeah I know what you mean ... between my wayward niece and the cadets I think time will be at a premium." Jess grinned back.

Sonia hopped off the bed, "I vill try to do as you say, let me know if you need help with niece I am good vit children. At least they kan't hide from me.." She grinned.

Jessica smiled and they wrapped up with a few more 'mom type' warnings to eat properly and all that. Then with a wave and sigh of relief Sonia took off glad it wasn't more of a pain in the butt.

Commander Sonia Dalca
Tactical Education Department Chief

Lt. Commander Jessica Deloia
Magellan Campus


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