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Starbase Senior Staff Meeting part 1

Posted on Thu Jul 12th, 2018 @ 9:19pm by Fleet Admiral Gregory Maddock & Rear Admiral Lucas Thorton & Captain Aleksander 'Sasha' Pavlenko & Captain Jayam "Jay" Vidod & Commander Ta'mas & Commander Jae-Hwa Kwan & Senior Captain Sharrina Blackstone & Commander Paige O'Halloran "Banshee" & Commander Kaelyth Solmarr & Commander Jessica Deloia & Lieutenant Commander Langleigh Townsend & Commander Christopher SilverShadowMoon & Lieutenant Commander Tiera sh'Dane
Edited on on Wed Sep 12th, 2018 @ 7:51pm

Mission: My Place In This Universe
Location: Main Briefing Room, Starbase Magellan
Timeline: 2388/08/19 0900 (August 19 2388 0900)

Kaelyth was one of those people who preferred to be early to something. He had found himself playing catch-up in these spaces when he had first arrived, not understanding the colloquial speech, not knowing the local humor or references, etc. Sometimes they still confused him, but he was far less behind the curve now. Still, he thought that early was better, not to impress his superiors but to give him time to observe and learn. It was for this reason that he arrived to the meeting five minutes before anyone else and stood frowning before the windows. Was he that early? He glanced at his wrist chrono and shrugged. The others should begin arriving soon.

Tiera stepped inside the briefing room a few minutes early. The Andorian woman had always had an obsession with being on time and the thought of being late for anything horrified her. Seeing just one other person occupying the room, she nodded politely and said "Hello Commander." before slipping into one of the seats at the table.

Kaelyth turned at the sound of the doors opening and noted the new arrival. At her greeting, he offered his normal, warm smile and a nod. "Greetings, Commander." he returned, moving from the window to take another of the chairs, one near enough to offer the local custom of the handshake but not near enough to make the lady uncomfortable. "I do not believe we have met. I am Kaelyth Solmarr, the new Chief of Operations." He held out a hand toward her as he spoke, gold-and-silver eyes speaking of the same warmth that was in his tone and the smile he had offered.

"Tiera sh'Dane, Chief of Communications." the Andorian took the hand and shook it confidently, "Pleased to meet you Commander."

Kaelyth returned the handshake then took his hand back politely. "Likewise, Commander." he offered. "Have you been here long?" Secretly, he hoped that he was not the only new person here, but outwardly, like the good Speaker he had been taught to be, he was the picture of calm and inviting warmth.

She shook her head. "No I haven't, just a few days. You?"

Kaelyth shook his head. "I believe Commander Iyvanna and I were two of the last people to arrive." he answered with a smile. In his own mind, that seemed somehow wrong given the speeds at which the Iytha Rhaen traveled, but it was less, he reflected, about the speed of his ship and more about the timetable on which he had received his orders. "It would seem fair to assume, then, that you have not had a chance to tour the starbase yet." he mused aloud. He was about to continue the conversation when others began to arrive, and so fell silent and watched.

Commander Paige O'Halloran sipped her coffee as she read a PADD, dodging others in the hall with ease born of long practice. She'd been here long enough to get a good handle on navigating the place though to be honest it was still a bit weird to have so much space. The station alone was pretty good sized and the surrounding areas on planet well, it would have been more odd if she'd not come from a home furlong. As it was she was still sometimes surprised at her luck.

Her deep red hair was tied back in a practical pony tail as dark blue eyes skimmed the PADD she was studying, putting it down only when she entered the room. "'ello then." She said in her Irish accented English and in a warm, honest smile before finding a seat. Automatically putting her back to a wall and picking a well positioned seat. She put the coffee cup on the table and waited, Ta'mas said he would meet her here. It could be a little crazy as schedules settled but they were getting it. As her Gran always said, "You make time for whats important".

Christopher ducked his head as he came into the conference room. An action to accommodate his 7'1 frame, so automatic he often did it when it wasn't even necessary, an endless source of amusement for his friends.

He gave a few polite nods before he grabbed the backless chair made for his species and switched it out with one next to Paige. Careful to avoid accidentally reading her padd, an occasional occurrence due to his height, and picked up her mug with his tail. Chris took a sniff, to confirm what he already knew, and wrinkled his nose in distaste, tips of his ears momentarily flicked back.

"Never could I understand how my Eska liked that. " While true, Chris enjoyed making disparaging remarks about coffee, especially to humans. They were entertainingly defensive about it.

Paige rolled her eyes good-naturedly, as she put down the PADD, "It's ok we like you despite your lack of good taste because we coffee drinkers are enlightened like that..." She joked, "Now give or deal with the consequences..." She gestured for him to return her cup, no real threat in her voice. He was a kind of brother and not even that annoying...well most of the time.

Chris looked at the mug and then her as if debating on whether or not he was going to keep it. He then did as humans did and shrugged, returning the mug to where it had sat orginally.

"Sanity I prefer, Mrs Tamas, over good taste." His eyes twinkling with the smirk that did not sit on his lips.

