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Two Worlds, One Heart conclusion

Posted on Sat Feb 11th, 2017 @ 11:49pm by Commander Ta'mas & Captain Madeline Sanchez & Commander Paige O'Halloran "Banshee" & Commander Christopher SilverShadowMoon
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:23pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Ireland, Earth
Timeline: 2388/06/24 1400 (June 24, 2388 1300 - 1500)


Former crewmates of the bride and groom, Jolan Sito and Tovia Couric sat in their dress uniforms as the wedding continued. Sito sat happily watching one of his closest friends pledge her life to another. And life it would be, he knew her. She was careful but when she made a promise, she kept it. He held Tovia's hand with one of his own, oddly at peace with the world. Even if every unmarried older relative Paige had, had decided he was cute. A Great Aunt had been trying to get him to bend over before the wedding started, he mentally laughed. Bunch of funny, dirty old women. Harmless. He focused his attention on the ceremony.

Tovia leaned into him, happy tears forming in her eyes, wondering if her and Jolan would some day be the ones to get married.

Lady Lilly, Paige's mother came forward with Paige's father beaming next to her, his eyes suspiciously moist. "Place your left hand over the chest of your chosen one and commence the continuation of your vows.". Admittedly the wedding was a bit long but one only got married once if they did it right and merging the important parts of their lives into one whole had taken some planning, fortunately Lady Lilly doubled as a Senior NonCom at Utopia Planetia. Between her, Izzy, the Grands, and Master Sovak, Ta'mas' grandfather, they had worked things out fairly well. Poor Paige being dragged from 'A' to 'B' as and giving input as needed. "And get the ring from your bearer."

With a smile, Izzy came forward with the tiny velvet box that housed the ring that was to belong to Ta'mas and opened it up so that Paige could take it out.

Paige smiled at her best friend and took the ring turning to Ta'mas.

Chris stepped forward, presenting between two large fingers the dark velvet box held open. Inside, the rose gold, delicately inscribed, band shined in the afternoon sun.

Paige put her hand over Ta'mas chest center, though strictly speaking his heart was elsewhere but it was the symbolism that counted. In her right hand holding the ring made by a relative for just this occasion. Her voice rang out, clear and carrying. Washing over the guests gently but without any hesitation.

“I Paige O'Halloran, Daughter of Alex and Lily, do take you as my life mate and cleave to no other." She smiled, "I wanted these vows to be perfect, but perfection is a hard thing to get your hands on. But life is meant to be a little messy, and when it comes to love I think it’s like my dad always said: You only sign up if it’s the one person you could ever imagine being with."

Her father wiped an eye and gave a thumbs up with one had as his wife took his other hand and kissed it before returning her attention to her daughter's vow. Gently shooing Paige's father as he tried to nuzzle her neck, causing the guests to laugh.

"Ta'mas, I can not imagine spending a moment of my life without you. I promise that I will always have your back, as you will always have mine. You’re my best friend, you’re my home, and you are my one true love, and I am yours and will be forever.” Honesty ringing in her carrying voice, completely uncaring how cheesy it sounded. She meant every word, every line. She mouthed, "Stuck with me.." then smiled again.

Ta'mas nodded, very touched, and almost speechless. But he was determined to say what was in his heart, and placed his hand over the center of her chest too.

“I Ta'mas, son of Tavor and Shaylan, take you, Paige O'Halloran, to be my companion, forever. With you by my side I will never be alone. Though the Universe sees a strong and independent woman, I have never known someone with such gentle grace and more pure heart. When I have been lost you have always been there to bring me back, so on this day, at this moment, I pledge the rest of my life to you. You have always believed in me, and I believe in you. When you believe in someone it is not for a minute, or just for now, it is forever.”

There was love and tenderness in her eyes as she whispered, "Smooth talker, you...". She remembered meeting him at a murder mystery game of the Captain's. A wild west train on a holodeck. She remembered him bringing her tea. She remembered finding him alone and in the dark, his mind in a dark place. She remembered his pain. She remembered his humor. She remembered his integrity. She remembered...him. It still amazed her a bit how they'd gotten here but here they'd gotten in the end and nothing had ever felt so right.

Smiling, not waiting to be told, Ta'mas gently took her left hand and started placing her wedding band on her finger.

Paige blinked back a few happy tears as he did that and she in turn slipped the ring on his finger.

Soft Vulcan Bells jingled, and trading places with Lady Lily, Sovak walked to stand before them.

Ta'mas gave him a quick glance, and then got down on his knees again, and Paige along with him, they continue to face each other. Breathing in deeply,Ta'mas gave her a short nod and an encouraging smile.

Paige smiled back, took her own deep breath and knelt again on the red velvet pillows on the ground.

Sovak took another step forward, reaching out to touch their temples and waited as they raised their left hands to touch each other as well. When Paige pressed her first two fingers against Ta'mas', he spoke out to everyone: "What ye is about to witness comes down from the time of the beginning, without change. For this is the Vulcan heart, this is the Vulcan soul -- this is our way." Still touching their temples, he began a mind meld with the two of them to cause a miniature version of pon farr, a burning anticipation for each other (as if they need that, but so be it), in order to complete their marriage bond that was initialized the night of Ta'mas' pon farr.

Briefly feeling his grandfather's presence, Ta'mas slowly closed his eyes, if only for a couple seconds, before feeling that familiar flame, He saw the same in Paige's eyes as his mind touched hers.

Paige felt the heat as well, only the not so innocent eyes of like everyone they knew, helped keep her in check. Though it did seem to get hotter as her mind merged with Ta'mas's, an odd but wonderful feeling.

Their bond completed, their fingers no longer touching, a plain, earthenware cup was passed to Sovak. He passed it to Ta'mas, then spoke to the both of them, "Paige, daughter of Alex and Lilly, and Ta'mas, son of Tavor and Shaylan...this is the part of the Vulcan ceremony where you pledge to bind your lives to one another. As you have already spoken your vows, and stated as such, there is no need to again. Paige, the vows you have spoken are from thy heart?"

"They are. Now and forever, so have I sworn." She looked up at his Grandfather before returning her attention to Ta'mas.

A hint of smile rented Ta'mas' stoic expression as he offered her the earthenware cup with its water, the greatest symbol of life to a desert people, offering her a drink.

Paige gently took the cup with both hands, giving it her attention and as much a care as a sacred object. Carefully she took a drink, not spilling a drop as she well knew what a symbol this was for a desert people.

"Ta'mas, the vows you have spoken are from thy heart?" Sovak asked him.

Staring into her eyes and feeling really warm, Ta'mas smiled, "They are."

With a smile, and a small wink, Paige passed the cup back to Ta'mas.

Returning her smile with a knowing look in his eyes, Ta'mas accepted the cup from her, never taking his eyes off of hers as he took a drink. He handed the cup back to Sovak, who handed it back to his aid and grandson, Seran.

Turning back to them, Sovak instructed, “Now recite the last of thy vows.”

Fighting an urge to drag her out of there, Ta'mas recited, "Parted and never parted."

Paige replied, "Never and always touching and touched."

Sovak then gestured for them to rise. "Thee are wed, Ta'mas, son of Tavor, son of Sovak, son of Sopek, and Paige, Earth’s Daughter."

Paige stood holding Ta'mas hand as they turned and faced the now cheering, on their feet crowd. "Stuck with me now boyo..."

"There is no place I would rather be," he smiled, looking out at everyone and more happier than he'd ever been.



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