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Two Worlds, One Heart part 2

Posted on Sat Feb 11th, 2017 @ 11:20pm by Commander Ta'mas & Captain Madeline Sanchez & Commander Paige O'Halloran "Banshee" & Commander Christopher SilverShadowMoon
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 5:21pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Ireland, Earth
Timeline: 2388/06/24 1330 (June 24, 2388 1300 - 1500)


"Stop. "

The Best Man said to the groom as they stood up at the front, off to the side, watching as the last of the guests took their seats. Well, watching was mostly done by the Elliciean, the groom however...

"Stop fidgeting." Chris growled softly again, more out of exasperation than anything else. His friend kept tugging at his collar or the cuffs of his dress uniform. There was no doubt his friend was nervous, he could smell it in the air, along with a heady scent Chris associated with love and desire.

"Ta'mas" this time his growl was a warning. Ignored again he forced the other man around to face him. Swatting away hands and fixing his collar. "Death I do not want to receive from your bride. "

Closing his eyes, Ta'mas sighed, "I should have meditated this morning."

Chris paused to stare at him, after a moment he just shook his head. "Indeed, you should have. "

Paige for her part stood with her Maid of Honor and the others, cleaning the top of her boot on the back of one leg for the umpteenth time then adjusted her sword, unable to keep completely still.

"Quit fidgeting." Izzy leaned over and whispered to the bride to be, reaching out to put a steadying hand on her arm to still her.

Paige paused and smiled at her dearest friend, "I'm not fidgeting, I'm um preparing. I do not fidget I train...." She declared virtuously.

"Sure you do." Izzy grinned, giving Paige a little shove so that she could begin the walk towards her husband to be. "Now get going before I kick your butt." she added, remembering how nervous she'd been at her own wedding.

Ta'mas, despite his fidgeting, looked up to find his grandfather, Sovak, directly opposite of them, which was off to the side by the flowered wedding arch. In order to signal him, Sovak gave him a nod.

With a deep breath, Ta'mas drew himself up and approached the Vulcan ceremonial gong that had been placed at the back of the altar, grabbing an inscribed mallot, and with another breath, hitting it, signaling it was time for the wedding to begin. He moved under the arch and waited, Christopher moving to stand next to him.

Paige took a deep breath, “You first” she quipped and as the soft Irish music played. The wedding party went ahead of her. Her parents beaming came up to stand on either side of her. Her father’s eyes looked suspiciously moist as her mother patted her right arm, “The grandest adventure of them all…” She said as Paige heard the bell and the Bride’s music started. They began to walk and the Honor Guards, dressed in medieval clothing in the O’Halloran House colors, drew their long swords and saluted the trio as they walked. Her father muttered, "We're never worthy of you lot but we certainly try..." He glanced over at Paige's mother with a deep love in his eyes and she returned it before they returned their attention to Paige.

The music, so much a part of Paige’s life, built and swelled as they walked. And she found herself blinking a bit too rapidly as the emotion carried her, remembering to lock her eyes on Ta’mas. A rock as he stood there handsome and honorable. She tried to disguise her own moist eyes as peripheral vision saw dozens of people all stand as she walked passed, many bowing in the old style behind the Honor Guard at the music high point. The setting was beautiful as the sun gently shone down and the breezed kissed all assembled, a kind of blessing. Her feet steadily taking her to her future that was bright indeed.

"Book Of Days"

One day, one night, one moment,
My dreams could be, tomorrow.
One step, one fall, one falter,
East or west, over earth or by ocean.
One way to be my journey,
This way could be my book of days.

O la go la, mo thuras,
An bealach fada romham.
O oiche go hoiche, mo thuras,
Na scealta nach mbeidh a choich.

No day, no night, no moment,
Can hold me back from trying.
I'll flag, I'll fall, I'll falter,
I'll find my day may be,
Far and away,
Far and away.

One day, one night, one moment,
With a dream to believe in.
One step, one fall, one falter,
And a new earth across a wide ocean.
This way became my journey,
This day ends together,
Far and away.

This day ends together,
Far and away.
Far and away.

Feeling moisture behind his own eyes, Ta'mas couldn't help but smile as the very reason why he breathed walked down the isle towards him.

Standing along with everyone else, feeling emotional and proud, Ta'mas' cousin Antonio squeezed his wife's hand and quickly smiled down to her.

"Feeling sentimental?" Lena leaned over and whispered in Antonio's ear, returning the squeeze of his hand.

"Yeah," he nodded and then gave his own bride a kiss.

Paige’s parents peeled off when they got close and Paige took her position. She looked down at Ta’mas shoes then into his smiling eyes and the butterflies in her own stomach seemed to settle. Paige, who could face any threat without a care, found she didn’t much care for a world without Ta’mas in it and she smiled back.

It hadn't been done in a subservient manner, but represented her willingly coming to him, taking her place in the long line of people who answered the gong’s call, dedicating their lives to the continuance of his House. The way that Paige went about was one of the most beautiful Ta'mas had ever seen.

Not breaking his gaze from hers, he whispered, "I love you," wrapping his hand around hers.