Paige smiled in part because of his reaction and partly because it made her want to smile whenever he referred to her as 'Mrs. Tamas'. "Sanity is overrated..." she said lightly as she picked up her coffee and took a satisfying drink before putting it back down.

"Perhaps" Chris replied, glancing at the door then around the table.

Ta'mas walked in, and headed straight for the replicator. A moment later he was placing a mug down and taking a seat next to Tiera, across from Christopher, taking in everyone there. "Good Morning." he said, and then smiled briefly at Paige.

Paige smiled back and lit up her eyes. She was a little disappointed he didn't sit closer but to be fair this was a staff meeting not an excuse to touch Ta'mas's leg or something. The smile faded into something more professional but the light still floated in the back of her eyes, "Mornin'" She replied evenly.

Kaelyth watched the others enter, observed the byplay between the Science Chief and the Security Chief with a touch of amusement, and then let his eyes trail Commander Ta'mas as he entered and situated himself. "Good morning." he offered in return.

Ta'mas' dark eyes went to him in recognition. "Commander Solmarr, I am Commander Ta'mas. I would like to get together with you after this meeting, if you are available."

Kaelyth nodded. "Of course, Commander." he agreed, wondering what was on the commander's mind. "Is everything all right, sir?"

"Everything is fine," Ta'mas smiled. "Considering we and our crews will be often working together, I think it is a good idea we get to know each other. And any expectations we may have."

Kaelyth nodded understanding. "I agree, and I am available to talk when the meeting is over, assuming that there is nothing in need of my immediate attention in the mission orders, Sir."

"Of course," Ta'mas replied with another smile. He took a swallow of his tea, and his eyes settling on Christopher and the little Graken peering through Christopher's dreads, lifted an eyebrow, catching Christopher's attention.

"Ta'mas my friend, this is Essfliseean." The Elliciean's ear tips flickered rapidly several times, the usual sign he was hearing something not generally audible to humans and species with similar hearing. Chris tilted his head slightly and with a mix of Elliciean and clicking noises he directed the Graken to come forward on to his shoulder. "Easier it is to call him Soul Friend, or just friend." Chris figured he'd explain the no gender thing later.

Obligingly, the mini dragon nearly slinked forward. His attention on Ta'mas as it slightly tilted its head back and forth sensing his empathic nature. Rising up to sit on his back legs, Soul Friend chirped questioningly at Ta'mas.

Chris chuckled softly, not wanting to interrupt the introduction. He wasn't surprised by the mini dragons reaction, having seen similar behavior when Friend was around Jaime or anyone like them; some more than others.

Ta'mas boyishly smiled at the mini dragon, lifting up his hand into the Vulcan Salute, "Live Long and Prosper, Soul Friend."

Friend chirped back at him in reply, before darting quickly back to the safety of Christopher's hair and warm neck.

Doctor Langleigh Townsend entered the briefing room briskly and nodded to those who met her eye. Not wanting to interrupt conversations in progress and taking a moment just to observe and get a sense of how the people around her were getting along, the [redheaded freckled] psychologist was happy to soak the room in for a moment.

Mission Specialist Aleksander Pavlenko, known as Sasha to those who knew him well enough, walked in, pausing in his tracks for only a moment as he took in everyone. "Good morning," he said with a slight Russian accent, finally settling his eyes on the Elliciean while taking a seat. "I heard you were back, Christopher," he continued, and furrowed his brow in mock seriousness, "So where have you been hiding?"

Chris gave a feline smile. "Ah, here and there. Time it was for a visit home." He glanced at Ta'mas then Paige before adding. "And seen a pair of lovebirds cooing vows, I did." He absentmindedly scratched the top of Soul Friend's head when the Graken shifted. Soon he'd be too big to hide among his dreads.

"Ahh," Sasha replied knowingly, laying his eyes on the newlyweds, and then raised both his eyebrows in a bit of surprise at the Graken as he looked back to Chris. Having heard the science chief would be having one and seeing it were two different things.

The doors parted again and Diplomat Jae-Hwa Kwan walked in with Jayam Vidod, the Chief of Flight Operations. Both men had been assigned there for several months, and were smiling, having just finished an amusing conversation.

"You never cease to amaze me, Jae," Jay laughed.

Ta'mas had froze mid-sip of his tea at the large Orion hybrid's entry. Then carefully placed his cup back on its saucer as his eyes followed him.

Jay noticed and gave him a nod, about to say something when the doors parted again.

Jess walked in and nodded to people she didn't know many yet as she had just been transferred to make up for the cmo here being unavailable.

The last to arrive, Greg Maddock walked in with the starbase's first officer, Rear Admiral Lucas Thorton. Sharrina Blackstone was only a step or two behind them, entering quietly behind Lucas and letting her gaze travel over those gathered as she crossed the room to the replicator for a raktajino and then took one of the few remaining seats.

"Sit down, gentlemen," Greg directed, heading towards the head of the table, to the officers still standing, and added as he took his own seat, "Let's get this meeting under way."

To be continued...


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