Paige smiled, "Tá grá agam duit" (I love you). Irish was one of those languages that flowed like water with a pleasant sound many felt gentler than some others. All O’Hallorans and many of the surrounding peoples were fluent. She held his hand as they both turned to face Paige’s mother.

Lady Lily O'Halloran was regal and looked every inch a Lady in her gown, she beamed at her eldest then began to speak. “As ya know, we keep ta the old ways here, but only the best of them as my mother would say. Yer welcome to join us as we call the universe to witness and bless this union.”

Her voice took on a bit of a sing song of one reciting a very old script.

“In many cultures it is believed that the human soul shares characteristics with all things divine. It is this belief which assigned virtues to the four cardinal directions; East, South, West and North. It is according to this belief that we align ourselves with these elements. Each of these blessings from the four cardinal directions emphasizes those things which will help you build a happy and successful union.”

Ta'mas listened closely, recalling how Paige had explained all of this to him before.

Paige’s Maternal Grandmother spoke from her place to the East of the assembled group and everyone shifted to the East, into the gentle breeze:

“Blessed be this union with the gifts of the East and the element of Air, for openness and breath, communication of the heart, and purity of the mind and body. From the east you receive the gift of a new beginning with the rising of each Sun, and the understanding that each day is a new opportunity for growth.”

At that, those who follow The Path muttered, including Paige, “So say we all”

Ta'mas had joined in, saying it along with them.

Her grandmother moved to the side and Paige’s father stepped forward and with everyone else faced East. His voice boomed out over the assembled and one could imagine him, in his dress clothes of a medieval noble, leading troops into battle as they all shifted:

"Blessed be this union with the gifts of the South and the element of fire, for energy, passion, creativity and the warmth of a loving home. From the fire within you generate light, which you will share with one another in even the darkest of times.”

“So mote it be.”

Paige's little sister Evie was in her position in the west and with a wink to Paige began her part:

"Blessed be this union with the gifts of the West, the element of water, for your capacity to feel emotion. In marriage you offer absolute trust to one another, and vow to keep your hearts open in sorrow as well as joy."

"So mote it be," said everyone. Then it was Izzy's turn.

Izzy smiled as she began to say the words that she had rehearsed having never been part of such a wedding before, "Blessed be this union with the gifts of the North, the element of earth, which provides sustenance, fertility and security. The earth will feed and enrich you, and help you to build a stable home to which you may always return."

A signal was given and all were seated.

Grand Mother O'Halloran beamed, looking like a fairy godmother in her medieval dress. She held in her hands a simple rope, not fancy but solidly and handmade. "There you get..." She said gently motioning to the red velvet pillows on the grass. Paige squeezed Ta'mas hand and they both went to their knees. Facing each other, their hands still held together.

"Pidge..." At Paige's horrified glance and muttered, "Nini!" Nan giggled then started again, "Paige and Ta'mas, I bid you look into each others eyes. Will you honor and respect one another, and seek to never break that honor?"

Paige looked into eyes of the one who was home to her and with a determination, she replied with Ta'mas, "We will."

Paige's Gran gently looped the rope once over both their sets of hands. "And so the first binding is made." She said, joy and wisdom in her eyes as she continued the ancient formula that bound souls in their world. "Will you share each other’s pain and seek to ease it?"

With a small smile, emotion in his eyes, Ta'mas replied with Paige, "We will."

Paige's Gran gently looped the rope twice again over both their sets of hands. "And so the binding is made"

And the birds continued to sing in the distance as the sun shone, it felt as though the land itself seemed just a bit greener in support.

"Will you share the burdens of each so that your spirits may grow in this union?"

"We will."

As the words were spoken, Ta'mas thought about all they had been through together, and how, through the years, from the moment they met, even before becoming a couple, she had always been there for him in his time of need. He loved her more than anything, more than anyone.

Nini, as Paige called her, looped the rope for a third time over both their sets of hands. "And so the binding is made." She intoned before continuing. Her eyes were gentle as she looked at them, the future not just for their families but the ones to whom the stewardship of the galaxy will fall. Them and others who served. With the pleasure of a Elder well pleased with how things turned out, she continued, "Will you share each other’s laughter, and look for the brightness in life and the positive in each other?"

"We will"

Nini looped the rope for a fourth and final time over both their sets of hands. "And so the binding is made," She said as she tied a pretty bow with the two ends.

"Paige and Ta'mas, as your hands are bound together now, so your lives and spirits are joined in a union of love and trust. Above you are the stars and below you is the earth. Like the stars you love should be a constant source of light, and like the earth, a firm foundation from which to grow."

She gently laid her hands on each of their cheeks a gesture of tender love from a grandmother, then she leaned down to untie the rope and muttered, "Now where are my Great Grand Babies?" and winked as Paige blushed and whispered, "Nini!".

Boyishly smiling, and blushing too, Ta'mas kept his eyes only on Paige.

Izzy ended with, "May the Blessings of the Elements and the aspects they represent be with you both. We thank the elements for their blessings and wish them good journey," then saying to the two of them, "You may now stand."

To Be Continued...


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